Chapter 11.3

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The Citizens Council was abuzz with speculation when she entered the meeting room. She had called this unscheduled meeting yesterday, after talking to Rayland, and had not issued an agenda.

Joara called the meeting to order and sat down, deferring to Sabrina. Sabrina glanced around the long table at them all; their faces were all turned toward her, expectant and anxious. As her gaze met Tassan's, he smiled a little, almost apologetically.

"Thank you all for coming," she said. "I am afraid this will have to be brief, but I have only one item to discuss with you, unless something urgent has come up?"

Everyone shook their heads. Sabrina knew they were too eager to hear what she had to say to bring up any subject that might postpone it. "Very well. You may recall from our last meeting that an economic task force was proposed. I have spoken with various Ministers, and they agree the idea has merit. They suggested that perhaps some of you might like to volunteer to be part of this task force; I know that General Zhahghai and Citizen Narendra have already done so."

The Council members looked at each other, then back at Sabrina, who continued. "Frankly I'd rather not do without any of you, but the initial mission will be a matter of weeks, so I think this Council's main purpose won't suffer too much. You are a perfect cross-section of Praxatillus; you know what we need and what we have to offer. I will support any of you who wish to join the task force, and I intend to give you free rein in choosing trading partners and making terms. But I must caution you, it may be dangerous. I don't think Homeworld will single you out as being of strategic importance to them, but there is always that chance."

She paused, and Joara said calmly, "It is far less of a risk than we ran battling the Xoentrols. I would very much like to go. It is vital to Bathir that we begin trading offworld again."

Sabrina nodded, and General Zhahghai said, "I, too, intend to go."

"Yes," Sabrina said. "The Minister of Economic Affairs and I have agreed that since you have extensive offworld experience, you should lead the task force."

"I am honored to accept," he replied.

"I would like to go as well," Naora Aorvin said. She was echoed by Brusasch Jorvst, Nyels Corban, Rualak Tahg, and Uriavan Ghestev.

"Excellent," Sabrina said. "You seven, then, will compose the task force. The Ministry of Economics will not be providing any personnel due to their current understaffing, but they will be happy to provide you with any data or other assistance you need. You will meet with the Minister of Economic Affairs a little later to discuss the form of the mission, and I hope to see you on your way in the next several days. If any of the rest of you change your minds, please let General Zhahghai know. Good luck to you." Sabrina rose. "This Council stands adjourned."

Everyone rose, bowed, and began filing from the room. Sabrina saw Tassan making his way toward her and glanced around for Darice, mindful of her promise to Rayland. Darice hadn't yet come in; the open door would have to do.

"Yes, Citizen Nikolar?" she said.

He looked uncomfortable. "I have to apologize for drawing you without your permission. It was a grave discourtesy, to say the least, and I am grateful to you for not making an issue of it with your father. I have searched in vain for a way to make reparation, and the only thing I could think of was to make you a gift of the drawing, with my assurance that I will ask your permission first next time."

He handed her a thick plastic casing. It was sealed, and she did not attempt to open it, though she was avidly curious to see the drawing. "Thank you," she said, with a little smile. "I do think you should stick to the roses for the time being. But sometime, if I ever do get time, I would like to see you paint my portrait, if you would like."

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