The Hunting trip that was not fun

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Chapter 9-
After Liam is welcomed, everyone goes back to what they were doing before Liam and I arrived. I still get hugs and welcoming smiles. Alec has filled everyone in on how and when I became mates with Liam, and Liam sticks by me, constantly. My mother pulls me away.

"Darling, now that you're home, wouldn't you like to get into something more... normal?" She asks me, "We managed to save some of your dresses, and some of the clothes for the boys. I'm sure we can find something for you and... Liam."

"Oh, I'm not sure Liam would approve of the things the boys wear. But I would love to change into something... normal." I smile, and prepare for the dress she has picked out for me. She leads me through one of the tunnels, to another room that leads from a door at the side of the tunnel. The room is quite small compared to the rooms once in the castle. The room is made up of a bed, wardrobe and some small drawers. The wardrobe is open, and hanging in it are five of my dresses, saved from the ashes of the fire.

Except lying on the bed is my favourite dress, I have only wore it once before, and I haven't seen it for years.

The dress itself is a baby blue colour, with puffed long sleeves made of tool

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The dress itself is a baby blue colour, with puffed long sleeves made of tool. It flows down to the floor, but it is not a ballgown. It flows gently down, with flowers embroidered down the skirt. Its the most beautiful dress i have ever seen, I think because it was my mothers. I walk slowly towards it and pick it up. In amazement, I turn to my mother who is closing the door behind her. She walks to me and helps me into the dress. I stand in utter amazement at the dress in front of the mirror whilst mother folds my clothes and places them on my bed. She grabs a brush and starts to brush my curly hair. My hair becomes longer with every stroke, and my brown curls become even more loose.

"You look beautiful, wait till' they see you. We are going hunting in an hour, I thought your mate would want to see you in a dress like this." She says, smiling at me in the mirror. There is a sudden look at the door and Alec pops his head into the room. Once he sees me, he walks in, closes the door and strides to me.

"Oh Cassia you look stunning." He says, kissing me cheek. I thank him as he turns to my mother.
"The horses are ready Shea, we are all waiting for you." He exclaims.

"Horses?" I ask, astonished.
"Yes dear, horses. We're going hunting in the forest; we thought you might miss horse riding." Yes, my mother is right, I do miss it, but I'm not going in this dress, well, maybe in this dress. Besides, I'm not eating tourists, Liam and I will go hunting together afterwards. I wander what my family will say about that. I decide to go out so the others can get ready. Tell Liam of the hunting trip, and inform him of the horses and my family of me being vegetarian. I wander out of the room, and down the tunnel to the main area. When I enter, all eyes come onto me. Liam is the most astonished, far he has never seen me in any of my dresses, except me in my cloak. He walks slowly to me, jaw still open and eyes still wide.
"Cassia, you look..." he's speechless, for the second time since I've known him.

"Thank you." I exclaim. He takes my hand and kisses it. Someone coughs from behind me and I turn to see Jane, Aunt Di, Aunt Dora and mother all ready for the trip. Jane wears a red dress, the same style of mine but with no sleeves. Didyme wears a sleeveless dress in a lighter red. Athenodora wears a forest green ball dress with short sleeves, and mother wears a blue dress with flowers. I embrace them with warm hugs and compliments. I turn back to Liam, take his hand and take him to one of the rooms, where Ihave asked mother to lay out some riding clothes out for him; leggings, top, blazer and boots. He laughs when I show him, and gets changed when he realises I'm serious.

I fix his blazer when he comes out and says he looks different in a sarcastic tone. He's getting used to the sarcasm now. Taking him once again by the hand, I lead him back to the main room, where all the rest of the boys are, in similar hunting gear. Carefully and quietly, we all make our way back to the surface; up the stairs, past the gate, and down the passage. Liam goes up first, signals that the coast is clear, and I make my way up to the burnt castle. Alec gives me a leg up and Liam catches me. He helps me rise to my feet and quickly kisses my cheek before he helps Alec up. The sun is out and, as everyone comes up from the hole, I wander to find the horses at the edge of the forest.

One of the horses I instantly remember. My childhood horse that my mother taught me to ride, we greet each other like old friends. However, we got interrupted by the rest of the family. Everyone greets their own horses, and since Liam doesn't have one, he shifts behind a tree as usual.

My family stairs weirdly when he does this, but soon catches on when a wolf appears in his place. I clamber onto my horse and tell him to stay close, he nods in reply. I ignore the apathy my family are showing towards my boyfriend. We ride for an hour before Dimitri sees some tourists ahead.

This is the time I have to reveal that I am now a vegetarian. This will be fun. Once they realise Liam and I are not following them to the tourists, they stop and look back, confused. I explain that Liam and I will hunt later, and that I don't eat people anymore.

Dimitri mouths "Bunny muncher" to me and I look at Jane for help. He suddenly falls of his horse in pain and I thank my sister with a smile. We say goodbye and me and Liam go and hunt together. He finds some deer quickly and we eat together, before it starts to rain. He changes back to human and lifts me up from the floor and picks me up bride- style and spins me round, already soaked.

In a matter of minutes, every inch of us is drenched. My hair goes to a black colour and my dress is soaked. He chases me around the forest and we laugh until our chests hurt. He finally catches in his arms and kisses me. We stay like that for a minute before deciding to head back to the castle. We are still laughing hand in hand as I lead the horse back to his home. I tie him up and Liam helps me back through the drain. We are still holding hands when we walk into the room where the girls have towels around their shoulders and the boys are sat on the benches. Liam gets me a towel and I start to feel warm again when I sit on his lap and he cradles me. Just at that moment, I remember I have to tell the Volturi about our encounter with the Romanians....
Hey guys, here we are a new chapter, sorry for the long wait but I hope you all enjoyed. This is the second to last chapter of this book, the final chapter will be coming this Friday.
As always I hope you all enjoyed and please make sure to vote and comment. Audios readers.

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