Meeting my mate, properly

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Chapter 4- 

Slowly opening my eyes, I feel a faint breeze against my face. My vision starts to come back, my hearing, smell, taste. The first thing I notice is that birds are singing and straight away I know I am not in Volterra anymore, birds rarely sing there. I whine as I sit up, every muscle in my body is aching. Someone is poking at a fire in front of me. I am not sure who it is, as I don't recognise them at all. I can see him clearly now. Messy blonde hair slightly covers a strong, serious face. Blue eyes watch over the fire he is tending to. His skin compliments his hair and some scars reveal what must have been some accidents from the pack. Yes, I know exactly who he is. My wolf, my grey wolf in human form is sitting right in front of me. When he hears the rustling of leaves underneath me as I wake up, he looks up from the fire and at me.

"Good morning sleepy head." He says, pretending to be funny. His gets up and sits opposite me. He holds out his hand, a smile on his face.

"I'm Liam, what's your name?" he asks. I look at his hand, then at him.

"Cassia." I reply, ignoring his hand I was supposed to shake. "Where am I?"

"I think we are in Florence, but I'm not sure." Liam replies, putting his hand down and returning to the fire.

"Right." I say as I get up, brush myself off, and put my cloak on. "Well, it was nice meeting you Liam, have a nice life." I begin to walk in the direction of home. But again, every step I take hurts. Reminding myself I have to stay with him. I really don't want to meet him right now, I'm not even sure he wants to meet me. Well, that's a nice way to meet your soul mate for the first time.

"Hey wait up, we can't go anywhere at the moment, it's still dark. We will set off tomorrow. Don't worry princess you'll get back to your kingdom." He says, catching up to me. I sigh and turn to look at him.

"Don't call me princess. And no- YOU are staying here and I am going home. There is no "we". And stop looking at me like that!"

"Sorry." He murmurs, looking away and scratching the back of his head. "But seriously, we have to stick together. You can't go out there alone, it could be dangerous." I raise my eyebrows at him.

"I can protect myself you know."

"Oh I know but all I'm saying is that you could use my help, I have pretty good instincts for your information. Your choice princess, go face danger out there, or stick with me and be safe. I mean, you can protect yourself right? We could make a pretty good team."

I debate the decision in my head, being in pain without him and probably never find my family? Or stay with my mate, get to know him and actually have a chance of getting back home? Liam is now pocking the fire again. I turn to face him.

"Fine. I'll stay with you on two conditions: one- stop calling me princess. Two- I don't need protecting so don't get in my way. Deal?" I state, holding my hand out to him. He takes it and shakes saying "Yes princess" as he does. I pick up the nearest stick and throw it at him.

"Okay Okay!" he shouts, chuckling.

"I told you to stop calling me that, wolf boy." I reply, seeing if he notices his new nickname.

"Wait- you know I'm a?" Liam asks.

"Of course! Who do you think it was who saved you from that fire?! I recognised you straight away." I can't help but smiling as I sit down next to him. Luckily, my brown hair acts like a curtain, covering my face. Honestly, I feel whole now I am with him. For the first time in a long time, I am happy.


A few hours later, it's dark again- I woke up in the late afternoon. Liam gets up from his perch on the log in front of the fire; I have moved to lean against a tree.

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