the Romanians now have a bigger friendship group

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Chapter 7- 

We walk through the streets of Florence before entering a car rental place. Wayne had rung up and put a car in his name for us, so it would be easy to access. I come in with Liam and the car chosen by Wayne is a bright red truck. We pick it up and, as I can't drive, Liam drives whilst I navigate. We stay on the motorway for about an hour, and I realise I don't know a lot about my mates life. What his childhood was like, what his back-story is.

"So, wolf boy. Tell me, what was your childhood like?" I ask him, folding the map away into my backpack.

"What do you want to know?" He replies, glancing over at me and smiling.

"Everything." I state, ready for what feels is going to be a long story.

"Well, I'm going to be honest with you. I grew up in a broken family in Seattle. I grew up with very strict parents that always fought. When I was nine, they got divorced and I went to live with my dad. He became drunk every day and even stricter. When I was about 14, I became a shifter and I went out running whenever I could to escape from... life. One night it got really serious and me and my dad started fighting so, that night when I was 15, I ran away. To Forks, where I met the Uley pack, where when they learnt my story, became my new family. They've stuck by me, been like brothers to me and that's all there really is to know. Oh and then I met a really pretty girl vampire who has fire powers!" he says, sarcastically. I go along with it;

"She must me pretty awesome, huh?" I ask, taking the map back out.

"Yeah she really is." He replies and we smile at each other for a moment until he realises he is driving. Half an hour passes of Liam dancing to music on the radio, and both of us laughing, but we were dancing even though we look ridiculous and we soon come to the junction. I tell him to turn off here and navigate him around the roundabout. We turn onto another motorway and begin travelling for about another hour. We laugh, dance, talk, and sing- the singing is mostly Liam whilst I laugh. I can now see why he is my mate. When the hour passes, and Volterra is only half an hour away, we stop at the services to get food and stretch our legs. Liam introduces me to some fast food, which is not as bad as it sounds. We grab some drinks and snacks for the road and head back out to the car.

We are nearly to the truck when Liam stops dead in his tracks and grabs my arm to stop me from walking any further. He goes pale and his eyes dart all over the place, as if he's searching for something. I call his name over and over and ask him what's wrong, but he doesn't listen, he carries on searching. I walk over to him and place my hand on his cheek; I say his name again and ask him what is wrong. That makes him look at me. He looks down upon me and leans into my hand still at his cheek. He suddenly finds what he is looking for.

"They're here." That is all he says before walking off, away from the car, and towards a field behind the services, I run after him.

"Liam, what's wrong. Liam. Liam talk to me please." I beg, he turns around to face me and reveals what he's been looking for.

"The Romanians, they're here, just in that field. They're looking for you, well, your family." He states. I am in utter shock.

"What? No... Romanians... that's impossible! What could they be doing here? Come on, show me where they are." I ask, this time he is chasing after me. He's not stopping me though, he's showing me. He drags us behind a bush and he peers through a hole already there, so they don't hear us. I go between his arms and look through. There they all are. Their faces are blocked by black capes, covering every inch of them. From the last time I saw them, their army has grown dramatically. It is still not as big as the Volturi at the field, but almost as big. Almost as big to take over...

I shake my head and lean back, Liam luckily catches me in my astonishment. We stay there for a while, in each other's arms, spying on the enemy. We can't hear them, but when they suddenly look our way, we get out of there and onto the car park.

"My family must not know about this, if they do, the Romanians would already be captured by now. We need to warn my family. I need to get home, NOW." I say, and quickly walk to the truck. In shock, Liam stumbles after me;

"Keys," I state, Liam throws them my way and I catch them. He's shocked I know how to drive. We clamber into the truck. He closes the door with a slam.

"What like, NOW?!" He cries. I look at him, almost laughing from his hand gestures.

"Oh come on wolf boy, it's time for you to meet my parents."

Here we are everyone, another chapter is up. I hope you all enjoyed and once again like always, make sure to vote and leave a comment down below. Adios fellow readers.

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