those stupid nomads ruin our trip

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Chapter 5-

Morning came, and sunlight streamed through the trees and onto my face. I could still smell Liam from the night before, when he had slept beside me in wolf form. I'm getting used to his disgusting smell. I prop myself up onto one elbow as my cape falls from around me and onto the floor; he must have put it around me when I had dozed off. I moan and I stretch my back as my eyesight becomes clearer and I can see Liam in human form leant against a tree opposite me.

"Morning Princess," he says, with a smirk. I know he's never going to stop calling me that, so I just go with it.

"Morning Wolf boy," I reply, getting up.

"You ready for breakfast?" He asks. I perk up when he says that and yes, I am so ready for breakfast. But then I remember no tourists today. Just then, the smell of "breakfast" blows past me. Deer. Of course, we are going hunting for his breakfast, not mine, and he knows I don't eat animal. I don't think I'll ever get used to my mate being a wolf. He goes behind a tree for a few minutes and comes out in wolf form. He looks at me all proud with his chin up, like I should be impressed. I just walk past him, and I look back to see a disappointed dog looking at me. I decide to have a little fun, whilst he can't talk.

"Sit," I say, putting my hands on my hips. Liam does not look happy. I continue, "Sit Liam." I'm trying to hide the smile coming onto my face. With a grumpy look on his face, he sits. I walk over to him.

"Good Boy!" I say, really enthusiastically, stroking his head. His tail starts to wag, and I really want to annoy him today, so I stop. "Come on, let's get this over with." I add, rising from my crouch position and walk off. He follows and trots in front, letting out a short sigh as he goes past me.

A few minutes after, Liam spots a deer and I have to hide behind a tree whilst he eats because it's disgusting and I might throw up. He changes back into human form and somehow, manages to convince me to taste some. It's not as bad as I thought. I tell him I could get used to it. I guess I'm a vegetarian now, my family will not be happy.

We start walking towards the town of Florence; the journey is quiet, until Liam breaks the silence.

"Tell me something about you. Like, your childhood, what were your parents like when you were small? I bet your father was scary." He states, I laugh when he says that.

"Yeah, he was pretty scary, but now not so much. I mean, yeah he can be intimidating, but I thought he was terrifying when I was little. I remember one day he was in court and I," I laugh at just the thought of the story. Liam gestures for me to go on. "I was 10 years old and my father was in court one day, and, as you can imagine, I was quite mischievous as a little girl. I got into so much trouble that day..."

4th August 1999

I remember this one time, back when I was ten, I think, and I was running through the corridors of home, with Dimitri one of the guards and one of my brothers, chasing after me. I was supposed to be doing my school, but I just wasn't feeling it that day, so instead I decided to run to the throne room, where I knew my mother, father, aunts and uncles, were holding court.

I found it hilarious at the time, Dimitri was trying to catch me as I cut corners and ran downstairs. I finally made it to the throne doors, and when Dimitri had finally caught to me, I could tell he realised what I was going to do, because his face dropped. I remember trying to mess with him because, he would try and take a step and my hand would only inch closer to the door.

Sadly, my fun was ruined, when my brother Alec came down the corridor and realised what I wanted to do. As soon as he saw me and Dimitri, he ran over in vampire speed, but I was quicker, and as soon as he started to move, I opened the doors with all my strength, that made him stop in his tracks.

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