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Chapter 1

Running as fast as I can, I sprint across an endless field. However fast I run, it seems the edge of the field just gets further and further away. I stop and turn back to look my chaser in the eye. The thing chasing me is my worst enemy- a shifter. I despise them, I especially do when they're in wolf form; I hate them with every bone in my body. But this wolf if different, he's white with grey tips. His eyes are chocolate brown that look welcoming and calm. He stops a few metres in front of me and we stare at each other for a few moments before the wolf lunges for me. That's when I wake up.

I sit bolt upright on the couch, awakening from my daydream nightmare. The same reoccurring dream has happened since a few weeks ago, when word got out that Edward Cullen and Bella Swan had a daughter. But I have to gather myself together. Today is the day we are meeting with the Cullens, today is the confrontation. I swing my legs over the edge of the sofa and onto the cold floor. For this special occasion my mother has picked out a long red dress and a black cape for me to wear. Black. My parent's favourite colour to dress me in, 'It's so you stay hidden' they say, like they are ashamed of me. I tell them that but they deny it, but I know that they are just trying to keep me safe. I get dressed and walk down the steps, down to the throne room, where all my family is waiting.

My father, Aro, is sitting on his throne, and he rises when I enter. My mother- Sulpicia- is standing next to Didyme, and Athenodora behind the thrones, my mother follows Aro towards me. Marcus, Demitri, Jane, Alec, Caius and Felix are spread out across the room. They all turn when I enter. My Father holds out his hand, I take it. He takes a few moments to read my thoughts. He opens his eyes.

"Cassia, the nightmare again," he says softly.

"Father it's nothing-" I reply, but he holds his hand up to stop me, and turns around to face the rest.

"It's time." He announces, and walks out of the door and outside. My mother puts her hands on my shoulders and leads me out behind everyone with Didyme and Athenodora beside us. We step outside, it is pitch black, but we will arrive there by morning in about an hour.

The sun begins to rise as we arrive and emerge out of the woods and onto the snow- covered field, thousands of us, I've never known the volturi to be so big. Bella is at the front with Edward and their daughter is in the middle. Surrounding them are more of their vampire friends and werewolves. Probably there to be witnesses, they all stand up straight as we approach.

"Hmm, I may get to use my gifts today, if they get too close." I think, looking to the carpet of snow at my feet. My gifts are fire, and healing. Father says I am emotionally and physically stronger as I have numerous powers. I have beaten my brothers in uncountable arm wrestles. But I have never been able to beat Jane... yet. She is at the front, just behind Aro with Marcus and Caius. The Cullens and their friends are standing perfectly still. About, 10? Wolves are behind them, each different. But one of them... at the back... he looks oddly familiar. He's standing, or should I say sitting at the back of the pack. His silver fur, chocolate brown eyes, there's just something about him.... then it hits me... he's the wolf from my dream. I don't feel angry... I feel something else... something I've never felt before...

Suddenly I feel an aching in my chest, pulling me towards him. I feel, depressed, sad, upset, pain that I am away from him. He's so far away yet somehow I would give anything to be standing right there with him. Emotions run through me. It clicks. I am mates with this... thing. I hate myself. How, out of all the people I could have been mates with, does fate choose mine to be a wolf? I take a step forward, and stop, even though my body is aching in pain to go over to him right now.

'We are in the middle of something extremely important here. You know father will hate it if you interrupted and someone saw you. Gather yourself together, this could put the whole family in danger.' My Brain tells me, meanwhile my body;

'What are you doing?! Go over to him! He's the love of your life! GO!" I am now in extreme pain from being away from my mate, I knew I would be as soon as I looked into his eyes. I haven't been paying attention as the confrontation is over. Renesmee has been accepted. But I don't care; all I care about is the grey wolf staring at me from the other side of the field. He is now alone, just by himself, staring. Before I know it, I am alone too. My family is walking and I can sense my parent's eyes on me as I just stand here. I have the strong urge to go up and meet my mate, but I know that it probably wouldn't be a good idea, since Caius is with my parents, on the border of the woods. I slowly turn around, holding back the pain that is pulsing though my body. With every step I take away from him, the more pain I feel. I need to be with him, somehow, I want to be with him, yet I am actually glad I am walking away from my wolf mate...
HI everyone, this is your three authors speaking and we hope you all enjoyed, this is our first book as a group so please be kind, make sure to leave a comment on what you thought of it and also make sure to vote as well. Adios Mi amigo's.

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