Volterra Castle is basically destroyed

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Chapter 8- 

It takes us half an hour to get to Volterra, with me shouting at Liam as he cannot work a map for some weird reason, but we get there in the end. Liam asks me all sorts of questions about meeting my family whilst I get us to Volterra castle. Crowds have started to gather as some celebration is going on in a few days, I don't keep track. We soon arrive, and I have to admit, I don't recognise my own home anymore.

"Why is there snow?" Liam asks, getting out of the truck.
"That's not snow," I reply, "it's ash." The fire has destroyed my home, made it unrecognisable. I see the skeleton of the castle in front of me, it's like an artist has painted it with charcoal, hiding its natural beauty. I start walking around my burnt home. Everything is gone. The library, throne room, even my bedroom. I lived here, loved here, as did my parents and the others before me. I watched my own home burn, just days ago, and now it is gone. My whole life, gone in a matter of minutes. However, one thing has survived; my dresses. I pick one up and hold it at arm's length. It reminds me of my mother, if she survived. I pray my family is alive, and also that Alec has not spilled my secret.

Tears flow down my cheeks, and Liam holds me as my childhood breaks down before me. As I keep walking, I come to one of the most important things in the castle; the drain to the underground city. In case of emergencies, my family would go down and hide, no one knows about it except me and my family. So there is a chance they could have survived. I pass the thrones, which are now a pile of wood and ash, and come to the drain at the back. Liam helps me lift it up and place it nearby.

I explain the tunnels underneath Volterra, and the underground city. This is the only place they could be. The tunnel is a well constructed passageway underneath the castle, and it comes out at a room, about the size of the throne room. It is the quickest and easiest way to safety when in emergencies.

Electricity provides light in the room and in the tunnel, but, knowing my family, they probably brought candles. The room is the centre, as other tunnels conjoin there. Each tunnel leads to a different place in Volterra. Tables, seating, beds and other rooms were provided when it was built, hundreds of years ago, as it occurred that at one point in history, they would be stuck in there for a little while, just like now.

"Maybe, you should stay here." I say to Liam, who nods his head in agreement. The hole in the ground is disguised as a drain pipe, but is wide enough to fit a person. I jump down and land on the stone floor. I start walking through the dark, damp tunnel until I reach huge metal gates. They creak as I go through, and I leave them open for Liam. Steps greet me on the other side of the gates and I clamber down them, until I reach a huge room, lit with candles and lights of all sorts. For a place you would think to be very dark, it is very light down here.

The only person in the room is my bonded sister Jane, who notices me right away when I come down. She is still in her black dress, as normal. She cries out my name and runs to hug me. We hug for a minute before she pulls back and shouts the rest of my family. My mother comes first, who welcomes me home with open arms and an embracing hug. But I forget something, and she notices my smell right away. She pulls me back at arm's length.

"Cassia, darling, are you alright?" She asks, worriedly.

"Yes I'm fine." I reply. Caius arrives and stops dead in his tracks, everyone does. And that's when I know, I still smell like Liam, so they're wondering why on earth I smell like a dog. Caius puts his 'I'm about to fight someone' face on as I hear Liam coming down. I roll my eyes and turn to greet him. I'm not surprised he's come down, he never listens to me. I look from my family, to him, and back again. 

"Liam," I say, "Come to me slowly." As usual, he doesn't. He walks to me casually and stands behind me. I try to keep a calm voice, to keep my family calm.

"Everyone, this is Liam. My... mate." I exclaim. They all make a sudden move forward and I put my hands out to stop them. I look to Alec for help. He comes forward.

"It's true." He tells them, "You cannot hurt him. He is her mate, and we should be happy for her," He turns to me, "Hey sis, I missed you."

"Missed you too." I say, pulling him into a hug. I introduce him to Liam and they shake hands. He then stands behind me. The room is now split onto two sides; I really hope my side gets more acceptances.
I see my Aunt Didyme at the back, and she smiles and walks confidently forward. Her blood red dress trailing on the floor behind her, she walks to me and gives me a hug. I smile and hug her back.

"Now, listen to me. Are you happy with this boy?" She asks me.

"Yes, very much," I reply confidently. I look at Liam and take his hand.

"Then that's all I need to hear," she strokes my cheek and smiles, then joins Alec behind me. My Father looks back to Marcus, who nods and says;

"Their bond is very strong. It cannot be broken." He states, walking to me and standing beside Alec. My Aunt Dora comes, winks at me and smirks whilst doing so, and stands alongside Didyme. I go red as I know exactly what my aunt is thinking. This just leaves Dimitri, who looks concerned, Felix, who also looks concerned, Caius, who is not budging in the slightest and my father, who is still unsure.

"Well, this is awkward, a vampire in love with a dog. Seems legit." Dimitri says, walking over to join us. I shake my head and smile, knowing these jokes won't stop. Ever. I turn my attention to Felix, and he walks over, as he keeps his gaze on Dimitri. He looks at me, confused at first, and then a smirk comes across his face. He stands in front of me.

"Well," He says, "I never expected this to happen. Your hatred for these dogs is much less than your Uncle's." He means Caius, who will probably never accept Liam. This just leaves Caius, Father and my mother. Aro holds out his hand silently, and I come towards him, taking his hand. He places his hand on top of mine. I look at my mother as if to say 'How long is this going to take?!' Finally, after a few minutes of silence and weird looks, my father steps back to... process what he has seen. (And yes he's seen that I have kissed Liam.)

"You could say you...err... spilled the tea. Now, tell me what in the world is going on in that head of yours that I don't know about." He states. "Spilled the tea" wow, I never thought I'd ever hear my father use that phrase but, there's a first time for everything.

"Father, I love him. There's nothing more I can say. I'm happy; can't you just be happy for me?" I ask. My mother steps forward and takes my hands in hers, her blue dress nearly catching on my boots.

"Darling, are you sure?" She asks, and I know she wants to be sure I am happy.

"Mother, a few days ago, I thought shifters were the worst creatures in the world. But now, he's changed my mind. I fell in love mother, I am in love. So I'm sure." I say. She takes my hand, smiling, and walks with me to the other side of the room. Surprisingly, my father follows. Caius is the only one left on the other side of the room.

"It's nine to one. You know I'm never going to approve Cassia," Caius states, he turns to my father. "Aro, is this dog welcome in our home?"

My father looks at Caius sternly, and then turns to me chin up. "If my daughter allows it, then yes," I am in shock of what he says next; he holds out his hand to Liam, and Liam takes it, and shakes "Welcome to the family."

I have to admit, I almost fainted. I guess it's official; my wolf mate has been accepted into the Volturi...

Here we are everyone, a new update and I must say this is definitely my favourite chapter so far, I absolutely love it, I hope you all enjoyed, and as always make sure to vote and comment. Adios readers. 

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