🖤💕 My Love For You Is Pain 2 💕🖤

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( Continuation of," My Love For You Is Pain ". )

No One's P.O.V

" First it was Akane then Maeda and Now it's Kanata who I Thought was Dead?! " Satsuki had said with a Somewhat Calm, Very Gentle, Very Surprised, and a Very Shocked Tone in her Voice along with a Small Hint of Fear / Disappointment in her Voice due to the Fact that Not to Long Ago is when Akane had been Revealed to be the Supposed "MasterMind" Only for Yuki Maeda aka Utsuro or what Akane Call's him by aka Master Utsuro then They had just Found Out that Kanata was also Helping those Two with the Whole Entire Killing Game Only for Kanata to Appear Out of Nowhere with a More "Cute" Outfit along with her having a Different Hairstyle with a Heel's which Satsuki Knew that Kanata would Never Wear Heel's at All due to the Fact that Kanata had Mentioned that she couldn't Walk in Heel's unless she had Lied to her about Not Being Able to Walk in Heel's.

" First it was Akane then Maeda and Now it's Kanata who I Thought was Dead?! " Satsuki had said with a Somewhat Calm, Very Gentle, Very Surprised, and a Very Shocked Tone in her Voice along with a Small Hint of Fear / Disappointment in her Voice d...

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( Kanata's Outfit )

( Kanata's Stocking's )

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( Kanata's Stocking's )

( Kanata's Heel's but Imagine that there Red )

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( Kanata's Heel's but Imagine that there Red )

( Kanata's Heel's but Imagine that there Red )

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( Kanata's Necklace )

( Kanata's Earring's )

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( Kanata's Earring's )

( Kanata's Hairstyle )

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( Kanata's Hairstyle )

Kanata had Stood with a Proud Smile on her Face along with her Holding a Duplicate of MonoKuma and EveryOne Else could Practically Tell that Kanata was to Far into Despair to even be Brought Back to Normal ever Again although Kanata had Stood Exactly Next to Utsuro's Right with Utsuro Patting Akane's Head then Satsuki had Noticed that Kanata's Hair that Used to be a Honey Blonde Now had a Light Fade in Pink in her Hair Only for Tsurugi to Finally Break the Silence. " WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS KANATA?! WE WERE ALL SUPPOSED TO BE FRIEND'S BEFORE THIS EVEN HAPPEND!!!! " Tsurgui had Snapped with a Very Strict, Very Serious, Very Raged, and a Very Disappointed Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Anger in his Voice due to the Fact that All of them were Friend's before They were Forced into the Killing Game All of a Sudden by Both Utsuro along with Akane Only for Akane to Look at Utsuro with a Questioning Look on her Face then Utsuro had just Nodded Back in Response to her Question and Akane had Stood Up with a Smile on her Face. " Kanata's Only Doing All of this just for a Certain SomeOne's Love~! " Akane had said with a Very Calm, Very Gentle, Very Excited, Very Happy, and a Very CheerFul Tone in her Voice along with a Small Hint of Joy in her Voice Only for EveryOne to Look at Akane with a Very Confused Look on their Face's then Akane had Looked Back at Utsuro with Another Questioning Look on her Face Only for Utsuro to Nod Back in Response to her Question and Akane had Looked at the Other Student's with a Bright Smile on her Face. " First of All, Kanata can't Talk due to her Being so Deep into Despair that she can't Snap Out of it at All! Second of All, Kanata Always had a Crush on you Satsuki since the Day you Two First Met though you and Haruhiko were Already Dating which had caused Kanata to Fall Deep into the Despair and I had Found her Deep into Despair so I had Brought Kanata to Master Utsuro along with Asking Kanata to Join us then Master Utsuro had Agreed to Let Kanata Join us~! " Akane had said with a Very Excited, Very Happy, and a Very CheerFul Tone in her Voice along with a Small Hint of Joy in her Voice Only for Satsuki to Blush due to the Fact that she had a Crush on Kanata and she didn't Know how to Tell Haruhiko that she had a Crush on Kanata Only for EveryOne to Hear the Self-Destruct Code to Go Off then the Remaining Student's had immediately Ran Out of the Building Only for Akane to Hand Kanata Over to Satsuki then Satsuki had Looked at Akane with a Very Confused Look on her Face. " Please, Take Care of Kanata for us.........She doesn't Deserve us nor does she Deserve to Die here with Master Utsuro and I.........." Akane had said with a Very Calm, Very Scared, Very Sad, and a Very Upset Tone in her Voice along with a Small Hint of Disappointment in her Voice along with Tear's Pouring Out of her Eye's Only for Satsuki to Smile at Akane with Tear's Pouring Out of her Eye's then Satsuki had Started to Run Out of the Building with Kanata in her Arm's and Satsuki had Met Up with the Other Remaining Student's who didn't Question of why Satsuki had Kanata at the Moment due to the Fact that the Building Next to them was Falling Apart Only for the Helicopter to Fly Away while They had Heard the Building Collapse Behind them and Satsuki had Looked at Kanata who still had the Duplicate of MonoKuma in her Arm's with the Despair still Deep into her Eye's though Satsuki had Promised HerSelf to Bring Kanata Back to Normal No Matter what the Cost.

( 870 Word's )

Note: I Might do a Third Part a_horny_disgrace! But, it Depend's........

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