💫 A New Problem 2 💫

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( Continuation Of," A New Problem " )

No One's P.O.V

" Kirai! " Meihemu had Yelled with a Very Upset, Very Shaky, and a Very Scared Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Fear in his Voice and Meihemu had been Looking for Kiraiame due to the Fact that the Both of them were Supposed to Meet with One Another at 2:30 PM Sharp to Chat with One Another about this Whole Entire Killing Game along with Information about the School that EveryOne had been Trapped inside of for Possibly the Rest of their Live's or Any Secret Room's inside of the School and Kiraiame had Never Showed Up to their Meeting at All then Meihemu had Knocked on Kiraiame's Door Only to be Met with Kiraiame who had Long Red Hair that had a PonyTail on the Left Side of his Head along with his Purple Eye's Now a Dull Color without Any Sparkle in them at All and Meihemu had Decided to just Close the Door along with Waiting OutSide his Room to Wait for Kiraiame then Kiraiame had Walked Out of his Room with Shorter Hair Like he had on the First Day of the Killing Game along with White and Purple Flower's Covering his Left Eye for Some Odd Reason that Meihemu didn't Know and the Both of them had Decided to Go to BreakFest Together yet Meihemu had Started Calling Kiraiame, Kirai, for Short due to the Fact that it's Easier to Pronounce his Name without having Any Problem at All then Kiraiame had been immediately Tackled onto the Tiled Ground by None Other than Korūdo Maeda, Ultimate Police Officer and the Ultimate Investigator, who had Looked Very Angry for Some Odd Reason Only for Meihemu to Realize that Korūdo had a Kitchen Knife in his Hand and he was about to Stab Kiraiame who had Looked Very Calm for Some Odd Reason that Meihemu didn't Know at All Only for Kiraiame's Expression to Change Very from unusually Calm into a Very Scared Look on his Face along with Screaming All of a Sudden then a Girl Around their Age with Dark Purple Hair and Dark Blue Eys's who Goes by the Name Livinnie Sareta, Ultimate Make-Up Professional and the Ultimate Model, had Held Korūdo Back to Prevent him from Possibly Killing or Hurting Kiraiame who was Now Panicking then Meihemu had Held Kiraiame Close to him until he had Finally Cooled Down yet it Turn's Out that Verena had a Arguement with Korūdo and he had Took Out a Knife from his Pocket to Stab Verena Only for Kiraiame along with Meihemu had Decided to Walk into the Situation then Kōrudo had immediately Decided to Change Target's for Some Odd Reason. " I'm Sorry about what just Happened to Kiraiame.......We'll Make Sure that it doesn't Happen Again! " Livinnie had said with a Very Calm, Very Apologizing, Very Scared, and a Very Upset Tone in her Voice along with a Small Hint of Fear / Worry for the Both of them including their Safety due to the Fact that None of them had Wanted a Murder to Happen at All along with the Fact that No One had Wanted Any Fight's to Break Out at All or even Attempted Murder in General due to the Fact that 2 Murder's along with 2 Execuetion's have Already Happened and They didn't Want AnyMore Murder's to Happen at All then Meihemu had Started Noticing that Kiraiame hadn't been Talking that Much at All for Some Odd Reason that Meihemu just couldn't Seem to UnderStand at All. " Utsuro........" Kiraiame had said with a Very Calm, Very Gentle, Very Strict, and a Very Serious Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Disappointment in his Voice for Some Odd Reason that Meihemu didn't UnderStand at All then the Both of them had immediately Stopped Walking Only for Meihemu to Stare Directly at Kiraiame with a Very Confused Look on his Face despite the Fact that Kiraiame who had just Stared Back at Meihemu for a Few Minute's with a Blank Stare Only for him to Look Away when he had Realized that he was Staring at Meihemu. " My Name is Utsuro, Ultimate Despair. I'm Practically Kiraiame's Spilt Personality from the Last Killing Game that he was in. " Kiraiame or just Utsuro Now had said with a Very Calm, Very Gentle, Very Strict, and a Very Serious Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Disappointment in his Voice for Some Odd Reason that Meihemu didn't UnderStand at All or had Any Knowledge of at All then Meihemu's Red Eye's had Widen from the Amount of Shock along with what Kiraiame or just Utsuro had Revealed to him for Some Odd Reason that he didn't Know at All and Meihemu was also Confused on why Utsuro had Told him All of this due to the Fact that Utsuro wouldn't Tell him this unless it's Important. " Are you the MasterMind?! " Meihemu had said with a Very Shocked, Very Scared, Very Worried, Very Shaky, and a Very Quiet Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Fear in Voice for Reason's that Utsuro HimSelf could UnderStand due to the Fact that he had Thought the Same Thing about SomeOne before from Another Place that he couldn't Remember then Utsuro had immediately Noticed that Meihemu had been Shaking from the Amount of Fear and Utsuro had immediately Knew that Meihemu had Thought he was the MasterMind and he would have to Calm him Down. " Yes and No, I was the MasterMind of the Last Killing Game but I can Assure you that I'm Not the MasterMind this Time.........." Utsuro had said with a Very Calm, Very Gentle, Very Strict, and a Very Serious Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Disappointment in his Voice for Some Odd Reason that Meihemu didn't Want to Question him about at All and Meihemu was Relieved that Kiraiame Kinoko or just Utsuro wasn't the MasterMind of this Killing Game despite the Fact that he had been the MasterMind in the Last Killing Game then Utsuro had Pulled Out Some Sort of Code that had just Appeared Out of Nowhere for Some Odd Reason that Meihemu didn't Want to Question Utsuro about at All Only for him to Start Pressing just a Few Button's on the Code then Utsuro had immediately Stopped what he was Doing Only to Start Running with Meihemu Running after Utsuro yet Meihemu had Stopped Running after Utsuro when he had Realized that the Both of them were Now OutSide of School that had Seemed to be Some Sort of Dome with a Lot Snow OutSide of the Dome along with the Fact that the School was in the Middle of School for Some Odd Reason that Meihemu didn't Want to Question Utsuro at All. " Shit......." Utsuro had said with a Very Calm, Very Gentle, Very Angry, Very Strict, Very Serious, and a Very Disappointed Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Fear in his Voice Only for Meihemu to Hug Utsuro who was Shocked from the Sudden Touch and Utsuro had Calmed Down just a Little Bit then Utsuro had Went to Sit Down a Bench with Meihemu Only to Pull Out a Computer along with Opening the Computer Only for a Girl with Brown Like Hair along with Brown Like Eye's to Appear and Meihemu didn't Know that Utsuro was Most Likely Going to Get Help for All of them.

( 1261 Word's )

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