💕 Obsession 💕

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Killing-Game Au

Note: Yamato has been in the Killing Game since the Beginning and Yuki has his Memories since the Beginning

( Summary: Yamato has Become Very Obsessed whenever Near Utsuro. )

No One's P.O.V

Yamato Never Knew what this Feeling was whenver he had been Around Utsuro and Yamato would Always Stare at Utsuro at Time's while he had Made Sure that the Other hadn't Notice him at All and Yamato could Always Make the Other Blush Easily just by Complimenting the Other or Flirt with the Other and Yamato would Feel Butterflies in his Stomach whenever the Other had Laughed or Smiled and Yamato had Felt HimSelf Becoming More Obsessed with Utsuro whenever They Hanged Out More to the Point where Yamato had Started Stalking him and Writing Utsuro's Routine in his NoteBook that MonoKuma had Given to them and Yamato has Thought of Kidnapping the Other except he's Never Done it at All due to the Fact that he had No Reason to until Akane had Found Out Only for her to Toe Yamato about how Some People were Getting Way to Close with Utsuro which despite Akane Being Obsessed Over Utsuro so Much All the Time, Akane Admit that she didn't Love Utsuro and that she was Only Wanting to be by his Side along with Saying that she would Help him Get Rid of AnyOne that is in Love with Utsuro and this had Caught Yamato by Surprise though it had Interested him and having Akane Help him would Make his Job a Lot Easier than before so They had Decided to Make a Truce that Akane would Help Yamato as Long as Yamato didn't Kill Hatano at All except ever since then the Two would Help EachOther and They would Give Information to the Other and Akane had Suggested to be Calm whenever he's Around Other's cause there is a Chance that SomeOne would Catch onto the Two of them which Akane had Added a Feature onto the MonoPad that would Allow the Two of them to Talk with One Another without having to Meet Up in Person and the Both of them had Stopped Meeting Up with One Another while They've been Using their MonoPad to Talk to the Other and Sometime's They would Talk to EachOther about ThemSelves and Akane had Given Yamato his Memories Back though Utsuro hasn't Noticed Anything Strange with the Two of them at All, Utsuro didn't Know about the Two of them Teaming with EachOther or the Fact that Yamato had a Crush on him at All along with Not Knowing that Yamato had Already Knew his actual Name at All and that he was the MasterMind Behind this Whole Entire Killing Game while Yamato had Tried his Best to be Calm Around Utsuro or the Other's except Yamato has had Time's where he's about to Slip Off his Mask and Reveal Everything to EveryOne including Utsuro though Yamato had Hid the Blood that had been Done by Rei on his Body along with Some Cut's and Some Bruises on his Body that Rei had Given to him with the Broken Left Arm due to the Fact that Akane had to Break his Arm for the Plan that Rei had Attacked him which she did Attack Yamato except she didn't Break his Left Arm though Akane and Yamato had Edited the Video to Make it Look Like Rei had Broken his Arm in a Attempt to Murder him. " Yuki~! " Yamato had Yelled with a Very CheerFul, Very Excited, and a Very Happy Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Stress / Fear in his Voice except that Utsuro had immediately Noticed the Stress along with the Fear that Yamato had been Putting on his Voice for Some Odd Reason that he didn't Know at All then the Blue Haired Boy had Hugged the Other who had Hugged Back while Mostly EveryOne had been Watching them except Some of them weren't in the Cafeteria yet and Utsuro had Grabbed Yamato's Left Arm then Yamato had immediately Let Go of the Hug with a Look of Shock along with Pain that was Obvious with his Right Hand Holding his Left Arm that been Stinging in Pain although EveryOne had been Confused on why Yamato had Reacted Strangely when Yuki had Held his Arm. " Yamato? What's Wrong? " Utsuro had Asked with a Very Confused, Very Worried, Very Scared, and a Very Upset Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Fear in his Voice except that Kanata had Got Off of her Chair to Check on Yamato who was Walking BackWard's in Fear for Some Odd Reason that No One Knew at All then Kanata had Pulled Yamato's Jacket by Accident to where it had Shown a Few Stab Wound's on his Right Arm along with a Lot BloodStain's on Certain Part's of his Jacket then EveryOne had immediately Looked at Yamato. " Y-Yamato? What Happened to you and how did this Happen to you?! " Tsurugi had said with a Very Surprised, Very Scared, and a Very Worried Tone in his Voice along with a Hint of Fear in his Tone despite that EveryOne was still in Shock that Yamato had Blood All Over him except that They had immediately Thought that Yamato Murdered SomeOne while Kanata had Brought Yamato Out of the Cafeteria to the Infirmary where she had Found the Other Wound's with his Broken Left Arm then Kanata had Entered the Cafeteria where Yuki had Asked if Yamato was Okay. " Well, this is Hard for me to Really Explain to All of you but Yamato has a Broken Left Arm, Lot's of Stab Wound's All Over his Body, there is a Lot of Cut's and Bruises Everywhere on his Body so he was Attacked by SomeOne and didn't Want to Tell Any of us at All cause he didn't Want AnyOne to Worry about him. " Kanata had Explained with a Very Serious, Somewhat Calm, Very Worried, Very Scared, Very Shaky, and a Very Upset Tone in her Voice along with a Hint of Fear in her Tone except that Utsuro had immediately Rushed Out of Cafeteria to Go to the Infirmary where Yamato had been Laying Down on the Infirmary Bed due to his Injuries then Utsuro had immediately Rushed Over to Yamato who had been Surprised by his Sudden Appearance which Yamato didn't except this to Happen at All and neither did Akane who had been Watching from the Camera. " M-Maeda?! " Yamato had said with a Very Surprised, Very Shaky, Very Scared, Very Worried, and a Very Shocked Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Fear in his Voice for Some Odd Reason that he didn't Know at All due to the Fact that Utsuro had immediately Hugged him Only for him to Start Crying on Yamato's Shoulder then Yamato had Hugged Utsuro while Trying to Calm him Down cause Yamato didn't except this to Happen at All although Utsuro wouldn't Stop Crying at All No Matter what he had Done to Calm him Down. " W-Why?! Why didn't y-you Tell me that you were H-Hurt by S-Someone?! " Utsuro had Yelled at Yamato with a Very Shaky, Very Scared, Very Worried, and a Very Upset Tone in his Voice along with a Huge Hint of Fear in his Voice except that Yamato had Continued to Allow Utsuro to Yell at him or Hit him along with Crying on him due to the Fact that he Knew that he would be Stuck there for Quite a Long Time then Yamato had immediately Knew that he had Needed to Comfort Utsuro despite him Wanting to Drop the Act Right then and there though Yamato had Continued to Hold Utsuro Tight.

( 1307 Word's )

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