💕 Jealousy 💕

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Contain's: Fluff

ReQuested: Yes□ No■

After Killing Game Au

Ship: Jealous! Syobai x Teruya

( Summary: Syobai Get's Jealous of Women and Men Getting Way to Touchy with Teruya. )

No One's P.O.V

Syobai had Felt HimSelf Getting Pulled by his BoyFriend, Teruya Otoori, who is the Ultimate Merchant and Teruya had Wanted to Get Syobai Out of the House Badly since Staying inside of the House for a Very Long Time wasn't Healthy for him at All and Syobai had still Refused to Leave then this had Led to the Point where Teruya had Smacked Syobai on the Top of his Head along with Threatening Syobai and Teruya had been Finally Able to Convince Syobai to Leave the House after a Long Time of Arguing at the House and the Both of them were at a Store for Groceries due to the Fact that Teruya had Needed to Make More Food for them for BreakFest along with Making Dinner for the Both of them. " Syobai, Let's Go! " Teruya had said with a Very Excited, Very Happy, Very Energetic, and a Very CheerFul Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Joy in his Voice and Teruya had been Dragging Syobai by his Wrist All Around the Store due to the Fact that Teruya had Suggested that Syobai should Leave the House More often instead of Staying inside the House All Day Long and Teruya had Suggested that They should Go Shopping Together then this had Made Syobai Refuse to Leave and Teruya had to Convince Syobai to Go Shopping with him until Syobai had Finally Decided to Let Teruya Win yet Both Syobai and Teruya have been Dating for Quite a Long Time Now ever since the Killing Game had Ended and Teruya had Confessed to Syobai First who was Shocked / Surprised at Teruya's Sudden Confession then it had Led to them Dating EachOther and Syobai had to Get Use to Teruya's Behavior along with Everything Else and Teruya was Quite Good about his Job which had caused a Lot of Women along with a Lot of Men to be All Over him Most of the Time and Syobai had Hated it when those Women were Getting Way to Touchy with Teruya including the Men to and Syobai was Quite Jealous about it All the Time despite him Not Showing it at All Toward's Teruya though Syobai and Teruya had Split Up in the Store to Collect Everything Quicker then Syobai had Waited for Teruya to Come Back until he had Noticed that Teruya hadn't Returned at All and he had Started Searching for Teruya Only to See a Few Men along with Women Trying to Kiss him while Teruya was Trying to Keep them Away from him. " Could All of you Please Stop?! I've Already Told All of you that I'm Trying to Get Back to My BoyFriend! " Teruya had said with a Very Exhausted and a Very Tired Tone in My Voice along with a Small Hint of Frustration in his Voice and They wouldn't Stop Getting All Over Teruya at All despite what Teruya had said about having a BoyFriend then Syobai had Felt his Anger Boiling a Lot More Worse than it usually and Syobai had Pushed the Men along with the Women Away from Teruya with a Very Angry Look on his Face and They had Ran Away from them with a Scared Look on their Face's then the Both of them had Paid for their Stuff while Syobai had Stayed Slient the Whole Entire Time when Teruya was Paying and the Both of them had Left to Go Back Home then Syobai had Sat Down on the Couch with a Somewhat Calm Look except you could still Tell that he was Angry / Jealous and Teruya had immediately Noticed the Jealousy that Syobai was Easily Showing so Teruya had Walked Over to Syobai and Teruya had Kissed Syobai's ForeHead yet he had Sat Next to Syobai with his Head on Syobai's Shoulder and Teruya had Closed his Eye's while his BoyFriend had Pulled him Closer as the Two of them Fell Asleep on the Couch with One Another without Letting Go of the Other.

( 702 Word's )

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