🖤💕 Is He Even Alive? 💕🖤

962 4 0

Contain's: Angst And Fluff

ReQuested: Yes□ No■

After Killing Game Au

Ship: Nikei x Yuki ( Yukei )

Note: Nikei didn't Die in Chapter 4 in this Au.

( Summary: Nikei Yomiuri, Iroha Nijue, Syobai Hashimoto, and Yoruko Kabuya were Able to Escape the Virtual Reality except that Mikado, Sora, and Utsuro were still in Virtual Reality where the Kisaragi Foundation along with Tsurugi Kinjo and Rei Mekaru had Monitored them for Some Time before Letting them Leave and None of the Four even Knew if Yuki Maeda had Returned to the Real World at All. The Four of them Now Live in their Own House's Near EachOther until One Day, Nikei Yomiuri had Gotten a Surprise Visit from SomeOne. )

No One's P.O.V

Nikei Yomiuri had been Sitting in his Living Room on his Couch at his Home and he was Writing Down his Scoop's for the New's Like he did Quite a Lot when he Used to be inside of the Virtual Reality World Created by Mikado HimSelf that was actually a Killing Game that was Suppose to be a PeaceFul Virtual Reality World that had been Made by the Kisaragi Foundation and Mikado had Injected a Virus into the Game where it would Turn the Game into a Killing Game and it wouldn't Allow the People that had been Killed to Come Back to Life Again then Nikei along with Iroha had been Apart of a Group Called Void in the Virtual Killing Game and All 5 Void Member's except for them had All Died and there were Some Survivor's that had Survived the Virtual Killing Game Luckily which the Survivor's that had Survived were Yoruko Kabuya, Syobai Hashimoto, Iroha Nijue, Him, and Possibly Yuki Maeda though Nikei had No Idea if the Lucky Student had been Alive at All in the First Place due to the Fact that Utsuro had Stole Yuki's Body from him and Sora who was actually Revealed to be Akane Taira who had Worked with Utsuro, had Given Yuki her Body before Mikado could Take her Body with the Heavenly Luck then All of the Remaining Survivor's had Returned to the Real World where Nikei had been the First One to Notice that Yuki wasn't Anywhere to be seen at All and Yuki had been Reported Missing for a Whole Entire Year Now but Sora had been Trapped in the Virtual Reality World where she was Forced to Stay with Utsuro along with Mikado there and Nikei had Started Wonder Quite a Lot about where the Lucky Student had Possibly Gone yet the Last Killing Game Survivor's were Tsurugi Kinjo, Teruya Otoori, and Rei Mekaru except for the Fact that Teruya is Dead Now then Tsurugi and Rei had Decided to Search for Yuki along with the Other Survivor's which Nikei had been Very Worried about the Lucky Student and Nikei had Heard his DoorBell Ring so he had Walked Over to his Door and Opened the Door Only for his Eye's to Widen in Shock as Yuki Maeda had been Standing infront of him with his Own Body instead of Sora's / Akane's. " Y-Yuki?! " Nikei had said with a Very Shocked and a Very Happy Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Fear in his Voice and Nikei couldn't Believe that Yuki Maeda was even Alive in the First Place even with his Own Body instead of Sora's Body then Nikei had Hugged the Lucky Student Tightly without ever Wanting to Let Go or Yuki and Yuki had Hugged Back with a Smile on his Face while Nikei had Tear's Pouring Out of his Eye's Non-Stop and Yuki had Wrapped his Arm's Around the Journalist's Shoulder's yet Sora had been Standing Behind Yuki just Watching the Two having their Moment and Nikei had Looked at Sora Only to Notice that Sora was Now in her Normal Body instead of her AI Body and Nikei had Invited the Two into his House which the Three of them had a Great Time except for the Fact that They'll have to Explain this to the Rest of the Survivor's including Tsurugi Kinjo and Rei Mekaru ThemSelves yet Sora or just Akane had Explained that she didn't Need to Give Yuki his Body since Yuki wasn't an AI at All and he was Able to Return to his Own Body while Sora / Akane was Able to Return to her Body cause she wasn't an AI at All either although Yuki and Akane were the First One's to Wake Up from the Virtual Reality so They had Left the Kisaragi Foundation before AnyOne could Spot them and They had Stayed with Yuki's Cousin for the Time Being until They had Returned to See EveryOne Again which Nikei was Shocked about what had Happened to them and the Three of them had Hugged EachOther except They All Knew that They couldn't Bring the Survivor's Back but Maybe there was a Way to be EveryOne Back.

( 830 Word's )

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