💕 You're A Idoit, Yamato 💕

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Non-Despair Au

Utsuro and Akane are Cousin's in this Au

( Summary: Yamato Walk's Home in the Rain and Get's Sick which Utsuro has to Take Care of him. )

No One's P.O.V

Utsuro Get's Annoyed when Yamato is Sick because he would have to Take Care of Yamato until he was Feeling Better and you Might be Wondering why he was Taking Care of Yamato in the First Place, well, Yamato's Parent's are Busy Overseas so They can't Take Care of Yamato at All as They had Only Left Yamato with Money to Buy Food along with Paying the Bill's until his Parent's Come Back and Utsuro is the Only One that Yamato is Close enough to Let him have a Spare Key to his House incase Something Happen's to him yet here Utsuro was Standing OutSide of Yamato's House on Saturday and Utsuro wasn't Happy at All since Yamato had Decided to be a Idoit and Walk Home without a Umbrella which had Led him to Being Sick and Utsuro had been Planning to Spend Time with Akane since she had Wanted to HangOut with him on the Weekend because They haven't Spent Time Together at All due to Being Cousin's but now Utsuro had to Cancel his Plan's with Akane to Take Care of Yamato as Utsuro had Opened the Door to Yamato's House while Closing the Door Behind him. " UP HERE UTSURO!! " Yamato had Yelled in a Very Excited Tone which Utsuro had been Annoyed since he Know's that Yelling will Hurt Yamato's Throat when he's Sick though the Messy Orange Haired Boy had Made his Way Upstair's to Yamato's BedRoom only to Find the Blue Haired Boy on the Bed with a Bright Smile on his Face as Utsuro had Sighed and Placed at Thermometer in his Mouth which Yamato's Temperature had been at 100.2 Degree's ( Idk ) and Utsuro had Placed the Blanket's Over the Blue Haired Boy which Yamato had Whined in Response. " I won't be Gone that Long, Idoit. I'm Making you Soup for Crying Out Loud........." Utsuro had said with a Very Annoyed Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Anger in his Voice though Yamato had just Stayed still until Utsuro had Came Back with the Soup as Utsuro had Sat Down and Tried to Get Yamato to Eat though Yamato had Refused to Eat which had Made Utsuro Annoyed since he Know's that Yamato won't Eat if he's Sick unless Utsuro Feed's him yet Utsuro had just Sighed in Annoyance while Wondering how he was able to Handle Yamato in the First Place then he had Held the Spoon infront Yamato's Mouth which Yamato had Put his Mouth on the Spoon and Ate the Soup but Utsuro had Found it Adorable whenever Yamato was Sick because Yamato would Always Make his Adorable Face when he Ate the Soup that Utsuro had Given him and Utsuro Feel's Like he's the Only One who would be Able to See Yamato Like this and he would Make Sure that No One would have Yamato at All as Yamato had Finshed the Soup which Utsuro had Placed the Bowl on the Dresser Near Yamato's Closet though Utsuro had Turned Around only to See Yamato Holding his Arm's Out to him Asking for Cuddle's and Utsuro had Chuckled at Yamato's Action then Utsuro had Got into the Bed with Yamato as the Blue Haired Boy had immediately Hugged Utsuro which had Made the Messy Orange Haired Boy Laugh a Little and Looked Down only to Find Yamato Asleep along with Finding HimSelf Falling Asleep as well yet Utsuro had Closed his Eye's with a Smile Forming on his Face as he had Managed to Say Something before Finally Allowing Sleep to Consume him. " You're A Idoit, Yamato........"

( 639 Word's )

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