💕 Stressed 💕

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After Killing Game Au

( Summary: Teruya Came Back from Work Stressed and Syobai Comfort's him. )

No One's P.O.V

Teruya and Syobai have been Living Together for the Past Year now as Teruya had Asked Syobai if They had Wanted to Live Together and Teruya Ended Up having to Convince Syobai to Move in Together and the Both of them had Learned More about the Other except it had Took Some Time to Get Closer with One Another and Syobai had Learned that Teruya would Easily Get Stressed if you Pushed him Enough and Syobai had to Learn Way's to Get Teruya to Calm Down although Most People didn't except it at All but Syobai had Confessed to Teruya First which he had Ended Up Getting Help from Setsuka, Iroha, Nikei, Yuki, and Hibiki cause Syobai wasn't the Best when it Came to Love and he didn't Know how to Confess so the Five had to Teach Syobai about Love and They had to Encourage Syobai to Confess to Teruya and Teruya had been Quite Surprised when Syobai had Confessed to him and Teruya had almost Fainted yet Teruya did Accept Syobai's Confession and Teruya had been Seriously Stressed Out from the Amount of Work he had while he was Selling Item's since there had been a Huge Crowd that Day and Teruya had been More Worn Out than usual yet his Boyfriend, Syobai, Knew Exactly what he had to do whenever Teruya had been Stressed while also Knowing how to Get Teruya to Calm Down or Get him to Relax Most of the Time though their would be Occasion's where Teruya couldn't Calm Down at All and Teruya would Get More Angry than usual along with Being More Distance from EveryOne Else except for Syobai and Teruya would still be Clingy to Syobai except when he's Stressed, Teruya Cling's onto Syobai even More than usual and Syobai has Gotten Use to Teruya Becoming More Clingy to him when he's Stressed and Syobai usually Let's Teruya do whatever he Want's cause he's Stress and he Need's to Release his Stress except Teruya's Stress would Go Out of the Line at Time's if he was Way to Stressed except Teruya had often Showed Sign's of what he had Needed to be Calm Down for Example, Teruya would Pull on Syobai's Sleeve when he Needed Cuddles or he would Lay his Head on Syobai's Chest to Let Syobai Know that he had Needed Comfort and Syobai had been Sitting on the Couch while he was Waiting for Teruya to Come Back since he had Nothing Else to do and Teruya usually had to Get Up at 6:00 in the Morning to Get to Work which his Job Start's at 6:30 Am and he would Come Back at 7:00 Pm so Syobai had a Lot of of Time to HimSelf and Syobai had Looked at the Clock Only to Notice that it was 6:50 Pm and Teruya would be Back in 5 Minute's then the Door had Slammed Open and Slammed Closed which Syobai had immediately Realized it was Teruya as Syobai had Looked at Teruya who had Went into their BedRoom and the Door had Slammed Behind him yet Syobai had immediately Knew that it was One of those Day's where Teruya's Stress would be Out of Line Again though Syobai had Got Off of the Couch and he had Walked to the BedRoom where Syobai had Found Teruya on the Bed Underneath the Blanket's and Syobai had Sat Down on the Bed Next to Teruya which Syobai had Felt his Sleeve Being Pulled by Teruya as Syobai immediately Knew that Teruya had Needed Cuddles and Syobai had Gotten Underneath the Blanket's where Teruya had immediately Pulled HimSelf into Syobai's Chest and it didn't Take Long for Teruya to Fall Asleep except Syobai was about to Fall Asleep until a Notification had Appeared on his Phone and he had Looked to See what it was Only to Find Out that Setsuka had been Texting him.


Setsuka: Hey! How's it Going?

Syobai: Are you actually Serious? I just Got Teruya to Sleep cause he was Way to Stressed!

Setsuka: Oop's, Nevermind! I'll Tell you Tomorrow!

Syobai: Alright.


" Put it Down........" Teruya had said with Very Tired and a Very Strict Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Anger in his Voice while he had Looked at Syobai with Anger and Rage in his Eye's then Syobai had Placed his Phone on the NightStand and Teruya had Started Cuddling with Syobai once Again yet Syobai had Looked at Teruya who was Already Fast Asleep and Syobai had Smiled at the Sleeping Teruya then Syobai had eventually Fallen Asleep.

( 797 Word's )

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