The second it made contact with his skin, he jumped back and squeaked. His eyes looked at me like I was trying to hurt him purposely, then he broke down in tears.

"I was being good!" He cried and dropped his toy to the ground so he could cover his face with his shaky hands. I moved closer to him, setting the cold pack down and hesitantly putting a hand in his back. He cried harder and harder no matter how much I rubbed his back, so I did what I've done so many times in my life before. I picked to small boy up on my lap.

"Too cold!" He cried and wrapped on arm around me, the other hand went straight to his mouth to suck his thumb. Normally that would really freak me out or make me question allot of things, but I knew he was just trying to comfort himself. Plus, he looked pretty cute doing it, even though he was my age and should have quite the habit long ago.

We both sat there in silence and I rocked back and forth with him in my arms, just the sound of his sniffles cutting the silence.  I leaned my head down and rested it on his. Somehow I thought the contact would make me understand what his reaction had to do with anything. I understand him to a certain extent, then I'm completely in the dark.

"No more cold?" He asked quietly after removing his thumb from him mouth. I moved my head back and saw the damage was already done from the slap as a bruse took its place. I just wanted to sooth the stinging, but Niall had different plans.

"No more cold." I confirmed and looked into his eyes. They were so innocent and child like I found it painful to think of people hurting him.

"Mummy puts cold on me when I'm bad. I don't like it." He whispered to me while looking at me like he was trying to figure if I was meaning to hurt him.

"Like the cold pack cold, or a different cold?" I asked him while rocking him back and forth. He was so small, it was easy to just hold him on my lap.

"Cold bath because I was being bed. I don't mean to, I don't! I'm sorry I was bad Zayn!" He whimpered out, a few tears falling down his face. I took the hand from under his legs and wiped them gently. He nuzzled into my hand and smiled at me sleepily.

"I'll be good. I'm sorry." He whispered and stuck his thumb into his mouth again.

"You weren't bad. I was helping your hurt spot feel better." I told him with a smile even though he pretty much just told me he mum used to abuse him. He didn't see it as that, but saw it as him misbehaving and receiving punishment for it. I kept a smile to show him I wasn't mad at him, which comforted him into taking his thumb out of his mouth.

He let out a little yawn and snuggled into me, letting his eyes droop shut. I guess his little attack had an effect on him.

"Nap time." He mumbled almost sounding drunk, but it made me smile at his cuteness. I moved back on the bed so my back was against the pillows and let my own eyes shut as the boy in my arms let out soothing breaths. I heard the door being opened and opened my eyes to see who it was. Liam was shutting the door behind him quietly and waved at me with a soft smile. He walked over to my bed and picked up the toy I fixed earlier and tucked it into Niall's hand that was resting on his chest.

"So you just met and your already sleeping together." Liam whispered to me as he kneeled beside my bed. I smiled and shook my head.

"You dirty bastered. He actually freaked out then fell asleep." I told him as I looked down at the boy in my arms.

"This is going to sound horrible, but do you know exactly how... 'special' he is?" I looked at Liam and nodded my head. Yes, I did know he isn't like us, and yes I did know he has problems but he's still a person. Part of me wants to know why I already care so strongly about him and I literally just talked to him today but the other part of me was saying to let things happen and give up my control. I chose neither and decided to just focus on learning to understand Niall and know his likes and dislikes. What makes him happy, sad or freaked out. I want to know it all, no matter how weird it seems.

"I do, but I don't care." I told Liam, making him smile at me and pat my shoulder. He went to lay on his bed and start reading a book, while I stayed comfortable with Niall in my arms. A small voice in my head was telling me this was the start of something I definitely wasn't ready for.

A/N: so it's Friday, meaning more updates!!! This book is going to start getting more into detail. I find it allot easier to get the story point across is Zayn's POV, do you mind? I'll throw some Niall in there soon I just need to get it going. Is that fine? Comment / Vote!
                                   - Bri;)

My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now