Chapter 24

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Layla POV

(A month later)

We have been staying at the club house the kids are in school now sense September I'm still working at the diner I keep asking Abel when we can go back to our house but he kind of changes the subject like he doesn't want us to leave. Which I love but the kids want there space and backyard back. I have to have a prospect his name is Kenny with me when I leave the compound I feel bad because he just sits there, watches the parking lot, and the customers me he could be doing something else.   

Abel has been acting a little distant with me lately that's another reason I want to go back to our house I don't want him to get tired of us or make him think he has to keep us there forever. Tonight I'm gonna tell him that tomorrow I want to go back to my house I hope we'll be ok. 

Breaking out of my thoughts I hear a customer "Layla can I get some more coffee and creamer Hun?"

"Yes frank" one of my regulars.

Its 3 hours later ready to go home, I clock out and say goodbye to Jeff and the other two waitress telling them I'll see them on Thursday. I walk out and see Kenny the prospect waiting on his bike I get in my car I follow him to the clubhouse. The kids are already here there playing in the room waiting to go to bed I put them all in bed. The kid's have been bathed ate dinner. 

I finally go to our room he isn't there I text him 

"When you get a chance can we talk in our room" I sent it and put phone on the bed side table.

 I get my clothes towel instantly I feel nauseous I'm gonna throw up  run to the bathroom I lock the door I puke in the toilet, I sit there in denial "it could be something I ate or stomach bug, no don't sound dumb you know what's wrong." "GOD what am I going to do? I just have to keep quiet for a little bit longer tell I find out for sure you'll be fine. Talk to Abel as soon as you find out for sure." 

 After I've calmed down I finally get up and go take a shower 30 minutes go by, I get out get dressed I walk out there he is sitting on the bed, as perfect as he always is I smile at him.

"Hi baby" I smile at him still "How was your day?" I walk in between his legs rubbing his shoulders. 

"It was pretty good I missed you though" he kisses me between my chest, I blush instantly. "what did you want to talk about?" He kisses up to my neck.

I pull away "I want to go back to my house I know you don't want us to baby but I miss our house" I rush out before I chicken out and don't tell him. 

He tenses in my arms thinking of what to say "Baby Bee I understand you want to go to your house we can go stay at the house if you want but, I want the 3 prospect in shifts at the house when I'm there or not" he said in stern voice. 

I smile in a big beaming smile, "Yay thank you thank you thank you" wrapping my arms around his neck. 

Sexual scene

"Your welcoming baby" he kisses my lips and kissing him deeper he pulls me in to his chest. I moan in to him.

I love the way he kisses me he makes me melt in to a puddle.

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