Chapter 1

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Y/n's pov

A large meteor like ki blast flew towards planet vegeta, however i had no intentions of dying. I looked deep inside my soul and felt a power resonate there, i unleashed it as time completely froze and a rift opened up. I leap through it and suddenly, i was in a different place. Seemingly ancient, to which i could only assume was the past.

I look on to see a giant piramide, where it goes to another realm. It says, "only for higher beings with authority..." Naturally i didn't care and would immediately go in, the gravity suddenly went up 100.000x the planets gravity. I made sure to balance my center of gravity and a familiar glow surrounded me, though it was incomplete. This allowed me to leap and walk, but not fly as the gravity was too much.

I'd walk on ahead and lots of traps went of with ki blasts and ki enforced arrows while under me, spikes came out here and there. I'd narrow my eye's and they're focused extremely tightly, every single trigger to a spikes release would get recognized immediately. Suddenly, 3 spikes where i stood went up but prior to that i'd casually walk to the front and then to the right side. Every arrow would get acknowledged equally as fast, anticipated on which direction it would come from. I already reacted to each and every arrow and know the exact way the next one would come and flip forward. I'd deflect ki blasts with one hand and with my other hand i'd try to catch the last weapon...a guided spear.

The spear would get launched at me, i turn around alined to the path of the spear and kept my hand where it would come to catch it and use the momentum to throw it back. However it was guided directly to my head, I recognized this the second it came towards me in a different direction so a back flip would be the right move and i waited for just that moment. And just like that, the spear bended upwards to my head. But the momentum of the flip was correct and i grabbed the spear and as the flip ends, i use that momentum to throw the spear into the entrance of the empty room. Where i'd start training, for what felt like 7+ years in there.
Until a guard came because he sensed strange energy signals.

He walked up to me and said "hold it right the-" but was cut off by my appearance it had red hair but it was dark red, and a scarlet fire like aura surrounds me. I had turned into the original super saiyan god, however there already was a saiyan with this kind of ki which is what the guard suddenly yelled out. "Uhm Yamoshi?! Is that u sir?" I acknowledge him and simply shook my head no, at that point he knew to inform the pharaoh which was Yamoshi. I began to meditate as they left

A few hours later which was a few seconds to them, they entered.
Yamoshi, "who are you?? And you have the same power as me...Explain yourself." I finished meditating, and then turned around to face him with a smirk. "I'm pretty sure that you can figure that one out, the same ki, seemingly identical blood and we both went through tortures and got zenkai's from both that and training relentlessly..." He looked closer as his eyes widen "you're from the future aren't you? And i do sense that we're almost the exact same...What's your name?" He questions expectedly, i already anticipated that question and answered "it's y/n...Great grandfather. And you, can you show yourself a bit more out of the dark? So that i can see you, great uncle."

The saiyan was impressed, while yamoshi got a little emotional. But the other one stepped out "so you're my future cousin?? Very amazing, i am Cumber the evil saiyan." He says with a smirk which i return "you see, i have lingered more towards my chaotic side, which i can only assume i have from the brother of my great grand father." He walks up to me and yamoshi, either of them asks for me to join them, and stuck their hand out. My instincts say Cumber, but my heart say's Yamoshi. I hugged Yamoshi "sorry old man, but my instincts are absolute. However i have a condition Cumber...We won't fight against Yamoshi!" He nods and i take his hand, we smile as we speed out of the room.

I look towards Cumber and ask "so what do we do now?" He turns to me and says "we're gonna train and spar together...Let's see where we stand." Cumber powers up to evil ss and i power up to my own ss. We stare each other down, and the battle begun. We were relatively evenly matched, however the ss forms were suppressions for me so i went and powered up to ssg. And decked him in the spine and kicked him to the ground.

Cumber pants and breathes heavily "man, you're good Kid! I haven't been this excited since forever...Time to go full power!" As he went and turned into an evil ss2 at full power.
I acknowledge it "that is a lot of power for a stage like that, good job...However i'll respond in kind!" I power up to chaotic ultra instinct sign or cui omen. Cumber, "?! That power, it's on a completely different level! So this is what the future will be like...Alright i've decided, i'm coming with you to the future after the spar." I nod and get into my stance and he does too. He powers up and tries to hit me at full speed, though it was all in vain as i see the next attacks come before they're even released during my dodging the current one's. I power up a little bit sweep his legs and twitch my hand, which sends 100 shockwaves. Which i follow up with a tap on the neck and he gets knocked out of ss2. "Not a bad effort, you pushed me to using my suppressed power instead of greatly suppressed!" He looks shocked "that was still suppressed and below any of your initial percent to gage it! Amazing." I nod as i power down, panting heavily "this power takes a lot out of me and is hard to access, but i can do it with the will to persevere!" We both smirk, as we trained more and lived together for an additional 200 thousand years in the temple i grabbed onto him and we went into the rift back to the future. But we would still age according to the real calendar, and 200 thousand years in the temple is about 28 years.

We go to this remote planet called planet yardrat and train there for another year on spiritual energy/ki and instant transmission towards the place where the most commotion and ki is. Which is earth, we make a large cabin to live in and i start meditating while Cumber starts hunting for food.

And that concludes chapter 1, hopefully i gave you a good first impression to the plot!

And as you can see, Cumber isn't nearly as evil as in the dbs heroes timeline. And won't be either. Because he got changed a bit due to his time with y/n, they're still more on the dark/chaotic side though. If you want y/n and cumber to develop more towards the good side (since this is a fanfic) please let me know.
Apologies if i made and grammatical mistakes that I didn't notice.
Thank you!
Words: 1200
Sincerely, legenDaryGuardian5

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