Telling the Others

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So seeing how I completely stranded away from the anime by giving spoilers on Kukui being the Mask Royal and Ash meeting Hau, I decided just to write and see how I go. I hope you all like this chapter, and I apologise if it's not very good. Anyway, Happy Pride Month, stay safe, happy and healthy and remember to be kind. Beware the fluffy moments in this chapter. Enjoy, hugs.

"So, when did you and your dad get back to Alola?" Gladion asked as he, Ash, Hau and Lycanroc started to make their way back to Professor Kukui's house, Dartrix gliding overhead.

"A few days ago," Hau grinned. "Dartrix and I were out training and exploring when we found you. I'm sorry again for interrupting you two."

"It's okay," Ash smiled. "So, how do you and Gladion know each other?"

"We've been friends since we were young," Gladion smiled. "We kind of bonded over Lillie and I losing Father and Hau losing his mother."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Ash said sympathetically. "I lost my dad when I was young too, so I understand."

"Thanks," Hau smiled.

"I didn't know you lost your father too," Gladion whispered.

"I don't often talk about him," Ash said. "It's okay."

"I'd like to know about him," Gladion said.

"I'd like to know about your father too," Ash smiled.

"Sorry to interrupt, but how did you two meet each other?" Hau asked. "And when did you two start dating?"

"We started dating on Tuesday," Gladion said. "But we properly became boyfriends today."

"Cool," Hau smiled. "So, how did you meet?"

"I first heard about Gladion because there were rumours about him," Ash smiled. "I met him properly when shopping with my Pikachu, Rotom Dex and Lycanroc. Lycanroc was still a Rockruff at the time. Gladion was having a battle against a Blastoise with his Lycanroc."

"You have a Lycanroc too?!" Hau cried in excitement. "Midday or Midnight form?"

"Midnight," Gladion answered.

"That is so cool!" Hau cried, his eyes sparkling. "Hey, what about Eevee? Has she evolved yet?"

"Umbreon," Gladion answered.

"So cool!" Hau grinned before he turned sheepish. "Sorry, you were telling me how you two met. Keep going. What happened next?"

"Well, earlier rumours were going around about a "Mysterious Lycanroc Trainer'," Ash explained. "He sounded amazing, and I really wanted to battle him. When Rotom pointed out there was a high chance that Gladion was the 'Mysterious Lycanroc Trainer', I begged Gladion for a battle. Then Lillie turned up and said that Gladion was her older brother."

"Lillie and Hobbes begged me to come home because I had been training away from home for six months, but I told them no before I started to leave," Gladion said. "Ash followed me and continued to beg me for a battle. I was planning on just amusing him until I noticed his Z-Ring."

"Hey, what do you mean by amusing?" Ash pouted.

"I thought you were just an eager trainer who wanted to battle the 'mysterious Lycanroc trainer' like everyone else who had approached me that day," Gladion explained with a smile. "Everyone just wanted the chance to beat Lycanroc. You were the first that wanted to battle me just for battling and learning. You were also the first person I had fun with when battling."

"Really?" Ash asked hopefully. "I thought you didn't like me."

"I wasn't used to you," Gladion smiled. "You were so excited and eager that I didn't know how to respond. You remind me of your Rockruff."

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