Thursday Part 5- May I be your first kiss?

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After leaving the gym (Clemont locking it up with an explanation that he had started locking it after the Zygarde incident), everyone pulled out their Pokéballs to return their Pokémon. However, all of Ash's Pokémon (bar Pikachu, who had taken his place on Ash's shoulder) refused and crowded around him, silently telling their trainer that they wanted to be around in case he had another panic attack. And once they decided what they wanted to do, the rest of the Pokémon followed suit, much to their trainer's surprise. But after Clemont informed the group that it would be okay for their Pokémon to walk around, the group followed Clemont and Bonnie to the artificial parks that were located just outside the city.

As they walked, Gladion looked at Ash, who was lagging behind the group with a dour look on his face. He sighed, moving until he was walking beside Ash.

"You okay?" he asked. Ash shrugged.

"Do you want to talk?"

This time, Ash shook his head. Gladion nodded.

"Okay, well, if you change your mind," he said, smiling as Ash hummed in acknowledgement. He was about to join his sister when he suddenly felt something grab the back of his hoodie, just near the small of his back. Surprised, he looked over his shoulder. It was Ash.

"Don't go," he whispered so softly that Gladion almost missed what he said. Gladion smiled, reaching back to take Ash's wrist and move it near his hip, just over his bag.

"Sure," he whispered back, giving Ash's fist a gentle pat. They two continued to walk silently, listening to their friends' chatter when Kukui suddenly looked over his shoulder. After smiling briefly at the boys, he looked at the group.

"Hey, Clemont, could you take everyone ahead?" he asked. "I just need to talk to Ash for a second."

"Sure," Clemont nodded before looking at the others. "Just a little further along this path and we'll reach the park."

As everyone followed Clemont along the path, Ash gave Gladion a side glance. He felt like such a child but he didn't want to let go of Gladion's hoodie. For some reason, it felt grounding to him.

"Can Gladion stay with me?" he asked quietly, feeling slightly foolish.

"Of course, he can," Kukui smiled.

"I'm not going anywhere," Gladion whispered into Ash's ear, making him smile. Kukui beamed at the sight of his foster son smiling before giving Ash a thoughtful look.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm okay," Ash admitted quietly, looking at his feet as he wrapped his arms around his chest. "Embarrassed and guilty but okay." Then he looked up with an uneasy look on his face. "How hard did I hit you?"

"You elbowed me in the stomach," Kukui said.

"Oh," Ash winced. "I'm really sorry I hurt you."

"It's okay, Ash," Kukui smiled, placing a hand on top of Ash's head. "You were in fight or flight mode because you were scared. But I'm fine, really. Do you remember anything yet? Before you were sick?"

"Um," Ash said as he closed his eyes. "I remember large arms holding me and they felt really warm. I also remember Gladion's voice." Then he opened his eyes and looked at Gladion with surprise. "I didn't know you spoke Kalosian."

Gladion blinked.

"My father is Kalosian by birth," he explained. "How did you know I was speaking Kalosian?"

"Clemont taught me a few words and you had a bit of an accent when talking," Ash shrugged. "What was that word mean? Soleil?"

Gladion blushed, not knowing what to say. Soleil. It meant 'sunshine' in Kalosian and it was a special nickname Gladion had given Ash in his head. Not even his Pokémon knew about it and he usually told them everything. He hadn't meant for that nickname to come out while he was comforting Ash earlier. It just did. Heck, he didn't even mean to create that nickname in the first place. It just came to him one time when he was thinking about how bright and energetic Ash was, like the sun, and how much he wanted to soak in that energy.

"Gladion?" Ash asked again.

"Um, I'll tell you later," he said quickly, feeling a little guilty as Ash pouted. "Do you remember anything else?"

As Ash bit his lip, Gladion gave a silent sigh. Good, he had managed to distract Ash. Now hopefully he might forget.

"Well, this might sound weird but as I was throwing up, I thought I heard Sophocles say 'is that the Mask Royal's Incineroar'," Ash said. "Was I hallucinating?"

"No Ash, you heard right," Kukui admitted sheepishly. "Incineroar was the one holding you while you were having your panic attack. I just reacted. I didn't want you to hurt yourself."

"So that means that you're the Mask Royal?" Ash confirmed.

"That's right," Kukui said sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head. "I'm sorry I kept it a secret from you. I just... never got around to telling you or Burnet and it never seemed like the right time to tell you both the truth. I'm sorry."

Ash looked at his foster dad, remembering the first time he and Torracat battled against the Mask Royal and Incineroar when Torracat was still a Litten and the tag battle at the Battle Royal Dome.

"So Torracat and I have a rivalry with you and Incineroar?" Ash asked.

"Yes, that's right," Kukui said. "Is that okay?"

Ash looked down at Torracat next to him, who nodded, before looking at Kukui smirking.

"Now I need to find a rival for Rowlet," Ash joked. Kukui and Gladion blinked in confusion as Pikachu cheered.

"I'm sorry?" Kukui asked.

"My Lycanroc has a rivalry with Gladion's," Ash smiled. "Pikachu has a rivalry with Tapu Koko and Torracat has a rivalry with Incineroar. Now I just need to find a rival for Rowlet."

Kukui blinked again before laughing while Gladion smirked.

"That makes sense," Kukui said as he pulled off Ash's hat to ruffle his hair before putting it back on his head. Ash smiled, preening a little under the affection. Gladion raised an eyebrow. So, Ash loved physical affection. Interesting.

"May I see Incineroar's Pokéball for a moment?" Ash asked. Frowning, Kukui nodded before pulling the Pokéball from his pocket and handing it to Ash. Ash smiled as he hugged the ball to his chest.

"Thank you for holding me while I was scared," he said before handing the Pokéball back. After Kukui placed it back into his pocket, Ash stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his professor's chest.

"Thank you for caring about me," Ash murmured, smiling as he felt the professor's arms over his back. "And I'm sorry again for hurting you."

"It's okay Ash," Kukui smiled, pressing a small kiss on top of Ash's head. "I'm in your corner."

"Would it be okay if you keep reminding me?" Ash asked, giving the man one last squeeze before releasing the hug.

"As many times as you need," Kukui promised.


Ash, Gladion and Kukui turned to see Bonnie in the distance, jumping up and down whilst waving her arms.

"Hurry up, Slowbros!" she cried. "We're almost there!"

"We're coming!" Ash called back as Pikachu jumped down to run. "Why don't you all run ahead?"

Giving Ash acknowledging grunts, the Pokémon ran towards the little blonde girl, with Kukui following close behind. Gladion was just about to follow when he was stopped by Ash tapping on his shoulder. He looked at Ash, who looked down shyly.

"Can I keep holding on?" he asked.

"To my hoodie?" Gladion confirmed as Ash nodded.

"As long as you need to," Gladion smiled. Ash smiled gratefully as he gently grabbed the cloth near Gladion's hip.

"Thanks," Ash said. "Sorry if it's weird. It just makes me feel-."

"Stable?" Gladion suggested. "Both mentally and physically?"

"Yeah," Ash nodded as they started to walk again. "Kind of stupid, isn't it?"

"Why is it stupid?"

"Holding onto a piece of clothing like I'm a child?" Ash stated. "I'm a teenager, not a child."

Gladion stopped walking to give Ash a funny look.

"You're also dealing with PTS and just had three panic attacks," Gladion pointed out. "So, if you need to hold onto my hoodie to help yourself feel grounded, then you do that. There's nothing stupid about it, okay?"

Ash gave Gladion a look that said he didn't believe him, only to be quickly levelled by a look from Gladion that clearly said "you know I'm right." Ash sighed, folding his arms around his chest as he admitted defeat. Gladion smirked briefly before looking concerned at Ash's sad face.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"I still can't believe I freaked out like that," Ash admitted, avoiding Gladion's eyes. "Three times. That's never happened before and...," Ash sighed. "I just feel really embarrassed."

"You don't need to feel embarrassed," Gladion smiled, placing his hands on Ash's shoulders. "You were hurt and scared and your brain was trying to protect you. It's normal to act the way you did. Besides, how many times did you see Lillie scream and cry whenever a Pokémon touched her or saw me shake whenever I saw an Ultra Beast? Remember when I first met Hoopa? Remember how scared I was? You don't need to feel embarrassed about being scared, Ash."

Ash nodded as he smiled at Gladion's words.

"You know what Lillie said to me after the first time I met you?" Ash said. Gladion shrugged.

"She said "my Gladion is so sweet"," Ash repeated softly, smiling at the memory. ""My brother has always been very gentle and kind". And she's right. You are sweet and gentle and kind."

Despite feeling his cheeks turn red at the compliment, Gladion felt his stomach fill with excited Butterfree when he heard the words "my Gladion" come from Ash's mouth.

Say that again, he thought happily. Call me your Gladion again. Because I want you to be my Ash.

"Thank you, Ash. I think you're very sweet too," Gladion chose to say instead, smiling as Ash looked down shyly before looking at Gladion again. As he did, one of Gladion's hands slowly left Ash's shoulder and crept up his neck until he was cupping Ash's jaw. Unable to stop himself, Ash closed his eyes briefly, rubbing his face into Gladion's hand before looking at him again. As they gazed at each other, they half wondered if the world around them had disappeared and if they were the only two humans left in the universe.

"Gladion?" Ash whispered.

"Yes?" Gladion said hopefully.


"Hurry up!" Bonnie yelled, making the two jump and Gladion's hands drop. Ash chuckled bashfully.

"We should probably-," he started to say, gesturing towards Bonnie.

"Yeah," Gladion nodded. The two quickly jogged towards the group, reaching them within minutes.

"Everything okay?" Clemont asked. Ash nodded.

"Everything's okay," he confirmed. Clemont smiled.

"That's good," he said. "Anyway, everyone, welcome to one of the artificial forests the gym leaders and I have made."

Ash inhaled as he looked around. The space was open and wide and there were flowers, berry bushes and trees of all different sizes being planted by both people and Pokémon. There was also a large lake sheltered by a giant oak tree and there was a path that seemed to lead into a forest. And everywhere, there were wild Pokémon doing everything from playing to sleeping. It was one of the most beautiful places Ash had ever seen. Slowly, Ash took a few steps forward before closing his eyes and inhaling, taking in the sweet scent of trees, berries, flowers and water. Humming appreciatively, Ash opened his eyes and looked at Clemont.

"It's beautiful," Ash breathed. Clemont nodded.

"I thought you'd like it," Clemont smiled. "Oh, look what's coming over."

Everyone gasped in delight as a group of Pokémon looked at them before happily running the group, excited to meet someone new.

"So cute!" Lillie squealed, as one of them started licking her hands. "What are they?"

"Skiddo, the Mount Pokémon," Rotom explained after taking some pictures. "A grass type. Because of their mild temper, they're thought to be one of the first Pokémon to live in harmony with people. And that Pokémon... it's a Gogoat. The Mount Pokémon. A grass type and the evolved form of Skiddo. Gogoat can sense its trainer's feelings by detecting changes based on the trainer's grip on its horns. This allows both trainer and Pokémon to move together as one."

"Are Skiddo and Gogoat Ride Pokémon in the Kalos region?" Mallow asked excitedly as she reached out her hand, squealing in delight as a Skiddo started nuzzling her.

"What's a Ride Pokémon?" Bonnie asked.

"In Alola, people travel around or perform different tasks using Pokémon," Kukui explained to the little girl. "We have Land Ride Pokémon for land tasks, Air Ride Pokémon for air travel between the islands and Water Ride Pokémon for being on the water. That's why Mallow asked if Skiddo and Gogoat are Ride Pokémon."

"Cool," Bonnie beamed.

"No, we don't have Ride Pokémon in the Kalos region," Clemont explained. "We use cars and bikes. Although, we did lots of walking and running when travelling with Ash. Anyway, Skiddo provides milk for dairy products as well as teaches people to ride for Rhyhorn racing. Gogoat can be used for riding and travelling in the mountains but they're not Ride Pokémon."

"I think they'd be perfect as Ride Pokémon," Kiawe said thoughtfully as a shy Skiddo started nuzzling his thigh. "Mimo always wants a Pokémon to ride around the farm. This Skiddo would be perfect for her. Do you guys think I should catch her one? Would I be allowed to take it back to Akala?"

"I think it would be a good idea," Ash smiled. "But maybe there's a way we can make sure."

"How so?" Kiawe asked.

"Why don't we ask Professor Sycamore?" Ash said. "Clemont, is he close by?"

"I believe he should be in his lab right now," Clemont said. "I can go and fetch him if you want."

"That would be good," Ash smiled. "And it would be nice to see him again."

"Okay," Clemont nodded. "His lab's not far so I'll go fetch him. Why don't you all pick a spot for us to have tea?"

"Right," everyone said. As Clemont walked away, everyone started to pat the Skiddo and the Gogoat. As he patted a Gogoat, Gladion's mind started to drift back to what he had seen on Clemont's invention.

How about the one you love?

Was it really true? Did Ash really love him? Gladion looked at Ash, who was kneeling next to a Skiddo, his face buried into the soft fur.

Oh, Ash, he thought as he ran his hands over Gogoat's horns. Are you really in love with me?

Ash lifted his face from Skiddo's fur before looking at Gladion, giving him a soft smile. Gladion smiled back.

I love you so much Ash, he thought. I want to tell you that I love you and I want to keep you safe so much. But I'll tell you later when you're not feeling so vulnerable.

As Gogoat felt Gladion's feelings through its horns, it stepped back and moved behind Gladion, gently nudging Gladion's back.

"Is something wrong?" Gladion asked in confusion.

"Gogoat," Gogoat said as it continued pushing, forcing Gladion to walk towards Ash.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Gladion yelped. Gogoat gave Gladion one more shove, causing him to trip and fall on top of Ash.

"Ow," Ash groaned as he laid on his back with Gladion on his chest.

"Sorry," Gladion winced, pushing himself up. "Are you...."

Gladion's voice trailed off as he noticed the position he was in. His knees were astride Ash's thighs and his hands were braced against the ground near Ash's stomach. Blinking Gladion slowly felt his face grow hot as he looked at Ash, who was staring at him with wide eyes and red cheeks. Then, slowly, Ash's tongue darted out, licking his top lip, then bottom lip before pulling it in between his teeth. Gladion gulped.

Please don't do that, Gladion begged in his head. I don't think I could stop myself from kissing you if you keep doing that.

"Are you two going to stay like that all day or are you going to move?" Lana asked cheekily while Lillie, Mallow and Bonnie giggled. "Because we don't mind either way."

Ash's and Gladion's faces turned bright red as Gladion quickly scrambled off Ash before holding out his hand. Ash took it gratefully and allowed Ash to pull him to his feet. Once Ash was standing again, Gogoat started pushing Gladion into Ash again.

"Why is Gogoat pushing you into me?" Ash asked, catching Gladion as he tripped.

"No idea," Gladion said quickly as he straightened himself again. But once again, Gogoat pushed Gladion into Ash's arms again. Now, Gladion's face was bright red from anger and embarrassment.

Arceus, I hate being so pale! He complained internally, glaring at the mountain goat Pokémon, who glared back. He sighed as Ash's eyes flickered between the two. Then his eyes widened.

"Is there something you want to talk to me about?" he asked.

"No, it's not important," Gladion said quickly, sending another glare over his shoulder at Gogoat, who had nudged him again.

"Actually, maybe you two should go and talk to each other," Lillie suggested. "I think you two have a lot to talk about."

Ash and Gladion looked at Lillie and then at each other before looking away shyly.

"Um," the two boys said bashfully.

"Go," Mallow encouraged. "We'll send Bonnie to find you when the picnic is ready."

Ash bit his lip and looked at Kukui and Burnet, who both nodded kindly. Then he looked at Gladion.

"You cool with that?" he asked. Gladion shrugged.

"Okay then," Ash sighed. "Let's go talk in the forest."

"Pika, pika," Pikachu said as he walked over to Ash.

"It's okay, buddy," Ash smiled, kneeling to pat Pikachu. "You stay here with everyone. Have fun."

"Pikachu," Pikachu shook his head, concern all over his face. Gladion smiled and knelt too.

"I won't let anything happen to him," Gladion promised. Pikachu studied Gladion for a minute before nodding, accepting that Gladion would keep his best friend safe.

"Okay," Ash smiled as he and Gladion stood up. "We won't go far. And if you get worried, just send Lycanroc along with Bonnie to find us."

Everyone nodded as they watched Ash and Gladion walk towards the path that led to the forest.

"Ooh, I want to know so badly what they're going to talk about," Sophocles whined.

"Don't worry, I'll wiggle it out of Gladion later," Lillie smiled. "He can't keep secrets from me."


Silently, Ash and Gladion walked along the path, walking deeper into the forest to find a place where so they could talk privately. Eventually, they reached a section with a large tree surrounded by some daisies.

"Let's stop here," Ash suggested. Gladion nodded, watching as Ash walked over to the tree before leaning against it, eyeing Gladion wearily.

"So why was Gogoat pushing you into me?" he asked.

"No reason," Gladion said quickly. "It was probably being cheeky."

"Gladion, I know you're lying," Ash said resignedly. "You talk too quickly. Lillie does the same thing. Besides, I know Gogoat. They are way too stoic to be cheeky and I saw you touch its horn."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Gladion asked, feeling embarrassed that Ash had called him out on his small fib.

"It was reading your feelings," Ash explained. "And Gogoat sometimes try to help people with their feelings. So what were you feeling so strongly that Gogoat decided to push you into me?"

Gladion sighed.

Guess I don't have a choice. He thought. Please don't hate me for being so forward.

"I was thinking about your nightmare," Gladion admitted. "And how much I wanted to talk to you. But I didn't want to put any pressure on you to talk to me. You were upset and I didn't want you to think I was taking advantage of you or something."

Ash blinked and looked down, his hat covering his eyes.

"It's okay," he said quietly. "You're not taking advantage of me."

"Okay, then," Gladion nodded, moving closer until he was a couple of feet away from Ash. "Will you look at me?"

Ash bit his lip, still looking down.

"Ash please," Gladion said in a soft voice, hoping he wouldn't scare Ash away. "Please look at me."

Ash took a shuddering breath and looked at Gladion. Gladion gave a gentle smile, causing Ash to relax a little and smile back.

"Ash," Gladion said gently. "In your nightmare, that man said "the one you love" and pulled me to the edge. Is that true? Do you love me?"

"This isn't how I wanted to tell you," Ash sighed, looking down again.

"How did you want to tell me?" Gladion asked.

"If I won this bet," Ash admitted, still not looking at Gladion. "I was going to tell you how I feel about you."

"You were?" Gladion asked hopefully.

Ash nodded, standing up straight as he folded his arms around his torso.

"I guess I started having feelings for you since Ten Carat Hills," Ash admitted shyly. "But I didn't understand it. And then, when you left to train after the whole Nihilego thing, it felt like something was missing from me. Everyone helped me realise that I was in love with you. But I care about you and your sister so much. I didn't want to ruin what we had by telling you about my feelings. So, when this bet happened, I guess I got a little selfish. So yes Gladion, I'm in love with you."

As Ash spoke, Gladion felt like he could soar. This ray of sunshine that he had fallen hard for was saying that he loved him too. Him. He couldn't believe it. Beaming, Gladion stepped closer, reaching out to place his knuckles under Ash's chin. Then, slowly, he pushed against Ash's chin to make him look up. As he did, Gladion took off Ash's hat before dropping it on the grass.

"G-Gladion?" Ash stuttered. His heart was racing. What was Gladion doing?

"What if I told you that I've been in love with you since you chased me and Lillie to the Alter of the Sunne and said you were there to help us rescue my mother?" Gladion smiled, his hand slowly twisting so it was cupping Ash's jawline.

"What?" Ash exhaled, his stomach fluttering.

"And if I won the bet, I was going to kiss you?" Gladion continued.

"You were?" Ash asked hopefully.

"I want to kiss you, Ash," Gladion sighed, brushing his thumb across Ash's bottom lip. "I've wanted to for so long. And this week." Gladion sighed again, shaking his head before looking at Ash longingly. "Please, may I be your first kiss?"

"You remember?" Ash smiled.

"It's all I've been thinking about since you told me yesterday," Gladion admitted.

Ash stared at Gladion before licking his lips, top then bottom. Gladion gave a soft moan.

"Ash," he sighed. "Don't tease me."

"Sorry," Ash whispered, placing his hand on top of Gladion's. "Do you think someone's going to interrupt us again?"

"I hope not," Gladion growled before smiling at Ash. "But you know what? I don't care anymore. I just want you."

Ash smiled, reaching for Gladion's other hand and pulling it to his chest.

"I want you too," he said softly. "I want you to be my first kiss, Gladion."

Gladion smiled, tilting Ash's head up a little before leaning down. As he did, Ash's eyes flickered between Gladion's eyes and his lips a little before closing in time to feel Gladion gently touching Ash's lips with his. They felt so warm and soft. Slowly, as their lips moved against each other, Ash's hands left Gladion's to wrap around his back, pulling closer whilst Gladion moved his hands to cradle the back of Ash's head, threading his fingers through the black locks. In the back of his mind, Ash wondered if this is what his mother meant by a first kiss being special.

Then, as naturally as it began, the kiss naturally ended. Slowly, Gladion pulled away but still lingered close enough that Ash could feel Gladion's breath against his lips. Slowly, Ash opened his eyes. Gladion's eyes were shining, full of hope and love.

"H-how was that?" Gladion whispered.

"Perfect," Ash whispered back, moving his hand to brush at Gladion's bangs. Gladion smiled, twisting a tendril of hair around his pointer finger. He sighed.

"Your hair is as soft as I imagined," Gladion murmured, smiling as he watched Ash's cheeks colour.

"Kiss me again?" Ash asked hopefully, brushing his nose against Gladion's.

Gladion smiled before tilting his head to kiss Ash again. Ash hummed in appreciation before squeaking as he felt Gladion gently nip his bottom lip. Gladion quickly pulled back.

"Sorry," he winced. "Did I hurt you?"

"No, you... you just surprised me," Ash smiled, cupping Gladion's cheek. "Again?"

Gladion kissed him again, this time giving Ash's bottom lip a small lick instead of a soft bite. Ash moaned, opening his mouth a little to allow Gladion to place his tongue inside. Then something changed. It felt like the moment their tongues touched, a fire ignited between them. Unlike their first kiss, which was sweet and tender, this kiss was different. It was deep and passionate and it sent shivers down both of their spines. All the longing and frustration of their almost kisses the two had experienced over the week poured into the kiss as they ran their hands over each other. Ash felt like his body was on fire. Everywhere Gladion touched him seemed to scorch. His cheeks, his neck, his back, his hips. It burned so much and it felt so good.

Please don't let me go, Ash begged in his mind, wrapping his arms around Gladion's neck. Just hold me, kiss me, love me forever.

They broke apart briefly for air but came back together as fast as they could, unable to get enough of each other. Then, Ash felt Gladion start to pull back. Ash opened his eyes. Gladion was panting, his cheeks red and his eyes half-lidded. Ash briefly wondered if he looked the same.

"No, please," Ash moaned in a breathless tone, trying to catch Gladion's lips again. "Don't stop. I don't want you to stop."

"I'm not," Gladion smiled, grabbing Ash's hips before pushing him against the tree. Ash inhaled sharply as he felt his back hit the wood before whimpering softly as Gladion started trailing soft kisses down his neck.

"Oh," he sighed, his breaths coming out in heavy pants as his head fell to the side to give Gladion more access. "Please, don't stop."

Gladion hummed before gently nipping a spot under Ash's jaw. Ash's legs shook as one of his hands ran up the back of Gladion's neck while his other hand moved to Gladion's chest, gripping Gladion's hoodie tightly. Then he realised what Gladion was doing.

"Wait, Gla... oh!" Ash moaned softly, his fingers scratching the base of Gladion's scalp. "Gladion, everyone... oh... everyone will see the marks!"

Gladion hummed in acknowledgement before pulling Ash's shirt sleeve off his shoulder. As his shoulder was revealed, Ash sent a mental thanks to Professor Kukui for buying him a slightly larger shirt so he would have room to grow into it.

"No one except me will see this," Gladion promised before gently sucking on the muscle that connected Ash's neck and shoulder. Ash moaned, pulling Gladion closer so he could press kisses to the blonde boy's neck as well. He smiled at Gladion's soft moans. Everything felt so good.

"Ash? Gladion?"

Ash and Gladion froze as they heard Bonnie's voice before sighing and releasing each other despite not wanting to. Ash quickly fixed his shirt just as Bonnie came skipping towards them, both Midnight and Dusk Form Lycanroc at her sides.

"There you are," Bonnie said happily. "Clemont's back with Professor Sycamore and Mallow said the picnic is ready so we better hurry back before Chespin takes all the sweets!"

"You'd think he'd learn," Ash smiled, rolling his eyes as he picked up his cap and placed it on his head. "Want a ride back?"

"Yes please!" Bonnie beamed.

Ash nodded as he bent down so Bonnie could climb on his back.

"Thanks for looking after Bonnie, you two," Ash smiled as Bonnie climbed on, wrapping her arms around Ash's neck and her legs around his waist. The two wolf Pokémon growled happily because turning and walking back in the direction they came from, pausing briefly to wait for their trainers.

"Let's talk more later," Gladion suggested with a smile as they started to walk. "I'll even take you walking along the beach if you want."

"Sounds perfect," Ash nodded, hooking his fingers under Bonnie's bottom so she wouldn't slip and choke him.

"So, what were you two talking about?" Bonnie asked curiously as Ash and Gladion caught up to their wolf Pokémon.

"Not for little ears," Gladion smirked, gently poking Bonnie's nose. Bonnie pouted.

"I hate being little," she said. "I can't wait until I'm big!"

"Enjoy being little," Ash smiled, giving a little jump to make her smile. "Because you wouldn't be able to do things like this when you're bigger."

Bonnie thought for a moment before nodding.

"I guess you're right," she sighed. "But I still don't like being little."

Ash and Gladion smiled as they continued walking.

"Oh, Ash, there is one more thing you should know," Bonnie said carefully. "Professor Sycamore brought someone with him. Well, two someones."


"Alain and Marion."

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