22 - Conflict

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{[Yun's POV]}

Currently it was morning and I was just there leaning against a tree, not to far from camp, just enjoying some alone time for myself while reading a book with this meddling headache until...

Sudō: Lin, where are you!?

I looked up from my book and saw Ike and Sudō looking for me until they spotted me leaning against a tree

Yun: What?

Sudō: Man, where have you been we've been looking for you this entire time and thought you left the island

Yun: *sigh* Yeah, sorry about that I just grew a routine where I just wake up earlier than others. Anyways, what's this all about?

Sudœ: Well, the girls came to our tent and told us to wake up, they look angry.

Then I turn to the direction of Ike, who is most likely to cause this.

Yun: ...Ike, what have you done?

Ike: Why me?!

Then we decided to head back to camp. Upon arriving, we saw the rest of the boys stood outside looking sleepy, and the girls were talking about something a few meters away.

Hirata: What's going on? Why did you wake us up so early?

Shinohara: Sorry, Hirata-kun. This doesn't involve you but... we want to confirm something.

Shinohara looked at us suspiciously.

Shinohara: This morning... Karuizawa-san's underwear went missing.

Hirata: U-underwear?

Even Hirata appeared shaken. Well, it was his girlfriend after all.

Shinohara: Karuizawa-san is crying in our tent. Kushida-san and the others are with her, but...

Ike: Huh? Huh? Why are you looking at us like that?

Sinohara: It's obvious, isn't it? Someone stole her underwear.

The boys, still sleepy, exchanged looks.

Ike: You're saying that it was one of us?!

Shinohara: Who else would be?

Ike: Stop accusing us, we didn't do anything!

Sato: Come to think of it, Ike. You were pretty late getting back from the toilet yesterday.

Ike: It was dark outside, of course it would take me time!

Sato: Is that so? You stole the underwear, didn't you?

Ike: Y-you're wrong! I didn't do it!

The boys, except me, started blaming one another. Meanwhile, Shinohara started talking to Hirata.

Shinohara: Hirata-kun, can you help us find the culprit?

Apparently the girls wanted Hirata to check the boys' luggage. Of course, everyone refused at first, but in the end Hirata said that he trusted us and that it was just to prove our innocence so the girls could be calm.

We went to our tent to pick our luggage. Once I picked my bag, I headed back to where everyone was. However, I stopped when I saw Ike nervously glaring at his bag. Could it be?

Yamauchi: Kanji?

Ike's face was pale and his body stiff.

Yamauchi: What, you're the one who stole the underwear?

Ike: O-of course not!

Yamauchi: Wait, don't tell me...

Ike: What, don't you believe me?!

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