16 - Evidence

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{[Yun' POV]}

Yun: I have evidence that proves the students of Class C are guilty and are the culprits of this entire incident.

The entire room was enveloped an absolute silence when I said this. I just smirked looking at everyone's reactions. Chiyabashira-sensei just smirked at me, it's like she has been expecting this. Sudō and Sakura were both speechless, the three students of Class C starts to look pale. Sakagami-sensei and Tachibana had a look of disbelief on their face. Although Manabu was calm and composed, but his eye widened a little. Everyone looked shocked and surprised except Suzune, she remained calm and the usual stoic expression.

Time to initiate killing spree.

Sakagami: E-evidence? That's preposterous. If you actually have evidence, why didn't you presented before?

Yun: Well let's just start of in congratulating you guys on how far you have taken this whole acting you had been doing. Bravo, I must say. Quick fact thou I was expecting this to happen from the start. Anyways, Horikita will you kindly give present the drive.

She turns to her brother and gave him the drive containing all of the evidence.

Yun: I assure you Mr. President that this certainly changed your views about class D.

He just remained composed when I said that.

Ishizaki: W-Wait a second, can we withdraw our complaints and acted nothing happened? Can we?!

Manabu: No, I never agree to that. Tachibana, if you please.

Tachibana: O-Oh, yes.

She was cut off in her thoughts amd quickly grabbed the drive in the President's hand

Ishizaki: No no no no! I knew something off! This is an entire set-up!

Kondo: We're so doomed!

Ahhh, music to my ears hearing them panic is quite pleasing. Seeing that they have nowhere to run.

Then Tachibana displayed the flash drive on the screen. In the flash drive had a video clips and 3 audio clips that had different names, the first two were before the day of the incident announced, the last two were before the day of the trial.

Yun: Well then, please play the first clip. Also I need Sakura's photo because it quite fits with a certain frame of the clip.

Suzune's older brother nodded and pressed play.

When the video clip started, we heard the sound of a group people walking then Sudō, Kondo, Ishizaki and Komiya came into the frame.

Sudõ: Alright, what the hell do you guys want? I'm tired from practice and I wanna go home. You better tell why you called me...hey, what the hell is Ishizaki doing here? You just said it was a talk only between the three of us.

Kondo: Shut the fuck up, Sudo! We're tired of your bullshit!

Those barbaric words from Kondo, I glanced at him which he's looked completely pale.

Sudō: My 'bullshit'? What the hell are you talking about?

Kondo: We're talking about the fact that you are the only first-year to be nominated as a regular player. It's disgusting. How could an inferior Class D student like you be nominated? Class D students like you belong at the bottom, you don't deserve to be a regular player.

Sudō: Tch, is the reason why you really dragged me all the way out to this building?! You guys are jealous of my basketball skills and wanted to bitch and complain about it!?

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