8 - Platinum Queen

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{[Yun' POV]}

Right now is the day after my whole conversation yesterday with Suzune and Manabu, currently class just ended a few minutes ago and me and Suzune are continiung our plan of the study group.

Yun: Hey Kushida, do you have a moment? We'd like your help again.

Suzune: Yes, Kushida-san. I like you to get the 3 idiots in my study group again.

Kushida: Sure! I'm glad you changed your mind, Horikita-san.

Horikita: *sigh* I really appreciate your help. I'll see you in the library after classes.

And with that, she left the both of us behind. One of our many conversation last night was that we must remain to our usual behavior like me being the smart ass I am while Suzune will still act cold towards the others but sometimes we'll drop our act when it's just the two of us. Anyways, after Suzune left, Kikyou immediately walk up to me and kiss me which I kissed back also. After a few seconds we pulled away from each other.

Yun:  Thanks again Kikyou it really is a big deal to have you by my side.

Kikyou: Like you said I'll help you in anything. Just say the word.

Then she gave me a peck on my lips and left me inside the classroom. I couldn't help but smile to the thought that I have two girlfriends and a fienćee. But that happy face quickly turned to a serious one.

Yun: Initiate: Camera Mirage.

Then I waited for something to happen, I was waiting for affirmation from my HUD.

When I got the affirmation, I shut the doors and quickly projected a hologram screen.

Yun: According to my left eye this would be my prime oppenents in this game.

I began looking at both of their files. I based of their files to what I had stumble upon after hacking into the schools secret classroom cameras.

Yun: Kakeru Ryuen, according to my recordings he rules class C with an iron fist. To my conclusion he'll try to take down my class first to make himself a clear way to dominate the other two classes. In all honesty I would loved to work with him but... being a proclaimed-dictator over his class will only bring his downfall in the future.

Then I look over to Katsuragi's file.

Yun: Kõhei Katsuragi, currently head of the second faction in class A. Its his faction against there class rep. and my Arisu's faction. Based on my findings there currently a feud happening in class A in search to see who will lead the class. But Arisu is currently not making her moves hmmm... Maybe she's waiting for me to cause an uprise in there class... only assumptions... I'll leave class A for now, my main priority is defending against class C's future attack on us. I'll try my best to hide behind the scenes for now.

An evil smirk creep on my face as I began to laugh maniacally but softly.

Yun: Hahahahaha... Let's see who'll make the first move. It a battle between class C and A. Ryueen... I'm coming to destroy you.

After that I snapped back to my normal self and deactivate my mirage and left the classroom heading for the park. Time to initiate another plan I have in mind. A little sneak peak but I can consider her my fourth queen.


Another boring day, another day where my plans are again fruitful. Currently, we are receiving our test score from our exam the other day. Thanks to my beautiful source of answers for this exam. Walking into the classroom, Chiyabashira-sensei looked around the classroom in surprise. Everyone was waiting in suspense for the results of the midterms.

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