14 - Sakura

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{[Yun' POV]}

After Sakura left in a hurry, the other students also left, leaving Horikita, Kushida, Sudo, Ike, Yamauchi and me in the classroom.

Yun: Well that certainly will be a problem.

Sudō: Why is a gloomy girl like her my witness? This sucks.

He sighs as he scratched the back of his head.

Kikyou: Sorry...I couldn't convince her...

After saying that she lowers her head in guilt.

Ike: It's not your fault, Kushida-chan! You did your best!

After Ike's poor attempt at making her feel better, I looked around the area and Suzune notice it. She leaned closer and whispered to me.

Suzune: Noticed something.

Yun: Well I just noticed that there are security cameras everywhere. I mean just look up.

She looked up and spotted a camera.

Yun: But in the building where the case happened there was next to no cameras in the corridor where it happened.

Looks like the others heard our conversation and started talking about the cameras I pointed out.

Yamauchi: Eh, has that camera been there all the time? I didn't noticed.

Kikyou: That camera is hidden well, when did you noticed, Lin-kun?

Yun: Well I already noticed that Chiyabashira-sensei managed to count out the exact number of offences you guys made in the first month. So I thought she must have recorded it somehow.

Ike: That make sense! I thought Sae-chan-sensei was some kind of alien that can see everything or something.

Yamauchi: I haven't dismissed that option yet...

Yun: These guys are dumber than I thought.

I just sighed at there stupidity and Suzune just rolled her eyes. I decided to go to check something.

Suzune: Where are you going?

Yun: I am just going to sheck on something.

Suzune: Then I'll go with you.

Due to our agreement to make this facade that we aren't dating, I put my hand on her head acting like I'm checking for a fever or something.

Suzune: I'm not sick.

Ike: Hey, that's not fair! You let Lin touch you but when I get closer you just hit me!

Sudō: Lin...

A shiver ran down my spine and I suddenly felt the urge to leave as soon as possible. Funny thing is, it wasn't coming from Sudō. I looked at Kikyou, waiting for her to do something, but she was just looking at me with a smile on her face. That wasn't a normal smile though.

Why doea women have to be scary when there angered?

As me and Horikita were leaving the classroom, one student called out to me.

???: Sorry for interrupting, but can I borrow your time?

I didn't know her at all, she looked like someone our age, so she was probably in one of the upper classes. Must be one of Arisu's classmates if they are looking for me.

Yun: Sorry but do I know you?

She kept staring at me, but didn't answer.

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