Good night Mirio

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(TW: Death, Guns)

Abby awoke with a pounding headache. Her vision was blurry, and she could barely figure out where she was. She tried to move her arms to stretch, but was restrained by something wrapped around her.

She looked down to see a bright white jacket holding her arms at her chest. She was chained together and her hand was covered in a layer of cement. Abby pulled and squirmed, but nothing she did could help her out of her situation.

'What is going on?' She thought grinding her teeth together. The room around her was padded with white and there were no windows. The one thing of color in the room was a steel door with multiple locks.

The door looked like something from an Asante asylum. Where was she? and what had happened for that matter? Abby thought hard. What was it, and why was she here? She was stirring up her memories like a withes potion.

Bubbling, and boiling up to the surface trying to get the cauldron to overflow, and spill its secrets. Hmmmmmm. BAM! It hit her hard like a train. She had no idea it was coming looking through the thick fog. the moment that memory hit her Abby slammed her head into the padded white ground.

She hit her head over, and over, but somehow couldn't do any damage. She remembered what happened last night. The murder, gas, and fight with the hero's. It had all happened and now she was in a sort of highly monitored jail cell.

What was she thinking? What could have posted her to make such a rash decision? "GAH" Abby cried out and smacked her head on her knees. This time it did some sort of damage.

Abby hit her head over and over again until it bleed. "GAH, GAH, GAH, GAH" she screamed while tears and blood spill from her face. She felt so defeated. She let her guard down on herself, and became her own demise.

"STUPID, STUPID, STUPID, STUPID" she couldn't stop the tears and emotion from filling her insides. She felt everything and nothing all at once. She killed another person, she set off a deadly gas in a school of people with a future, and she turned against the people who had finally given her a home. Mirios old home.

Abby was so lonely, but with no one to blame except herself. 'Where did everyone go from? Why me? TELL ME WHY ME?" Abby cried to the point she could barely breathe. She got dizzy and blood spray out of her from biting her tongue.

All of a sudden Abby couldn't contain her insides and vomited. The anxiety and grief she felt killed her stomach, and she threw up over, and over again. Eventually she could breathe a little again, and she felt herself slipping back into unconsciousness.

'I can't go back. I have to stay awake. Just stay awake a little longer.' And that's when she fell into the darkness.

After a few hours Abby awoke and jolted up. Her nausea was gone but her headache was more like a migraine now. 'Egh' she winced I pain as she got to a sitting position on her knees. Abby looked around and saw guards at the door with all guns trained on her.

The guns were huge and no doubt fast. The steel door was ajar but only enough for Abby to see a little light. And as if someone signaled it, the steel door slowly creeped open. Mr Aizawa (eraser head) walked in with his head high, and a tray of food.  He wore a back shirt and black sweatpants with a belt and his fighting scarf. His hair was a mess and not brushed down, and he hadn't shaven.

"We will be going to court soon. You will either get life in prison or death row." He said walking towards Abby. 'D-death row?' Abby thought her eyes wide. 'Death row? How would she feel about...... death row?'

Mr Aizawa sat down next to Abby with the tray of food. "I brought your breakfast." Abby looked at the food on the tray. It was a few pieces of fruit and some bacon. No doubt Mr Aizawa had made it for her.

He loved fruit, and that was something he would eat for every meal if he could. But why would he take the time, and energy to make food for Abby when she just killed people? She might be on death row and he's making breakfast for her?

He's like something that Abby couldn't put her finger on. What's was it? Abby wracked her brain for a moment. 'Got it! A dad!' Mr Aizawa was like a dad to her. Abby never had a proper dad, so she wasn't sure completely, but she did have a good mother that she could remember.

Mr Aizawa was a lot like her mother. Abbys mother really cared about her. "Open." Abby hadn't realized that Mr Aizawa was holding a spoon of grapes up to her face to eat. Abby opened her mouth, and ate the grapes.

They were sweet and sour all at the same time. They tasted different then grocery store grapes. "D-did you grow these.....?" Abby asked taking another grape from the spoon. "Yeah. I grow lots of fruit." Mr Aizawa said but his face didn't lighten like Abbys.

Abby didn't want to bother Mr Aizawa so she finished her food in silence. "The court session will be in a few hours. I suggest you get some sleep." Mr Aizawa told Abby while he stood up with his empty tray in hand.

Abby nodded and watched Mr Aizawa walk to the door, and then out of it. All of the guards slowly filed out of the room, and the steel door shut. All the locks clicked and again Abby was alone.

She lay down on her side, but she had so many questions. Where was the rest of the league? Have they already been put on death row sense they are adults? What would happen if Abby had just listened to Mirio, and Mr Aizawa?

Would she be here still? There was no way of avoiding this. Right? It was stupid. Abby had no doubt that Mirio would hate her for what she had done. She missed Mirio so much, and wished he was with her.

Everything would be so much better if she just had Mirio with her. Even death row. Tears started to spill from Abbys eyes, but she didn't mind all that much.

Abby lay there in the padded white room and cried herself to sleep. 'Goodnight Mirio.'

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