The sun

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(TW: blood, vomiting)

Tamaki's POV:
On Monday at school I wasn't able to find Mirio. It was unusual for him to not show up to class, because he wouldn't miss a day of training even if he broke both his legs.

I found Neijre. (sorry if I butchered the name) she has been my friend sense I could remember coming to UA, and if she and Mirio were both gone I would have no clue what to do with myself.

"Uhm.... where is-?" "Mirio?" Nejire interrupted me. "I have no clue. It's unlike him to miss a day of training, and I'm worried." She said. This did not comfort you feeling, but I didn't know what to ask that would.

Nejire knew I didn't like speaking, and took forever to get my words out, so she mainly finished my sentences for me which I didn't mind, and it made me feel a lot better.

"Do you think?" I ask. "Yeah we should ask Mr. Aizawa after training." She replied. I nodded my head, and we walked to the training room. Nejire had long blue hair, and she smiled the same as Mirio.

They were like siblings, and they were always full of energy. That was energy I could never keep up with, but I didn't mind because with them around I wouldn't have to worry about talking to people.

I think the worst part of talking to people is making eye contact with them. Horrible really. Nejire might be bright and happy, but without Mirio she doesn't shine near as bright.

I've always like to consider Mirio the sun. He's bright, fully of energy, and the flame of passion, and confidence that I would prob ever have, but I'm ok with that. I'll make a fine hero in the shadows anyways.

We got to the training room, and the only person in there was Mina Ashido. Mina was pink with brighter pink hair, and yellow eyes. She like Nejire had a LOT of energy, but pretty much only one brain cell.

"Hey Mina!" Nejire called out, and waved. "Heya Nejire, and Tamaki! Where is Mirio?" Mina asked while walking over to us. "He didn't show up to school today, and isn't answering the phone. Do you happen to know what might have happened?" Nejire replied.

"Didn't show up?! That's unusual. Have you guys thought about asking Mr. Aizawa after training?" Mina said. "Yeah we plan on it." Nejire replied.

"Can we.... s-start?" I ask my voice breaking a little, and hang my head. That's just great. I messed up. I don't know how, but I can tell I messed up.

"Yup!" Mina said, and we all walked to the ring. Minas quirk was acid. She could shoot white acid from her hands which came in handy in battle on terrains with metal.

Nejires quirk is called 'Wave Motion'. She creates energy, and releases rings of yellow shock waves out of her hands. Very powerful long range attacks.

My quirk is called Manifest, so when I eat some sort of animal mean I can gain one of that animals limbs. So if I eat octopus I can have a tentacle or eight.

People say it's a really good quirk, but I think they're making fun of me. We start training, and I have a cow hoof, as well as a chicken claw. We run around the ring practicing different techniques for a few hours until we are tired.

"Good work guys!" Nejire says to both Mina and I as we get our water bottles. "No kidding! We did great back there! I can't believe you hit the round house kick after the jump you did!" Mina exclaimed while her mouth was still full of water.

"Thanks!" Nejire replied putting her stuff in her bag. "Are you guys going to see Mr. Aizawa now?" Mina asked. "Oh yeah. We should probably head off to his office now." Nejire said.

We all said our goodbyes, and Nejire, and I made our way to class 1A where we would find Mr. Aizawa. "So what fun stuff do you think Mirio is up to? You think he's on some sort of hero mission. It would be soooo like him to do something like that." Nejire said.

Nejire, Mirio, and I have been friends for as long as we have come to UA, so Nejire would probably know what was going on. I thought of something similar, but she knows that my anxiety is not leave me alone until I ask Mr. Aizawa.

"I don't know. Probably." I answer. She nods and smile's. Finally we get to class 1A who is at lunch right now so they aren't in the room.

Nejire pushes the door open to find Mr. Aizawa laying at his desk. His eyes had bags, and were bloodshot red, but no like the normal homeless insomniac. This was t different.

He looked over at us, and sat up only mildly so he could see us. This wasn't like him. Usually he sat up as some sort of respect thing, but he seemed hopeless.

We walked in, and stood in front of his desk. "What do you two want?" He demands. "Oh uhm......" I start but luckily Nejire cuts in. "We were wondering if you knew where Mirio might be? He's not here today." She asks.

Mr. Aizawas face deepens. Something I had never seen before. A sadness that could only mean one thing. No, I'm overreacting that face must just be his burn out face or somethings

But still he seemed like he was doing a puzzle that would never end. Like he was holding a weight that he could just barely keep from crushing him, and he knew he would have to hold it forever.

"I knew I was going to have to break the news to you two at some point." He sighs. Notice how Abby isn't here either?" Mr. Aizawa says and we both nod our heads.

"Well Abbys quirk got out of control, and sadly Mirio had to be the one victim of the incident. He won't be attending class anymore. I'm sorry you two won't get to see him again."

A tear rolls down his face, but he quickly wipes it. I fall to my knees. 'No, no, no, no..... this can't be. He can't go out like that. He shouldn't have gone out like that.'

Tears are now streaming down my face, and forming a puddle under me, but I make no effort to conceal my emotions. 'Gone. My best friend, the person I had know for so long, that person who had shown so brightly. Mirio, who shined like the sun.'

Nejire and Mr. Aizawa bent down next to me. Both of them with tears down their cheeks, but not at much as me. "She.... she murdered him?" I ask looking into Mr. Aizawas eyes and I'm still choking on my own tears.

"We don't think so. See we think it was an accident while they were training, because...... well because we found something a lot more then just Mirio having passed."

What did he mean by 'A lot more' what more could there be? "What do you mean.... more...?" Nejire asks. "Well... a bloody pocket knife, and....... a severed hand believe to be Abbys." He replied another tear falling.

Nejire gasped, and now a puddle of tears was forming beneath her feet as well. I was stunned. Her own hand? She cut off her own hand? But why? Did she feel that bad? What had Abby put herself through because she had hurt someone.

The thought of emotions that restricting made me want to throw up, and scream all together. "So for now we have search teams everywhere. Don't do anything rash. If need be then please take a day or two off." Mr. Aizawa said.

Nejire and I left UA that day for the first time feeling something other than happiness. We left with grief. Something I had never felt until that day.

Could I have saved Mirio?

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