The fight

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(TW: idk gas?)

They walked what was about ten feet away from Toga as they made their way down the stairs Abby couldn't help but think about what would happen when they got yo the bottom.

Abby and Dabi walked infront, behind Abby was shigaraki, behind Dabi was twice, and all the way in the back stood kirogiri.

Abby had a new found respect for kiriogiri after she had come back from UA. He was a lot more caring then she ever remembered. His quirk was also really handy for getting into places you're not supposed to be.

'That's probably why the League keeps him around.' Abby thought to herself. After walking for about a minute or two they reached the bottom.

Toga was already skipping into the middle of a crowd of kids. Dabi put his hand out to stop any of the group from accidentally showing their position.

"Hey Ochako!" A voice called out hugging Toga. "Hey!" Toga said hugging the boy back. He had green hair and green eyes. Deku was his name. Abby had eaten lunch with him a few times when she lived at UA. Her thoughts on the kid? Annoying. He always mumbled to himself, which it freaked Abby out a bit.

"What are you up to?" He say cheerfully. "Oh nothing, but could I show you something really cool I picked up on my way here?" Deku nodded his head furiously. He was always a curious kid.

Toga pulled out the shiny blue tinted glass vial with swirling purple gas in it. This is it. She's going to pull. Deku gasped as his eyes went wide from fear, but before he could do anything Toga smashed the glass into the ground, and the gas exploded throughout the room.

"Go!" Shigarkai yelled. The league ran towards the doors of the school. If they could just get outside Kirogiri could make a portal and they could escape. Abby could hear Toga laughing as she ran up next to Abby.

"That was great huh?" She said still in the form of the brown haired girl. Abby nodded and they kept running. Alarms went off and suddenly hero's stormed the room.

Eraser head, present mic, snipe, midnight, cemetas, and a few others were now downstairs looking through the fog. The league ran faster but snide spotted them, and took out twice. One shot, two shots, three shots, and twice only had one good leg.

Dabi tried to carry him but was intercepted by cementas who shot cement to incase Dabi. Only his head was visible in the mold that he had been Trapped in. They lost their best long range fighter, so now they would have to work fast.

Eraser head went in to fight but Abby doged just in time. And slid through the door. "KIROGIRI!" She yelled and Kirogiri made the portal fast. Abby ran as fast as her legs could carry her to the portal, but not fast enough.

Eraserheads scarf wrapped around her and pulled her back like a riptide. Abby struggled against the thick rope hard, but to no avail. What was she doing? She kicked back to hit eraserhead in the face but he doged easily.

Abby didn't have time to see what happened next because midnight showed up, and used her sleeping quirk. Abby felt herself drifting off. She fought hard but after about thirty seconds her eyes closed and she fell unconscious.

Sorry this chapter was short and not as good. I don't know how to write a fight scene. ;-;

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