A future

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(TW: Blood, dead people)

Abby took a deep breath. "Make the portal." Kirogiri complied and a portal appeared in front of them. "Let's move." Shigaraki said. One by one everyone made their way into the portal.

First Kirogiri, then Toga, and Twice. Shigaraki was almost through the portal when he turned to see Abby who was shaking. Her eyes were wild and darting from place to place in a panic.

"You really act like you know what your doing right until the last second don't you?" Shigaraki said laughing. Abby stood there staring at him and the portal. She wanted to move, but she couldnt make herself.

She didn't know if this was the right choice to be making. What would Mirio want? Would this be something to fulfill the loneliness she had been feeling?

Suddenly she felt something warm on her shoulder. "You know if you don't do anything your going to get us all caught right? Don't worry I'm right beside you. We can do this."

Shigarakis hand was on her shoulder. He had turned off his quirk. He never did that? Why now would he turn off his quirk? Abby didn't have time to think. Shigaraki held his hand out, and Abby took it.

They walked through the portal and to the other side. When they made it to the end of the portal Abby expected to land on solid ground, but instead she stepped out a few feet above the ground, and landed on an already fallen Shigaraki.

"GAH!" He yelped. Abby quickly got off of him, and offered her hand to help him up. "Sorry about that one." She said. No doubt she had hurt Shigaraki as he was slender, and boney. Not very much strength.

Shigaraki dusted his clothes off and scowled at Kirogiri. "You seriously couldn't have put the portal on the ground?" He said holding his arm which had gotten crushed under him.

"It was hard ok." Kirogiri mumbled. Shigaraki scoffed. "Will you still be able to turn the roof to dust for us?" Toga asked. "Only a small part of it, but yes I can still make a hole that will fit about one person at a time.

"Good." Dabi said, "I suggest we start now before someone spots us." Shigaraki nodded. Abby was still shaking from her journey up to the roof, but not as badly now.

Shigaraki got down in a squat and put his hands under him. Then he turned on his quirk and instantly the roof turned to dust, and created a human sized hole. Shigaraki fell through and landed on his feet.

Abby was surprised he landed on his feet because he was not the most physically fit person you would meet. Dabi jumped in, and Kirogiri, Twice, Abby, and Toga all followed.

They were on the top floor which rarely had anything but after school club spaces on it. Shigaraki held his jacket which contained three gas serums. "So what now?" Twice whispered.

Abby shook at the thought of what was about to happen but knew it had to be done. "We get to the stairway, and kill any people we find on the way." She said. "Shigaraki, Dabi, and I will lead."

They walked down the hall without much of a problem. Abby remembered this place well. The halls were a sort of blue, and the doors were big. Everything seemed so Familiar. They passed the reading club, and came up on the art club.

The same paintings were still hung up just like Abby remembered them. Colorful, and not colorful alike. Then she saw it. Her favorite painting. The pure white rabbit. Abby stopped to look at it.

She put her hand up and ran her fingers down the painting, tracing the rabbit. So pure and white that it seemed like it could glow. She stood there looking at it wondering what it would have meant to her if she didn't leave UA.

Would she have still liked the rabbit? Would it have become more of a bad memory? What would have been of her if she became a hero like Mirio said, and she saw this painting?

"Earth to Abby." Dabi said impatiently while signaling her towards the group. "Your supposed to be in the fro-" but he didn't have time to finish what he was going to say, because the door right next to Abby opened.

A girl with short brown hair ran out of the room with books stacked in her hands, and pencils rolling around in top of the books. "I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be la-"

She stopped her eyes wide staring at Abby, and the league. "Your.... you-" she dropped all her books, and in a blue Abby pulled her glove off. Quickly she put it to the girls throat. "Bad place." Abby said looking the girl in the eyes.

The girl didn't speak, but instead tears rolled down her face. "Please... I have a future!" She pleaded. The words shot through Abby and made her blood boil.

'I have a future.' What was that supposed to mean? Abby didn't? Abby was aflame with rage, and kneed the girl in the stomach, and she keeled over. "You say that like I don't." Abby said.

"I-I" The girl spat in fear. "You chose those to be you're last words the moment the left you filthy mouth. You should die." Abby spat. The girl pleaded and cried all while blood was spilling from her mouth.

Abby had enough, and placed her hand on the girls throat. The girls eyes went wide, and her face was pale. She melted from both sides to sizzling black goo. "Goodnight." Abby said, and turned to face the league.

"An impressive first act." Toga snickered. "Let's  just keep going." Abby said. She walked with a purpose now. Abbys head was full of the words the girl had said. A future? Yeah right, like that was ever gonna happen.

Abby was aflame with anger and all she wanted to do was kill. She hadn't felt this way in a long time, but she wanted to scream with frustration.

"What's next?" Dabi asked turning to face Abby. "We get downstairs and release the syrum, then we run. Anyone object?" Abby said coldly. Her face was stone, and her eyes were daggers. Nobody would argue with her at the moment and she knew that.

Abby had one goal and that was to kill. She didn't care about the leagues motives anymore but instead wanted to fulfill her blood lust. The pain she could inflicting this whole facility and everyone inside was begging her to make itself a reality.

"Toga." Abby said turning to face Toga. "What can I do for you?" Toga asked excitedly. Toga loved blood. It was her passion, and she knew very well what Abby was going to ask.

"Get the girls blood and turn into her. It looked like she was headed downstairs anyways so you won't have a problem getting down and setting off the syrum gas." Toga smiled and skipped towards the girl who lay on the floor. She kneeled down and stabbed the girl repeatedly with a knife.

The knife made a sound like the sound of guts being ripped apart. Abby was deaf to the horror that she would normally feel if this happened. Toga filled syringe with the girls blood. She slowly peeled the layers of clothing off of her body so she could transform.

Abby stared at the girls lifeless body, and almost felt pity. The girl had a future, but Abby didn't care. Nobody had a good future in Abbys eyes.

Togas body sizzled and transformed. Her hair was now short and brown, and her eyes were the color of honey. She looked exactly like the girl. "Awh her blood was soooooooooo good! I wish she were still alive, but sadly I only have the remains of her."

Toga said sadly. "We are leaving now. Toga walk a ways in-front of us, and then set off the gas. Got it?" Toga it's nodded, and skipped down the hallway.

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