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(TW: knives, blood, scars)

Abby awoke the next feeling conflicted. She had no idea what to do now that she had used her quirk. She may have used her quirk, but that didn't make her any less dangerous, so she didn't plain on getting to close to anyone yet.

Abby did not consider yesterday a great achievement as she had done while in the moment, but instead she thought of it as a slip up.

Abby let what she want get in the way of what she needed to do. What she needed to do was keep other people safe, and by using her quirk she had violated that rule. She couldn't do it again.

Today Mirio had volunteered to take care of Abby. He wanted to train more. Abby on the other hand did not want to train. Abby feared of possibly hurting Mirio, but she knew he had no concern for his own safety.

From now on she was going to protect the world from herself. She didn't know how, but she was going to do it. There was no way to protect the world from her if Mirio was around though.

Wait... but didn't she use her quirk? Didn't she control her quirk. That was all because of Mirio, so how could she push him away? Somehow he saw her in a totally different way then Abby saw herself.

Mirio thought of her as bright, and a kid who was destined for great things. But how? How was he able to think all of this despite the fact that she had killed her own mother, and driven her father to insanity?

How could he think this when Abby had killed her one pet, and become a villain? She wasn't a hero so what did he see? Abbys mind was racing with questions, and her thoughts seemed like endless voices in her head.

They just kept talking, and talking, and talking even more, until she covered her ears. It did nothing. The voices were now at a whisper, and they talked. They talked about every person she had killed, and every living thing she had hurt.

*knock knock* the voices stopped to listen. "Laaaaaaamillion here! Come to pick you up young madam'. Would you like to ride the cape express?" Abby didn't know how he did it, but some how just Mirios voice was enough to make a whole earthquake of emotions stop.

That's what he was best at. Mirio was a funny guy, and he knew how to talk to kids. People always enjoyed his presence no matter who. Unless you were a villain of course.

Abby opened the door and there was a young, and yet still joyful Mirio. "Happy to see you Abby! Ready for another day of fun stuff?" He said with a grin. "Mhm" Abby replied.

Mirio picked Abby up and put her in his cape, as they walked towards the training room. The day went as it usually did, and nothing more. Mirio and Abby didn't have any time to train, so they just went and ate lunch.

"See you tomorrow Abby! Great work today." Abby waved and then closed her bedroom door. She was ready to lay down and sleep, but for some reason she wasn't tired.

She was disturbed by something, and this time it wasn't her thoughts. It felt like something was watching her. Something familiar yet frightening. A presence that only she knew, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Abby sat up in confusion, and frustration. She was scared and didn't know what to do. The air was cold and stale now, but there was no hint at why. Abby lay down and kept her eyes wide open.

Abby didn't sleep at all that night, and in the morning when she got up there were bags under her tired eyes. She couldn't think straight, and all she wanted to do was sleep.

But she knew she couldn't. Abby felt to frightened to sleep at all, so she kept awake. It was Friday which meant that nobody at UA was watching her. Abby liked being alone on Fridays. It was her only day of freedom from others prying eyes.

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