A villains story

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(Trigger warning: Suicidal thoughts, murder, knife, bad parental figure relationship, and alcoholism)

Abby awoke in the same place she always did.
She lived in a special place that most kids would dream of living. She lived in UA high school which was a school for hero's in training. Abby didn't attend this school, but instead was being looked after by the hero's who worked here.

Abby used to be a villain. she worked for the league of villains, but at the time she was only six years old. She was caught one day when she was stormed with over ten hero's, and she was taken to court. They decided that it was best for her to stay with the hero's who could raise her, and possibly change her mind about wanting to be a villain.

How had that plain gone? Well, She still hated hero's with all the fire inside her, and she wanted to leave as fast as she could, but at the same time she wanted to stay. She wanted to hold someone's hand, and help other people like a hero would, but she knew that wasn't possible. Someone like her couldn't help. She could only hurt.

Abby was only eight, but she was a mess of emotional trauma. Abby had soft gray eyes, and long blonde hair which she kept in two loose braids down her back that reached her waist.

She wore a plain pink onse that the school had provided her which she loved. It was soft, and kind of heavy on her, but that only made her feel like she was getting a big hug from someone she couldn't hurt. Someone who was immune to her dangerous nature.

Abbys quirk was one that made people afraid. It was something that she couldn't help. There was no turning this quirk off. When she first got to UA the staff  thought that she didn't know how to turn her quirk off, so they brought in Mr. Aizawa who's quirk can shield other peoples quirks, but that didn't work. Abbys quirk just turned right back on leaving her yet still unable to live like a normal kid.

Abbys quirk was a destructive one, and she hated it with her life. If Abby touched a persons skin they turned to black goo that burned and sizzled. When she was only five, and got her quirk she ended up killing her mother. She missed her mother and would never forgive herself for what she had done.

After Abbys mother died she would cry for days, upon days with all the guilt weighing over her. Abbys father resented her for what she had done. He hated her, and made sure she knew it.

When Abby was little she hated her father, but not as much as she hated herself. Her father was driven to madness, and had a horrible alcohol addiction. One day he was doing his rant and throwing bottles. He was yelling at nothing when Abby walked in the door with a pretty white bunny rabbit she found.

It was stranded in the forest and Abby couldn't find its mother. It looked so helpless without its mother. 'I know the feeling' she told the rabbit while stroking its fur. 'I'll take you home and be your mother.' She smiled.

"What the he*l is that?!" Her father asked her half yelling. "It's my new pet..... he was lost....... I named him Charles." Abby mumbled back. A look spread across her fathers face. A look of pure evil. She was terrified as she stumbled back. "C-Charles and I are friends dad. I-I'm going to take care of him." "Oh yeah? Well I don't think a murderer like yourself should get within two feet of any living thing." Her father said while grinning.

He pulled a shiny silver butcher's knife from the kitchen counter, and tears fell from Abbys eyes. "N-no, no dad! HES MY FRIEND DAD!" Abby shrieked, but it was too late. Abbys father snatched the beautiful white rabbit out of her hands. It was poor innocent and defenseless, but Abby could do nothing but watch.

Abbys father laughed as he took the blade, and pulled it back up into the air, then with all his force he pushed the blade down, and killed the pure white rabbit. It only gave one scream, but it was a sound Abby would never forget. Abbys father dropped the rabbit to the floor. It's guts and blood splattered everywhere and covers the house in a deep red. Her father laughed a drunken laugh.

Abby who was on her knees with tears washing her face and in a puddle on the ground in-front of her mixed with rabbit blood, didn't know what it was about that moment, but at that time all she wanted was someone to love. A family. Her father ruined the one thing she found that didn't know of her evil.

She walked up to her dad. He was still grinning, but it was obvious that he couldn't control it. Abby got closer, and closer. Her fathers expression changed. He looked confused but somehow still arrogant now.

"You shouldn't have done that. Y-you should have kept your hands to yourself. YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT DADDY" she yelled tears spilling from her eyes, and blood spitting from her mouth. her was father frozen by fear. She reached out a hand, and then her father was gone.

In a pool a black sizzling goo that Abby loathed so much more then she could bare. She watched as the goo burned a small hole in the floor, and then turned around swiftly

She needed to leave, and fast. She bent down. "It's ok now Charles. He's gone. We can be happy now. I'll take care of you."
She picked up the bloody dead rabbit and it too turned to goo. "If only I could do that to my skin too. Wouldn't it be nice to be together!" She said smiling at the puddle of black sizzling goo.

Black goo (bnha fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang