Evil Hour

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(TW: Mentions of murder)

Abby tucked away her hot glue gun. She had been decorating her glove, and new hair pins for the past few minutes. It was almost time for her to leave for UA.

It had been a few weeks sense she left, and she had changed a lot. She no longer felt connected to people like hero's. She was cold like the feast of the league of villains, and she would do whatever it took to get her way.

Her glove now was a white color with little pins of pure white rabbits on it. Her hair bows also consisted of half white, and half block rabbits.

This was her trademark as a villain. If she was going to do this then she was going to go all the way. Shigaraki wanted her help, and she could be helpful then she would.

Abbys hair was in a single braid down her back and a single half white, and half black rabbit clip was at the bottom. Abby had gotten twice to do her hair for her, and surprisingly he was good at it.

Abbys arm was still bandaged, but didn't really bother her anymore. She was still haunted by memories at night although. Mirio turning to goo, her hand crawling back to her, and now leaving her.

Abby was glad that her hand was gone, and she had no clue if she would have been able to do anything with it still on. She wore a black long sleeve shirt with a red t-shirt layered over it that had a pretty white rabbit on it.

She had a black skirt with a belt that held things like her glove, a fake hand, and some food. She wanted the food because her quirk wasn't very useful if she wasn't healthy. Her quirk required a lot of the energy stored up in her body, and she needed food to get that energy.

When Abby used her quirk she got hungry fast, so Toga suggested putting a place for food in her belt. Abby left her room to find Shigaraki, Toga, Twice, Dabi, and Kirogiri all standing around waiting.

Abby had gotten ready last because she woke up late. How was she supposed to know there was a set time to wake up for villains? That just sounded stupid to her.

"Hey sleeping beauty." Twice said, and then she took a shot of something he had found at the bar. Abby didn't know weather it was expired or not, but she didn't bother to ask.

"Oh please. What makes you think I know the time villains wake up? I had no clue what 'Evil hour' mean until now. Sounds stupid." Abby said back while walking over to her shoes.

"Well now you do." Twice said pouring another shot. "I think you've had enough of that stuff." Shigaraki said to Twice while snatching up the shot, and dumping it on the ground. Twice scoffed, and sat down.

Abby tied on her shoes which today were convers that she had found in a pile of stuff Toga had stolen from the shops. They were easier to move on then her black buckle shoes, and the fit well.

"We all know the plan right?" Dabi checked. Everyone nodded, and Abby stood up. "All I have to do is help you guys find your way in, and kill a few people?"

Dabi nodded. Abby hadn't wanted to kill people, but after a few days with the League she was ready for murder. She had forgotten what life was like outside of the law.

Abby liked her freedom, and really wouldn't mind killing a few people to get her way. Making her friends happy was really all she cared about, so that's what she would do.

The leagues plan was to get Abby to show them into UA so they could drop the serum gas, and change the motives of the well trained future hero's. It didn't take that much effort.

Getting into UA would be no easy task, but Abby did know that getting to the roof would be the easiest way in.

The league left their abandoned bar, and made their way to the UA building. It was tall with four stories, and lots of land surrounding. Abby knew what it looked like, so it was just a matter of getting there.

They passed streets, and shops. People didn't seem to know who they were which wasn't a problem. Abby had her fake hand on her left arm, so that she wouldn't attract attention, but she got a few weird stares anyways.

"I swear if one more person looks at my hand like that I'll kill them with my other hand." Abby said through gritted teeth. "You can't kill anyone on the streets. Plus you look like the weirdest eight year old anyone has ever seen."

Dabi said looking down at her. Abby sighed. They were almost to UA, and she just wanted to get out of the public eye. She hated waking around in broad daylight, and even though she wore a mask to conceal her identity she still was scared of people recognizing her.

Abby wondered what this day was going to do to her. How would this all play out? What would happen that she didn't plan for during this mission? Abby thought of so many questions, but the worst possible case would be seeing Mr. Aizawa, and her friends.

What would she do then? Could she handle seeing them? Snap out of it. She needed to get a grip of her emotions. Abby knew that if she did this mission she would have to throw away any kind of emotion holding her back.

She would have to remind herself that she didn't care. She didn't care what people thought, she didn't care how many people died, and she didn't care how many people would look down on her.

Abby was going to overthink but luckily she was saved. "Look, look, look!" Toga shouted pointing. Abby looked up. It was a big four story building with lots of land surrounding it. "Yup that UA alright." Abby said starring at the bulding.

She was back. She was really back at UA. "So how should be get in?" Kirogiri asked. "You make a portal to the roof. You can see it can't you?" Abby asked. Kirogiri nodded his head, or portal head?

"Good well you teleport us there, and then Shigaraki will use his quirk to turn the roof to dust. Once he turns the roof to dust we will have just enough time to capture a student and toga can get some of their blood to turn into them.

Once Toga turns into them we will kill them with my quirk, and Toga will head to the bottom floor with a camera on her. Sense you will be able to see the place then you will make a portal there Kirogiri, and Dabi, and I will protect the rest of you while killing off fighting students until Shigaraki can release the gas."

"Once Shigaraki releases the gas then we can book it out of the school, and Kirogiri can make a portal back to the bar sense he knows what the bar looks like. Sound good?"

Everybody gives some sort of nod except Twice. "Well how do I help?" He asks. "We won't need your help for anything but back up if we need it." Abby replied. He sighs, and then gives a thumbs up.

"Everyone ready to head in?" Shigaraki announced. "Yup." Abby said, and everyone else complied. This would be her first day back at UA, but not the way everyone pictured.

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