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Abby ran through the woods blood dripping everywhere, and tears soaking her fresh wound. She knew it. Abby knew she was no hero, and the league would be happy to take her back.

Why couldn't she have stopped daydreaming when she had the chance? It was naïve of her to going into battle with her quirk knowing full, and well what it does to people.

Abby ran as fast as she could to the place she would meet the league. She wished she had time to say sorry. To Mr. Aizawa, to Deku, to kirishima, denki, jiro, Bakugo, Tamajiki, and so many more people, but she was lost in her grief.

All she could do was run, as the trees scared the side of her, and she clicked her left arm to her chest. It was burning with pain, but she could hardly feel it through her emotions.

It was nothing but a side effect of what she had done. Abby finally slowed down when she got to the place in the woods where she would be meeting the league.

She had no idea what time it was, but she hoped they would show up soon. She didn't want to face them, because of how right they were, but they were also the only people who could give her a home.

Abby didn't mind the league, but it would be nothing compared to her friendship with Mirio. Abby finally saw the purple portal appear. It was dark and endless.... just like she remembered.

Then stepped out Dabi. He didn't see Abbys hand at first but when her did his eyebrows raised. "Any reason for that?" He said. "Let's just go." Abby replied coldly. "Alright. I'll have kiriogiri help clean that up, and stay away from Toga with that wound."

Abby looks at the portal. "Alright kirogiri! Take us home." Dabi raised his voice as to shout through the portal. Abby was about to go back to the league, but not the way she daydreamed about for so long.

Nothing ever comes without a price. Abby followed Dabi into the portal, and when she got to the other side there were a few different people waiting for her. She knew all of them of course.

There was shigaraki who wore hands all over his body like decoration, then there was kirogiri who was the person who made the portal for Abby, and Dabi to go through.

His quirk came in handy for getting around places. Next Abby saw Twice who always wore a mask because his duplication quirk made him feel like he wasn't in one piece he was a bit odd, but funny none the less, Finally she looked at Toga who looked like she was drooling, but Abby had no clue why. "I thought I told you to bring her back by her own will? Not without a hand!"

Shigaraki said waving his arms. "Not my fault. She did come of her own free will. She showed up like that." Dabi declared shrugging his shoulders. "I'll get her cleaned up, and you three get dinner ready." Kirogiri said.

Abby wasn't in a house, because that would be hard for the league to find, but instead they lived in an abandoned bar. It was small, but they could all fit fine.

Kirogiri took Abby by the arm, and lead her to a separate room where he pulled out a gel cleaning tools and a bandage. "So what did you do?" He asked rather politely. "I.. well..." Abbys voice trailed off.

"Take your time. Someone your age shouldn't have to deal with such things to the point where they cut their hand off. That's just not right." Kiriogiri said closing while wiping the blood on Abbys arm.

Abby didn't realize that anyone in the league actually cared about her. Kirogiri did have kids at one point though so that might have had something to do with it.

"I thought I could be a hero." Abby replied. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "He encouraged me to become a hero, and when we were training I..... i...." "you killed him?" Kirogiri interrupted.

He knew exactly what had happened, and tears began to spill from Abbys eyes, and she hung her head low. Kirogiri embraced her like she was his own child, and then once she stopped crying he finished up her bandages.

Abby looked at her now gone hand that was just a nub with bandage. "Thank you." Abby mumbled to Kirogiri. "Anytime. The league isn't just villains. We are humans too you know."

Kirogiri replied standing up. They went back outside to see the bar with food on it. The league often had noodles, because they were cheep, and tasted good. Abby sat down. "Glad you got the wound cleaned up, because I was about to lose it."

Toga said laughing. Abby smiled a little. These people were no different from her, and she liked that. She couldn't get over the fact that she wanted to be a hero, but now she had her people.

The people everyone called crazy. Twice stared slurping up his noodle while his mask was only half was on his face so he could eat. He finished quickly, and looked at at Abby.

"Yeah it's been a long time Abby. What was it like at UA? Was it fun? Did they have a basketball court?" Twice asked to many questions.

"Uhm.. yeah I guess. They did have basketball, and there were a few interesting people I guess." Abby said. "Ooooo I wanna hear lots!" Twice exclaimed happily. For the rest of that night Abby told stories, they ate, and drank.

Abby was tired from her long day so she waved to the others and made her way to her old room. Her room was plain wooden walls with a single bed on the floor. This wasn't a place she missed, but a place she would definitely remember.

Abby didn't bother to change her clothes, as she later down on her bed. She was exhausted from the long day, and couldn't wait to sleep. She closed her eyes, and almost immediately fell asleep.

Black goo (bnha fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant