Flashback: The Drunkage (fluffy)

Start from the beginning

"SHE'LL CRAWL ON THE FLOOR AND ....gmdmdkkfkfk ...... IT ALWAYS ENDS WITH A BLOW- ...jrbfkgks...... HER LEGS GO BEHIND HER HEAD AND THEN I......kfkgirsofigirkrk"

"Kakashi!!" This was probably the first time Guy was annoyed at Kakashi than the other way around,"You need to stop talking right this second!!! I don't need to hear about this!!!"

Guy dragged Kakashi's drunk ass up the pathway to his home, ready to pass off this mess to Tsuki. He reluctantly knocked on the door, ready to get scolded by someone he considered a sister-in-law.

Tsuki opened the door to find her loopy husband being held up by his best friend, who didn't exactly look sober himself.

"Tsuki! Thank God!" Guy was relieved to see her.

"Are you two drunk?" Tsuki asked

"I'm tipsy but Kakashi here is absolutely wasted!" Guy said placing

"HEY HONEY HOW ARE YOU? ME? I'M FIVE I MEAN I'M FINE! NEVER BEEN BETTER!!!" Kakashi quickly had a one way conversation with his wife.

"Shh! Kashi keep it down the kids are asleep!!" Tsuki scolded him as she took him from Guy's arms.

"SORRY KIDS!" Kakashi yelled in the direction of the hallway towards their rooms.

"I'm sorry I brought him back to you like this Tsuki, but I just can't take anymore of this tonight!" Guy said before patting Kakashi on the back.

Before Guy could walk away, Kakashi pulled him into a hug,"GUY! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANKS FOR NEVER GIVING UP ON ME!"

"Oh boy.." Tsuki shook her head as she watched Guy and Kakashi shed dramatic tears in the name of friendship.

"I'll see you both on Monday!" Guy left and Tsuki closed the door behind him.

"Mom, is dad okay?" Kanari's voice spoke up from behind them.

Tsuki and Kakashi turned to see Kai and Kanari standing in the hallway, rubbing their eyes. Kakashi woke them up.

Kakashi started weeping more as he walked over to them and fell to his knees to hug them.

"OH MY BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH YOU'RE BEST THINGS THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME." Kakashi cried into their shoulders, the twins were confused but started patting his head in an attempt to calm him down,"I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'D DO IF I EVER LOST YOU TWO AGAIN. ARE YOU TWO DOING OKAY? AM I BEING A GOOD ENOUGH DAD?!"

"Uhh, mom?" Kai asked,"Why is dad being weird?"

"GOD I WISH TAKEO WERE HERE TOO SO WE COULD HAVE A BIG FAMILY HUG." Kakashi continued to drunkenly pour his heart out.

"Yeah he's fine, he's just drunk. Guy took him out for his birthday." Tsuki explained as she tried to pry Kakashi off the twins

"Ohhhhh..." The twins replied in unison.

"Listen kids, just go back to bed. I'm gonna take care of your father." She finally freed then from his loving yet unintentionally overbearing hug.

"SWEET DREAMS KIDS! I LOVE YOU!" Kakashi held out a hand and yelled as they walked back to their rooms.

"Kakashi! You don't need to yell we're inside." She placed a kiss to his cheek.

"YELLING?! WHOSE YELLING?!" Kakashi very clearly yelled as she walked him over to the couch.

Tsuki giggled,"Shhh, Kashi!"

Kakashi finally started to whisper, still slurring his words,"Psst. Tsooks, can we have sex?"

"First of all, no you're too drunk." Tsuki said,"Second of all, you probably couldn't even get it up, you're so damn wasted."

"Yes I can!! Watch me!" Kakashi relaxed into the couch and started thinking of Tsuki is dirtiest of ways, trying to give himself an erection.

He couldn't. His blood vessels were much too dilated and it was physically impossible to get enough blood flow. He was too damn drunk.

"Okay so I can't get it up. That doesn't mean I can't do stuff to you!" He wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her close.

"Nonono, Kashi. If I know you, you're gonna start feeling sick in about five minutes." Tsuki dragged his ass to the bathroom and made him sit in front of the toilet after pulling his mask down.

Five minutes passed.

"Oh my God, Tsuki, I'm gonna puke..."

"I know Kashi.." Tsuki chuckled.

She gently rubbed the poor man's back as he wretched into the toilet at least five times, his body forcing all the toxic alcohol from his system.

"Never again Tsuki..." Kakashi said in between dry heaves,"I'm never going out with Guy again."

She laughed and shook her head,"Well that's a lie now isn't it?"

"Probably." He laid onto the bathroom floor,"Now...... Just leave me here to die."

Tsuki laughed even harder before retreating into their shared bedroom to grab some pillows and blankets.

She made a little makeshift bed on the bathroom floor and tucked in her beloved husband, the wonderful man she couldn't imagine her life without and fell asleep by his side, as per usual.

Tsuki wouldn't change a single thing about her life, even if she could.


Rare pic of Guy's infamous Christmas party:

Rare pic of Guy's infamous Christmas party:

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Fear and Love Part II (Kakashi x oc)Where stories live. Discover now