Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 5

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Tsuki and Kakashi both started waking up at the sound of birds chirping outside their shelter.

Tsuki was laying on her left side with her arms sprawled out in front of her and Kakashi was also laying on his left side, acting as the big spoon as one arm stretched underneath her neck while the other wrapped snugly around her waist.

They were so warm and comfortable that in their half-asleep state Kakashi pulled her in closer, pressing his body up against hers even more while Tsuki's back arched to fit securely into the bend of his waist.

Kakashi wasn't even conscious of her curvaceous ass brushing up against his groin, but his body became painfully aware on his behalf as the feeling made him grow hard. Extremely hard.

Tsuki unconsciously started grinding her ass against him, that's what she had done for the past eight years whenever Kakashi woke up with morning wood.

But her brain finally caught up to her body and her eyes shot open when she realized what she was doing.

Kakashi was now fully awake at this point as well, his eyes so wide they could have fallen out of his head. She was his comrade, but he was getting so turned on he didn't know whether to tell her to stop or let her continue.

They mutually pushed themselves apart, and Tsuki turned around to look at Kakashi who was seemingly frozen in time, his exposed face bright red, as was hers.

They stared at each other for a moment, in utter shock. The sexual tension was so thick in the air it was hard to breathe.

"I-I'm sorry." Tsuki finally stuttered out,"I shouldn't have-"

"No don't be sorry.." Kakashi interrupted her,"I'm the one that should be apologizing....I mean I kind of liked-...I mean it's not...." He breathed out through his nose, trying to get ahold of his word vomit,"Nevermind. I'm sorry. Let's just forget about it."

Tsuki nodded in agreement.

Well that was a fucking lie, neither of them were able to forget about it. That's all they thought about on their walk to the Land of Earth.

They were dressed in civilian clothes as they approached the city, wanting to do some reconnaissance work to find out the headquarters for the sex trafficking ring they were after.

They searched and searched, interviewing people, eavesdropping to no avail.

Until they were walking down the street and overhead a conversation.

"You need to find at least two more girls tonight. That's your quota." One creepy man said to another.

Kakashi and Tsuki's ears perked up and they glanced at each other.

They found a park to sit in, to discuss their plans.

"What's the age range for the girls that have gone missing?" Tsuki asked him.

"Out of the ones that have been discovered. 15-20." He replied.

"It'll be perfect!" Tsuki tied up her shirt into a knot, showing off her midriff and tugged her shirt down to show off some cleavage.

Kakashi couldn't help but take a quick peek. He couldn't get the scenario from this morning out of his mind. He wanted to be close like that with her again. He had this weird protective, possessive attitude when it came to her.

"Um, what are you doing?" Kakashi replied, averting his eyes away from her torso

"I'm gonna get captured by that man. It'll lead me to wherever they're keeping these girls captive." Tsuki said calmly.

"What?!" Kakashi snapped, he couldn't believe his ears

"What do you mean what? I'm in the perfect age range and I'm a girl." Tsuki snapped back

"Absolutely not." Kakashi did not like the idea of her being put into such a dangerous situation.

"What? Am I not attractive enough to be kidnapped?" Tsuki teased.

"No no no, of course you're attractive! I mean it's not-" Kakashi grunted in frustration. What was it about this woman that made him stumble over his words? "It's just too dangerous of a situation and I won't allow it. The men that run these things are.......pigs. I don't want you to get hurt that's all."

"Come on Kakashi, they put me in ANBU for a reason, I know you haven't seen me fight yet but I promise I can protect myself." Tsuki replied

Kakashi just shook his head, almost angry at her for suggesting this.

"There's no way you can track me?" Tsuki suggested, knowing he had ninja hounds at his disposal.

"I do have ninja hounds that could track your scent after the fact." Kakashi said reluctantly.

"See? Like I said it'll be perfect. I'll get captured and you can follow me after the fact. If something goes awry I can escape and then we can track my scent back to the their headquarters. It'll work either way."

Kakashi sighed. She made a good point and this plan was probably their best option.

"Fine." He grumbled.

They waited until nightfall, Tsuki adjusted her outfit so that she was showing as much skin as possible,"Do I look worthy of kidnapping?" She joked.

Kakashi eye'd her up and down and unintentionally bit his lip, luckily his mask covered it so she didn't see.

She looked so fucking sexy to him, she didn't even have to try. He wanted to run his hands up and down all of her curves, he wanted to wrap his hands around her thick thighs and pull them apart so he could get in between them. He just wanted to touch her.

He had never, in his life, wanted a woman so badly. It wasn't just a longing on his part, he wanted to make her feel good too, he wanted to blow her mind. This was his comrade, but he was having trouble respecting his own boundaries when it came to not getting too attached.

It was too late, he was already attached to her, as much as he tried to convince himself otherwise. He was trying to push away the feelings of love that had been slowly creeping up and building, but the feeling was too strong. Something about her was pulling him in.

He felt weak in the knees, but his blood started boiling when he remembered why she looked like that.

"Yeah, you're a good target." Kakashi said, avoiding eye contact with her

Tsuki giggled,"Okay, so you said you saw the guy four blocks down?"

Kakashi nodded.

"Alright, I'm gonna head over. Don't forget to rescue me, Captain." She winked at him and Kakashi felt like he could've died of cardiac arrest with that wink.

Just as Tsuki went to walk away he grabbed her wrist.

She turned to look at him, he had a look of genuine concern in his eyes. He looked like he wanted to say something, but the words just wouldn't come out.

"Just be safe, Kuraku." He finally spat out as he jumped to the rooftops to follow her.

Tsuki smiled and walked towards the general area where the kidnapper was last seen.

She passed by an alleyway and saw a dark figure looming in the shadows. She kept walking and he stepped out to follow her.

'Bingo' she thought as she heard the man quicken his pace.

Kakashi was covertly following along the rooftops and saw the man begin to follow Tsuki.

He saw him pull out a needle of some sort and launched it at the back of Tsuki's neck.

Tsuki felt the needle hit her neck and her vision got blurry. A sedative.

Kakashi raged inside as he saw Tsuki fall to the ground, knocked out cold, but he held back for the sake of completing the mission.

The man walked over to Tsuki and hoisted her up to his shoulder and carry her away.

Now all he Kakashi had to do was tail the man, and wait.

Fear and Love Part II (Kakashi x oc)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें