Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 13 (pre-🍋)

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"Draw one, Kashi!" Tsuki said.

"Okay, okay. Geez so bossy, Kuraku..." Kakashi teased. He reached his hand into the bowl filled with small scraps of paper.

They wanted to get to know each other more (even though Tsuki knew pretty much everything about him) so they wrote down a bunch of questions for each other on a scraps of paper and were now drawing them out of a bowl as they sat on the floor of the living room leaning up against the couch.

Kakashi uncurled the paper he picked up,"Would you rather be waited on hand and foot by your partner or split chores 50/50? Hahaha, what kind of question is this, Kuraku?!"

Tsuki laughed,"Hey, I gotta know what kind of guy you are!"

'He's gonna say he'd rather do most of the chores but if he only had these two options then 50/50' Tsuki thought to herself. She was playing her own game, to see how much she knew about Kakashi and if he was different from the one she met when he was 28.

But, for this question, she knew one of his main love languages was acts of service, so she was sure she had this in the bag.

"Well if I'm being honest, I would rather do most of the chores, like a 70/30 split because.. I don't know it just makes me feel good. But if I absolutely had to choose between these options then 50/50." Kakashi replied.

Tsuki smiled, she was right.

"Your turn!" He shoved the bowl toward her. Tsuki swirled her hand around the papers until she grasped one and unfolded it.

"Do you prefer going out or staying in?" Tsuki read aloud,"Hmmm, going out once in a while is fun, like with friends. Buuuut, if it's with the right person then I'd rather stay in..."

Kakashi listened intently, taking note of all her responses. He just liked talking to her and hearing her talk back to him,"Am I the right person, Kuraku?"

Tsuki giggled and blushed, she felt like a schoolgirl with her first crush,"We are staying in at the moment, aren't we?"

"Well I did notice you said no to going out to dinner with the Team when I walked into the locker room..." He teased.

"Hey now, don't go getting a bigger head than you already have, Hatake."

Kakashi couldn't stop grinning like a psycho, he'd never felt so happy before. It just made him want to laugh. He pulled out another paper,"Would you rather eat something sweet every day for the rest of your life or take your mask off permanently? What! This is an impossible question!"

Tsuki mischievously rubbed her hands together like a villain,"You have to answer that's the rule."

Tsuki knew he hated sweets, and that he'd never take his mask off in public. It was the classic unstoppable force meets an immovable object scenario.

Kakashi struggled, it was the dumbest hypothetical scenario ever, but he didn't even know how to hypothetically answer it.

'He's gonna say he'd eat sweets. He's too fucking stubborn to take the mask off'

"I'm gonna have to go with eating something sweet everyday. I just can't take the mask off. I'd probably get a bunch of cavities though from all the sugar" He said, his mask was hanging off his face at the moment but that's because he was in the privacy of his own home with Tsuki.

Ding! Another point for Tsuki.

Tsuki reached into the bowl,"What's your favorite type of cake?" This was an actual random ass question,"Ummm, carrot cake with cream cheese frosting?"

Kakashi committed that to memory,"Good! So now I know what kind of cake to get you for your birthday in a couple days!"

"Oh shit that's right I'll be turning... nineteen." Tsuki almost said thirty-seven. She had landed here on August 1st and now three days had gone by and her birthday would be coming up on the 5th.

Kakashi wanted to spoil her. He was making up for the fact that he was still too scared to tell her that he loved her.

"Alright your turn now, Hatake." She slid the bowl back over, he reached in and pulled out another scrap of paper.

He snorted out before tilting his head back in laughter pressing his hand to his forehead and running it down his face, dragging the skin of his cheek and lips with it as he closed his eyes trying to get over how funny the question was.

Tsuki started laughing at his inability to control his laughter.

"You would write a question like this, Kuraku." He looked at the paper that contained her handwriting.

"Wait which one is it! I put a few funny ones in there!" Tsuki said getting closer to him.

"Tits or ass?" He said before bursting out into a fit of giggling again.

Even though they were grown-up for their age, they were still teenagers, so a little bit of immaturity shined through here and there.

They were both being dumb as they grasped their stomach that felt like they were gonna cramp up from laughing too hard.

"Oh my god, oh my god I can't.." Kakashi's voice became high pitched as he toppled over with tears coming to his eyes.

"I'm gonna fucking pee myself." Tsuki said as she kicked her legs. At this point there wasn't any sound coming out of them, they didn't have any air left in their lungs. They were just gasping for breath as they tried to compose themselves.

This was happiest Tsuki had felt since she last saw Kakashi back in her real timeline.

"Oh shit, oh shit. Okay okay okay." Kakashi was slowly gaining his composure as he sat back up and wiped his tears away,"Why was that so funny? It wasn't even that funny of a question it just came out of nowhere."

"Well what's your answer, Hatake?!" Tsuki implored him, putting her nose up to his cheek as a fake attempt to intimidate him.

"Uh, both on you Tsuki." He replied still looking at the paper.

"Nonono, that's not the objective of the game. You have to answer it correctly! You can't cheat your way out like that. You have to choose one...tits or ass?" Tsuki teased.

"Okay okay.." Kakashi looked like he was in deep thought,"Actually, I might to see a real life example to make my decision.." he looked at her with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"An example?" Tsuki bit her lip, she knew where he was going with this.

"Yeah.. you know. So I can make a truly well-informed decision. I wouldn't want to be wreckless with my answer..." he mused.

"Oh no of course not, you can't afford to be wreckless..." Tsuki stood up and took a few steps back in front of him.

Kakashi's eyes ran up and down her figure, admiring how sexy she looked, even fully dressed.

'Time to put on a show' Tsuki thought as she grasped at the hem of her shirt.

Fear and Love Part II (Kakashi x oc)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя