Kai's Timeline Pt. 3

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"Okay, that was the last puzzle, Kai." Kakashi said as Kai carefully put the completed puzzle back in it's box, trying not to break it apart,"What's next on the agenda?"

Kai and Kakashi were still in the park, playing games and doing puzzles as father and son.

Kai pulled out a bag of chips from the multitude of snacks Kakashi bought him.

"Now, we go to where you live and watch a bunch of movies!" Kai said with a mouth full of chips.

Kakashi gave him a closed eye smile,"Sounds like a plan, kid."

Kakashi helped him gather all of their things and Kai hopped up onto his back.

"Tell me about your house." Kai said as Kakashi walked down the street.

"Well... It was actually my father's house." Kakashi said,"He left it to me when he uh, died. It's got three bedrooms, two bathrooms, pretty standard kitchen with an island. Little backyard with a zen garden I haven't touched in years. Good size living room. Lots of space but it's just me there."

"You never wanted a wife and kids? Aren't you like already old?" Kai asked, curious as to what state of mind his father was in at this point in my life.

"Ouch! Hey I'm only twenty-seven, kid! And umm, honestly it's not that I was opposed to that idea in general it's just that... You see Kai, I've lost a lot of people I love in my life and if I'm being completely honest I just never saw myself getting married or having kids for fear of losing them. But obviously one of those things has changed now that you're here. And although the idea of being a father is terrifying and I have no idea what I'm doing, I love it so far. And I'm glad you came to find me."

Kai snickered in his head at Kakashi's statements. He couldn't believe his father thought he would never get married or have kids. He saw the way he looked at his mom back in his real timeline. He saw how he would open up doors for her, make her tea in the morning, hold her hand, etc. Kai didn't know much about girls but he knew that his dad treated his mom like a man should.

He also thought it was funny that he never pictured himself having kids, he was literally the best dad ever. He would always play with him and his sister when he had time, he helped them with homework, with training, he never got really mad or upset when he did something he shouldn't have. He wasn't overly strict but he also wasn't too lenient. He provided more than enough for the Hatake family, in more ways than just monetary.

"Here we are, 340 Tanbo Lane. I'll have to give you a key." Kakashi let Kai down after unlocking the door,"Go ahead in and explore. I'll set up to watch movies."

Kai ran inside and pretended to explore the house as if he had never seen it before.

"You can pick out whatever extra bedroom you want!" Kakashi called from the kitchen as he put a bag of popcorn in the microwave.

Kakashi felt giddy, he felt like he was really getting the hang of this whole 'being a father' thing. He was excited that the father/son dynamic that used to exist in this house between him and Sakumo existed once again, but with his own son.

He was quickly growing attached to this kid and felt like he needed to protect this bond at all costs.

Kakashi put the popcorn into a bowl and pulled out the candy Kai had bought himself and brought it all to the coffee table where he had laid out the stack of movies from the store.

Kai came running back in and parked it on the couch.

"Which one do you wanna watch?" Kakashi asked, grabbing one and flipping over to the back to see the description.

"Let's watch one of the Princess Gale movies!!!' Kai said.

"Princess Gale? Oh I know her! I actually escorted her to the Land of Snow with my genin students. Okay, yeah let's watch that." Kakashi put the disc the DVD player and sat onto the couch on the opposite end of where Kai was sitting.

"You met her?!" Kai asked.

"Yeah, she ended up being the actual princess of the Land of Snow and took back the throne. I had rescued her from there when she was a young girl back when I was about seventeen in the ANBU. It's a long, complicated story.." Kakashi said.

Kai thought his dad was so cool, he never got tired of hearing stories of his mission days. He liked hearing how his dad was famous around the world for being badass ninja, so much so, that he ended up being Hokage. He wanted to grow up to be like him.

Kai grabbed the bowl of popcorn and set it on Kakashi's lap and snuggled up to him on the couch under his arm. Kakashi instinctively wrapped it around him

Kakashi's heart raced. He couldn't believe this tiny human was a part of him. It was an exhilarating feeling of love and adoration and fear all at the same time.

Kakashi loved it. He had a fucking son!

Kai ate his candy and popcorn, and not even halfway through the movie he fell asleep in Kakashi's lap.

Kakashi involuntarily started combing through his soft but messy brown hair with his fingers, still shocked at how much he looked like him when he was a child.

Kakashi saw him sleeping so peacefully, he didn't want to move, he didn't want to disturb him. He was just blissfully enjoying the moment.

'Is this how you felt, dad, when I would fall asleep in your lap?' Kakashi thought in his head, as if he were speaking to his father in the afterlife.

Eventually Kakashi picked up Kai into his arms and took him to one of the spare bedrooms, the room that used to belong to him as a child and set him in the bed and tucked him in.

Kai started talking in his sleep as soon as Kakashi began to walk out the door to go to his own bed.

"No dad, please don't go, please don't leave..." Kai said. He was having a nightmare of the day Kakashi died.

Kakashi's heart broke, he felt like a dead beat dad who ignored his son for six years. Even though he wasn't aware of his existence until now, it was still hard not to beat himself up over it.

Instead of leaving to sleep in his own Kakashi crawled under the covers with Kai.

Kai, in his sleep, automatically snuggled up to his dad.

"I'm not going anywhere, son."

Fear and Love Part II (Kakashi x oc)Where stories live. Discover now