Flashback: Curse Mark Pt. 1

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Flashback to four months after Shin Ozawa was defeated. The twins are almost a year and a half. Tsuki still has the curse mark from Orochimaru and Kakashi's seal on it has begun weakening once again.
"Tsuki we need to have a serious talk." Kakashi said.

Tsuki and him were sitting in his office at the Hokage's tower while the twins were in the daycare with Shizune.

"I knew it!" Tsuki started joking because she could tell Kakashi was serious,"I knew the day would come when you would break up with me!"

"What?" Kakashi said,"First of all we wouldn't 'break up' we would 'divorce' and second of all no I would never."

He stood from his desk and sat next to her on the couch and took her hands into his.

"I'm serious, Tsuki." Kakashi said.

"Okay, Kashi, what is it you want to talk about?" Tsuki replied, matching his energy.

Kakashi was trying to approach this topic carefully, since he knew how much anguish this subject brought her.

"I just want to start off by reminding you that I love you. Literally more than life itself." He began,"Everything I do, every decision I make is dictated by what I think is best for you and the kids. Especially stuff regarding our family. You understand that right?"

"Of course I do, Kashi. You've never made me doubt that before.." Tsuki quirked an eyebrow, wondering where he was going with this.

"And I am always worried about your well being. Literally always. Almost to a fault. I almost lost you during the war and I'm reminded of that fact every time I see that scar on your back. I almost lost you when Shin got ahold of the Kaimetsu Chojougan. My happiness stems from you and the kids being safe, happy, and healthy." Kakashi continued.

"I understand that, Kashi. As does mine, but with you obviously." Tsuki replied.

"Please keep that in mind for what I'm about to say next...."

Tsuki got nervous and her heart started racing,"What is it?"

"You need to have Orochimaru remove that curse mark from your shoulder." Kakashi stated plainly.

Tsuki felt sick to her stomach hearing Orochimaru's name. That man had tortured her to no end. The trauma that stemmed from his experiments was something she'd never forget. She still had nightmares about being in his captivity, she would get anxious if she focused on the snake bite scars all over body for too long. She'd be happy if she never heard his name or saw his face again. Let alone let him get close enough to her to remove his curse mark.

"What? N-no." Tsuki replied absolutely flabbergasted that he would practically order her to do something like that.

"Tsuki, I know you're probably shocked. But that curse mark has caused you so much grief. I mean we resorted to implanting your eye in my head to stop Shin from destroying the world with the Kaimetsu and need I remind you, to revive the twins." Kakashi's voice was unwavering and firm.

He had approached this subject in the past lovingly, taking her emotions into consideration every time. He was hoping she would come to the conclusion to get it removed on her own but she didn't, so he decided to be much more direct, for her own safety.

"What the hell? No, Kashi!" Tsuki raised her voice and pulled her hands out of his.

"Tsuki, the curse mark seems to be growing stronger. The seal I put on it is not strong enough, it keeps breaking and eating away at your chakra. This could kill you if you let it go too far. You know I'm not this kind of guy, in the slightest. But, as your husband, I'm asking....no I'm telling you, you need to get this curse mark removed."

Tsuki face went cold at the prospect of having to face Orochimaru again and she panicked and was getting angry all at the same time. She stood and started pacing around the room. She couldn't help it, even if it was Kakashi, the man she loved more than anyone, to be the one telling her. What's worse was he was right and she just couldn't face the music.

"Telling me? And where the fuck do you get off telling me I need to do this?" Tsuki continued to raise her voice, frustrating Kakashi as he pinched the bridge of his nose,"Do you have any fucking idea what that man put me through?!"

Kakashi tried his best to remain calm and not raise his voice,"I understand Tsuki, trust me I've read the experimentation reports we've found in his hideouts but-"

"But?!?" Tsuki was getting increasingly more scared, but it came off as anger,"But what, Kakashi?! If you've read the reports then you fucking know better than to tell me to do something like this!!"

Kakashi loved her too much to let her keep this curse mark, his frustration had risen to a boiling point and he wasn't a perfect person, so he ended up unintentionally raising his voice as well. He stood to get closer to her.

"Tsuki! This is for your own fucking good! And the good of our fucking children! How do you think Kai and Kana would feel if their mother died because her chakra got eaten away by a curse mark she could have gotten rid of?!"

Tsuki hated that he was right. But her fear of Orochimaru caused her to think irrationally, to the point where she was screaming at her husband

"Fuck you!" Tsuki said, her words cutting into Kakashi's heart like a knife,"I know you've had a hard fucking life Kakashi, but how dare you begin to act like you know what I went through while I was in his captivity. I wished for death every goddamn day while I was there! Not a moment went by when I wasn't in excruciating pain. For three entire years! All while grieving the genocide of my entire clan! And you want that same mother fucker to touch me? Get near me?! I think the fuck not, so fuck you and your stupid idea!"

She had tears running down her cheeks as she as she went to storm out of the office.

Kakashi got quiet again and grabbed onto her arm as she walked past him.

"Tsuki I just-"

"Let go of me, Kashi." Tsuki ripped her arm out of his grip and continued through the door.

Kakashi watched her walk out and slam the door behind her.

He cupped his nose and mouth in his hands and closed his eyes taking a deep breath in to try and calm himself down. He had a pain in his chest, her words really did hurt him. But he tried it best to brush them off. He, probably better than anyone, understood the mechanisms of PTSD and the meltdown that can result from having an episode.

He knew Tsuki wasn't mad at him, she was scared.

Tsuki and him rarely fought, which he was grateful for. But he certainly never enjoyed when they did.

There was a knock on the door. Kakashi quickly wiped away the tears that were pooling in his eyes.

"Come in!" Kakashi said

"What was all that commotion?" Shikamaru said.

"Tsuki and I, uh, got into a heated argument." Kakashi said plainly, before sniffling a bit and clearing his throat, trying to hold back the fact that he wanted to cry.

"Yeah I think the whole building heard.." Shikamaru replied

Kakashi sighed,"Can you hold down the fort, Shikamaru?" I've gotta go find her and talk to her."

"Sure thing, Kakashi-sensei. She turned left when she walked out of the building."

"Thank you." And with that, Kakashi rushed out of the building in search of his wife.

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