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"So, Mr. Ido." Kanari asked turning to the man they were escorting,"What's in the scrolls?"

"I was not informed of what's in the scrolls. But they have been protected by our village for many generations, however, they are sealed and written in code. Over the years we have lost the ability to read this code. So our village leader wanted them to be brought to the Leaf to be deciphered."

"I see." She said

"I'm sure Shikamaru could figure it out!" Kai said,"He's really smart when it comes to that kinda stuff!"

"He sure is!" Naruto said,"Why all of a sudden did your village decide to take them to the Leaf though?"

"Oh well, uh, you see.......we were attacked by the Shioki clan a few days ago. They were trying to steal the scrolls from us but luckily the warriors of our village were able to fend them off." Ido responded apprehensively.

"WHAT?!" Naruto was flabbergasted,"The fact that your village got attacked wasn't outlined in the escort request!! Does the Hokage even know about this?!"

"Well uh, I don't think so but-...." Ido's voice got smaller and smaller.

"The Shioki clan is made up of notoriously strong bandits and ninja. They're one of the only clans that have been problematic during the post war reconstruction. Why wouldn't you mention that in your request that they attacked your village?! The Hokage would have sent way more people than just a single genin team!!"

Naruto was furious as he became worried for the safety of his students at this shocking news. They're were likely a target. If the village only got attacked a couple days ago, the Shioki clan was likely still around somewhere.

"Well you see, our village couldn't afford more than a genin team and the Leaf wouldn't have-"

"Kakashi-sensei is a very reasonable Hokage and he would have worked something out with your village in terms of payment and cost or even would have done it pro bono, especially if these scrolls are so sought after and dangerous! You should have told us!"

"Yeah!" Kai said,"I've sat in on some of their meetings and I don't know what the hell's going on most the time but my dad always makes a fair deal and the other village leaders like him for it!" Kai was trying to defend his Big Brother sensei, even though Kai was excited at the prospect of fighting some enemies.

"I-I.." Ido couldn't even finish his sentence. It was as if on cue the four man-squad was surrounded by twenty enemies, undoubtedly members of the Shioki clan.

"Shit." Naruto mumbled. The Team Seven curse was in full swing as this D-ranked escort mission turned into a B-rank or higher.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" He yelled as he produced 18 shadow clones. He didn't know how tough these enemies were going to be so he decided to size them up first while giving his students a chance to prove themselves.

"You three! Protect Mr. Ido!" Naruto yelled as he and his shadow clones engaged in a fight with the Shioki clan.

"Right!" The three genin yelled in unison as they got in formation around Ido.

"Mitsue, you think you can watch Mr. Ido?!" Kai said, temporarily forgetting about their constant bickering and rivalry.

Mitsue pulled second kunai and stood directly in front of him and nodded,"You two fight those guys coming up on us. I'll step in if you need help."

Kai nodded and he and Kanari pulled out their own ninja tools and activated their Chojougan.

The twins would never forget this, their first real enemies, on their first real mission. This wasn't training with their mom and dad anymore, this wasn't the academy, this was real and they could seriously get injured if they didn't stay focused. Their hearts were racing and they fought through their fear.

Fear and Love Part II (Kakashi x oc)Where stories live. Discover now