Flashback: Kakashi's Birthday

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Flashback to Kakashi's 34th birthday, Tsuki just got home after being gone for six days on business. Tsuki found out she's pregnant with Takeo.
Kakashi stood in the bathroom looking in the mirror. He finished shaving his face for the day and brushed his teeth.

He was wearing nothing but his boxers, he was getting ready for work.

Today was September 15th, and it was his thirty-fourth birthday.

And apparently Tsuki, Sakura, and Naruto were going to surprise him with something at some point today, but he still opted to go to work like it was any other day. Since his dad's death, he got used to not celebrating his birthday, but Tsuki always insisted on making it special which he was appreciative of. She made him feel special and wanted, and when the twins got involved it reminded him of how great his life turned out despite the fact that he was aging.

He turned to see Tsuki getting dressed in some skin tight black shorts and white tank top, an outfit she wore in the morning when she was going to go on a run.

He admired her body and face, purely for aesthetic reasons. Despite carrying twins to full term, her body had bounced back and despite what she thinks, she looks the same as when he first met her. Her face had not a single wrinkle on it somehow, her gorgeous straight brown hair was as thick and shiny as ever, her blue right eye popped next to Kakashi's grey one in her left. She had the brightest of smiles, she was so fit and healthy for a woman her age, she did go for a 5K run most mornings and still trained here and there. To Kakashi she was glowing really, maybe a little more than usual.

He walked into the bedroom and caught a glimpse of himself in the full length mirror.

He poked at his belly.

Kakashi hadn't really aged in the face, but he certainly felt he was in less than ideal shape than when he was an active Shinobi.

Tsuki turned and giggled at him poking and pinching at his belly.

"Babe, what are you doing?" She said with a giggle.

"Tsuki, I've gone soft, flabby even! Where did my muscles go? They like disappeared." Kakashi replied.

Tsuki examined him,"What do you mean, you still have muscles.." she wasn't lying, his legs and arms were still rippling, but maybe a little less than when she first met him and first saw him naked,"Flex!"

Kakashi flexed his arms, legs, and stomach muscles. They showed up......a bit.

"See! They're in there.... somewhere.." Tsuki teased

"Oh no! Tsuki! I'm officially on the road to getting a dad bod!" Kakashi said mortified grabbing his hair,"I'm 34! Is this where it all goes down hill for me? My youthful metabolism is disappearing!"

"Okay stop, now you sound like Guy. Babe you're hot as fuck I don't know what to tell you. Women still try to hit on you all the time..." Tsuki said trying to reassure him.

"You're obligated to tell me that because you're married to me!"

"Oh my god, Kashi! I'm not obligated! But listen, you've been Hokage for four years now. You sit at a desk all day, you've only gone on a few missions in that time when prior to that you were going in active missions nearly everyday. So it's only natural you lose some of your fitness over the years."

"Aha! So you agree with me! I'm getting a belly!"

Tsuki rolled her eyes.

"Are you going for a run this morning?" Kakashi asked walking over to the dresser.

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