Genin Team Assignments

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"I understand that Kai and Kanari have to remain on the same team because they are difficult to separate, but why would you want to put Mitsue Harashi on their team? Kai and him get into arguments and fights all the time!" Iruka said in response to Kakashi's change in team members.

"So did Obito and I. So did Naruto and Sasuke." Kakashi said with a closed eye smile,"I think the rivalry will be good for them. They may even end up being best friends. I think all the other matches you made with sthe students and sensei are apt, I only made the one change."

"Okay, if you say so Lord Si-" Iruka looked up and saw Kakashi glaring at him, warning him not to call him Lord.

"Uhh, Kakashi." Iruka corrected with an awkward smile.

"Good!" Kakashi said clasping his hands together and leaned back in his office chair,"Can you please tell the genin instructors to come in so I can tell them their team assignments?"

"Sure thing." Iruka bowed and left the room.

After Iruka left the room, Tsuki, who had been one of Kakashi's advisors since the twins went into the academy at 4, came in with some recent mission requests.

"Hey, we've received a slew of requests for escorts from fuedal lords and some d-rank missions." Tsuki said handing him a stack of papers,"I made copies and I'm going to enter them into the computer but I figured I'd give them to you now since you and Iruka are about to assign genin team leaders and they'll need to go on their first mission."

"Thank you, love." Kakashi said,"You make my job so easy sometimes." He put his chin on his hand and stared at the woman who's been by his side for the last eight years, still enchanted by her beauty the same way he was when he first began falling for her.

"What's that look on your face, Hatake?" Tsuki asked as she caught him staring.

"Nothing." He said,"Just that you're pretty and I like you."

Tsuki blushed and laughed at him,"Wow I'm so honored to have the Hokage's attention." She joked and walked around the desk to sit on his lap.

"Just call me Kakashi. Can I take you on a date?" He acted like he barely met her.

"Okay, this is dumb." Tsuki laughed, making Kakashi chuckle as well.

"I know, but seriously let's go on a date tonight, the kids will be occupied meeting their new sensei and will be training tonight. We'll have the house to ourselves until at least midnight." Kakashi kissed the back of her hand.

"Ohh, we'll be by ourselves in the house. You've got yourself a deal there then!" Tsuki smiled and pulled his mask down to steal a kiss from his soft lips. She never got tired of kissing him,"By the way who is gonna be their new sensei?"

Kakashi smiled a mischievous toothy grin.

"Oh God don't tell me...." Tsuki said.

He kept smiling, raising his eyebrows, inviting her to guess.

"It's not....?" Tsuki wanted him to say it.

"Yes....yes it is..." He said motioning like he zipped his lips and threw away the key.

"Oh Lord, they're all gonna be a handful together.." Tsuki said.

"I know but it'll be great and the twins will stay safe. Have you talked to Shizune lately? Have they come any closer to finding a seal for the moonstones so that the twins can carry them or house them or whatever?" Kakashi said.

"They're getting closer, they may be able to seal them inside the twins similarly to how Naruto has the nine tails sealed in him. That way the power is kept somewhat separate from them but an enemy doesn't have a chance to physically take it from them." Tsuki replied,"But I can follow up on that for you........ Lord Sixth." She flashed him a seductive look.

"You're the only one I like calling me that.' Kakashi said as his hand trailed down to squeeze her inner thigh, he kissed her neck

"Hey watch yourself Hatake, we almost got caught last time we had sex in your office, we better not." She said, standing up.

Kakashi whined,"Yeah I guess you're right, that would have been devastating."

"I'm gonna go find Shizune and then I'll get all these missions in the computer for you." She said walking out, swaying her hips to tease Kakashi.

"God you're killing me, Kuraku." He bit his knuckle and shook his head to rid himself of his dirty thoughts before returning to his work.

"Thank you all for coming today." Kakashi addressed the set of genin instructors that had filed into his office.

Ino, Kiba, Shino, Naruto, Rock Lee, Ten-Ten, and a few others were all new instructors, ready to take on their own set of genin.

Kakashi went down the line and assigned each person three genin students to keep track of until he got down to the last two teams.

"Shino, you'll be in charge of team 8, consisting of Norio Murai, Jun Iha, and Emiko Obara."

Shino bowed,"Thank you, Lord Sixth."

Shino left the room, leaving just Kakashi and Naruto.

"Does this mean what I think it means, Kakashi-sensei?!" Naruto said excitedly grabbing Kakashi's shoulders.

Kakashi chuckled,"Yes, you're in charge of team seven, consisting of Kai Hatake, Kanari Hatake and Mitsue Harashi."

Naruto jumped into the air,"Hell yeah, I get to be my little brother and sister's genin leader?!"

"That's right! I'm entrusting you with my children, Naruto, please don't fuck them up. Keep them safe. When you go on missions, we'll give you the moonstones to keep on your person if you have to leave the village until we can figure out how to seal them into the twins." Kakashi said

"Oh that's right, I forget the twins can't be too far away from the moonstones." Naruto said,"And don't worry Kakashi-sensei! I'll be the best genin leader ever!! I mean I learned from the best." Naruto elbowed Kakashi's arm.

Kakashi smiled at the now twenty-three year old Naruto, who had a wife, a child of his own. In a way he felt like Naruto had also grown up right before his eyes, the same way Kakashi's real children did. He remembered when Naruto was just a kid, clutching onto his vest after fighting Zabuza and he saw little kid he had carried home after his fight with Sasuke.

'Maybe Tsuki was right, we're all getting too damn old.' Kakashi thought.

"Well, you better go meet them in the classroom, Naruto. They'll be excited to know you're their sensei. Keep them out late, Tsuki and I are going on a date tonight." Kakashi said.

"Sure thing, Kakashi-sensei! See ya!" Naruto walked out the office door to go meet his new team.

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