Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 29

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"So since tomorrow's the last day and we don't have any missions, I'm planning on sneaking into the Hokage's tower and the hospital to destroy my records tonight, before Kakashi gets home." Tsuki said to Itachi as they were walking home from a new mission,"Tomorrow I'll be out of the house by 11:50pm. Kakashi mostly keeps his left eye closed unless he's using it in battle so if you catch him fast enough he won't use the Sharingan to counteract your genjutsu, not that I think his eye is strong enough to overpower your eyes anyway. Wipe every. Single. Memory. Of me. Don't leave anything behind."

"Understood." Itachi nodded his head,"But why don't you let me take care of destroying your records. I'm faster than you, and if I run into anybody I have my Sharingan to put them in a genjutsu. That way you can just spend your last day with the Captain instead of running around the village."

Tsuki heart swelled with joy, this kid was a damn saint.

"You know, Itachi, in the future, you and I never cross paths.." Tsuki replied,"But I'm sure as hell glad I met you in this era."

"Don't mention it." Itachi smiled,"Like I said, I'd do anything to ensure that Sasuke's and the Village's future ends up the way it should."

Tsuki and Itachi got paired up for another mission, giving them the perfect opportunity to discuss how Itachi was going to erase the memories of anyone that had met her so that there wouldn't be any major changes to the future. Kakashi had to lead the other part of Team Ro on a separate mission. 

She missed him so much, especially knowing that tonight and tomorrow was all she had left before she would have to leave him behind.

"How are you planning on sneaking out of the house?" Itachi asked,"Won't the Captain wake if you were to suddenly leave in the middle of the night?"

"That, I haven't figured out yet." Tsuki said,"Since Kakashi's mission is going to run later than ours I'm going to go to my apartment and clear the place out and then just stay at his house. But I'm still coming up with a plan on how to leave that night. I'm thinking maybe tell him the Hokage had me go on another mission? Or at least something to that effect."

"Hmm, well I'm sure you'll figure something out..." Itachi said as they approached the village.

"Well I better get back to the Uchiha compound. And then tomorrow night, I'm going to track down all the people you met and wipe their memory first. I'll save Kakashi for last."

"Itachi...." Tsuki said,"I- I can't thank you enough..."

"Just look out for my little brother will you?" Itachi said,"Since it sounded like I won't be there to do it myself."

Tsuki thought back to the day Sasuke came into her cell at Orochimaru's hideout and released her chains as he empathized with her over losing her whole clan,"Trust me when I say I owe your little brother my life... He's strong Itachi, he doesn't need anyone to look out for him."

Itachi smiled, he knew Tsuki couldn't give him details of the future, but he felt so reassured by what little information she did divulge,"Good to hear it."

Itachi and Tsuki parted ways and she made her way back to her apartment.

She grabbed what little belongings she owned and packed them into a bag until she completely cleared the place out.

Then she tossed everything but the essentials into a trash can nearby. She had already had an overnight bag of clothes at Kakashi's, so she would be able to live with that until she had to leave.

She was so grateful they had the day off tomorrow. Her heart was so torn between not knowing whether to be happy or sad, so much so, that she almost felt nothing at all.

It hadn't hit her yet, that this might be the last time she'd ever see the man she loved more than life itself, but she had a feeling when it came down to the final hour, she'd be a mess.

She approached Kakashi's house with the key he gifted her for her birthday in hand and unlocked the door.

It was only about 7pm, but Kakashi wasn't slated to come home until around midnight, so she made food, showered and kicked back to read MakeOut Paradise before falling asleep in Kakashi's bed.

After getting used to sharing a bed with him again, she tossed and turned as her subconscious mind refused to let her fall asleep without him.

She spoke out to the bedroom, just trying to vent her feelings, begging for something to change,"God, or the universe, or whatever you are. If there's a higher power out there, please, please bring Kakashi back to me. I can't.... I can't do this without him. I need him. Kai and Kanari need him. Our new baby is going to need him...."

Tsuki felt terrible that the baby she was pregnant with would grow up only seeing his or her father in pictures.

When Kakashi in this timeline asked her what a soulmate was, she meant it when she said "it's not your better half, it's the half you can't live with out."

Tsuki didn't even know how she had survived the last month without him.

'What the fuck? How am I supposed to live without Kakashi?' She thought she had more time with him. They were supposed to grow old together, and watch their children grow up into incredible Shinobi, and eventually get married themselves. They were supposed become grandparents together. They were supposed to enjoy their retirement together once Kakashi passed the torch to Naruto. She was supposed to die before him, because she had previously told him she wouldn't be able to handle it if it were the other way around. They were always supposed to be together.

'I have to live without Kakashi for the rest of my life?

And raise our children and new baby, without him?

What the fuck?'

For the first time since his death, it truly hit her, that she was a lonely widow and that she had lost the half she couldn't live without. Now she completely understood how Kurenai felt when Asuma died and she admired friend for being so strong and raising a child as a single mother.

But Jesus, Tsuki wouldn't wish this feeling on her worst enemy.

She wrestled with her turmoil and eventually gave in to crying, seemingly the only way her heart could respond to such anguish until eventually she succumbed to the exhaustion that this emotionally taxing situation put her through.

She'd definitely need therapy after this.

But for now, she instantly felt better when she felt a warm familiar body crawled into bed next to her

"Psst. Tsuki, I love you. Like a lot."

I just worked six 12 hour shifts in a row and I haven't been very inspired to write anything so sorry if chapters suck for a little bit 😭😭

Almost contemplated discontinuing, but I would feel too guilty lol. Plus I like when fanfics get completed.

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