Mafia Waters Pt.2 (Yandere! BokuAka AU)

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[The dialogue is a little sharp and insensitive at one point] [Kids] [Pretty long]

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Akaashi sat there, contemplating the offer he was just handed.

On one hand, he desperately wanted to leave the mafia business. Killing people, although bad, was not in his morality. He was forced to make a decision based on a series of events that happened which lead to him being fired with no family or friends around to help him.

The only con the raven headed male could clearly see is being stuck with an obsessive man for the rest of his life. Again, Akaashi could read people like an open book. Although Bokuto was a tough man and probably one of the most feared all over Japan, he was quite easy to understand.

Then again, this would also be his only chance of having a somewhat normal life from now on. As much as Akaashi didn't want to admit it, Bokuto was right. The mafia business is a blackhole. Once in, never out.

Bokuto is one of the only people in the world right now who can protect him from the other side, besides himself.

"You're taking a long time to think about this Keiji." Bokuto said, grabbing his chair and sitting there "Take your time."

Akaashi glanced up "Why do you want me to be your partner?"

"Eh? Don't you already know? I assumed you read me." Bokuto said

"I want to hear it from you." Akaashi simply said

"Well." Bokuto started, clasping his hands together and pressing it on his lips as he was thinking "I've been studying you for a while as you were an opposing intelligence agent. I've seen numerous amounts of files pertaining interesting agents, but none of them were interesting to me, aside from you."

"You liked me.. over a file?" Akaashi asked

"More then that. I've seen many footages of you doing your work. I didn't think much of this still, until I got the notice today that you were detained by one of my men. So I drove down, and I don't know why, but I felt something when seeing you that I haven't for anyone before." Bokuto said "Just you speaking to me now gives me the same feeling... a feeling of necessity.. so I want to give you a chance."

"...  What if I refuse?" Akaashi asked

"I think you know what will happen sweetheart." Bokuto smiled "You worked for the other side. We don't take too kindly to those people."

Akaashi sighed and stood up, the taller immediately standing up after him.

"Calm down, Bokuto-san." Akaashi said as he lended his hand out

Bokuto stared at the hand for a couple seconds before shaking it with a bright smile, pulling the other into a tight hug.

"If you ever think about betraying me with that intelligent little brain of yours." Bokuto whispered against the younger's ear "I'll have everyone find you, and bring you right back to me."

"You better hope I fall in love with you." Akaashi simply said back, keeping his cool from the obvious threat

"Something tells me you already have." Bokuto said, grabbing the others hand as he lead him out of the safe house

Looking on the outside, a sleek black car awaited, multiple security guards around it.

"Boss." One of the guards said, eyeing Akaashi critically

"Don't worry. He's one of us now." Bokuto said before eyeing down the guard "Look at him like that again and i'll rip your throat out."

The guard cleared his throat as he straightened himself and nodded, anxiousness washing over him.

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