Mafia Waters Pt.1 (Yandere! BokuAka AU)

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Bokuto Kōtarō and Akaashi Keiji are in the mafia business, however, they are on opposing sides. When Akaashi gets caught by the other side, he expects to be shot and killed right then and there, but the lead fighter, Bokuto had other plans.

[Cursing] [Slight gore] [Could consider this to be Yandere] [Murder] [Kidnapping] [Holding Hostage] [Manipulation] [Protection]

(Proof Read) 


"Hold it right there or i'll blow your brains out." The man said from behind the raven headed male

Akaashi cursed at himself internally for getting caught in the other sides lands, holding his arms up and behind his head as he looked at the man pointing a sleek black pistol at him.

For backstory, there were two main mafia points in the Miyagi Prefecture that held the most power. The Inazai and the Neshoi. These were the only two groups to successfully evade authority numerous amounts of times, and were still not caught to this day.

Many other groups like Karza and Oijo were competitors, but were taken down recently. Only strongest two remain.

Although Neshoi was a well formed group, they needed more people to stand their ground. 

Someone who was observant, intelligent, and calculated all the while showing the least bit of emotion.

Someone exactly like Akaashi. 

Akaashi was around his middle twenties when he got approached by two men offering him a better pay, seemingly right after he got laid off of his job in a huge tech company.

Although sketchy, he needed the money to support himself, and through that joined the Mafia as a field agent.

And thats how he ended up here.

"Put your weapons down Mr. Akaashi." The man said

The raven headed male slowly moved his hand in his suit jacket, slipping out his silver gun, tossing it on the floor, and kicking it over to the other.

"You have quite the history on the other side." He said, still pointing his gun as he nudged his head towards the side "Move it."

Akaashi stayed silent as he followed the mans orders, pressing up against the wall and turning around so the other man could check him for more weapons. 

Standing there quietly as the man patted his back and arms, a sudden flash of light in the dark sky caused the man to lose his focus for a split second.

A split second too long, as Akaashi skillfully slipped a knife out from a strap on his ankle and slit the mans throat.

Right before he could run, a sudden strong force grabbed him and pushed him down onto the brick wall once again.

Akaashi groaned upon the impact, struggling against the man over him but he was too strong, clawing the knife away from the other and pinning him there.

"Akaashi Keiji." The new man said, face suddenly becoming clear from the bright streetlight above "I'm Bokuto Kotaro. Nice to meet you."

A sudden hit against the shorter's head from the wall behind him knocked him out immediately, Bokuto holding his limp body in his hands.

"What do you want us to do boss?" A man said from behind Bokuto

"Arrange for me and Mr. Akaashi to go to a safe house. He has intel we need, and maybe... something more."

✧·゚: *✧·゚:* ✂︎ Timeskip ☾ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧

Akaashi groaned as he woke up, a throbbing pain in his head as his blurry vision became more and more clear. 

"Awake already?" A voice said, causing the shorter to turn to him

"...Where am I?" Akaashi said, feeling as his hands were tied behind his back as he was propped up on a wooden chair 

"You remember my name from earlier right? Or did the head slam to the brick wall give you brain damage?" The man said, blatantly ignoring the question and getting in front of the the smaller

Akaashi stared at him, getting a good look at the man before him who was sitting on a backwards chair.

He was a tall man with white-grey hair and black streaks. He had golden eyes and a very buff physique with wide shoulders. 

No wonder his man was able to overpower him at the scene.

"Done staring yet?" He smirked

"Your name. Bokuto Kotaro." Akaashi said

"That's right. No wonder your an intelligence agent." Bokuto said

"Its not just from that. Your name is drilled into our heads as agents. You're the lead fighter." Akaashi said

"So they talk about me eh? Hope its good information." Bokuto said

"I know many things about you Bokuto-san." Akaashi said 


"You're older then me." 

"Should've expected someone like you to have respect, even in our line of work." Bokuto chuckled "What else do you know about me besides my job and age?"

Akaashi narrowed his eyes at him, clearing his throat "I know that you're a busy man being the lead fighter, so i'm having a hard time placing why you'd take your time to see me getting detained." 

Bokuto got off his chair and walked towards the other, grabbing his chin and getting close to his face.

"You're a smart one, Keiji." Bokuto said, staring into his eyes "It's quite sexy."

"So i've been told." Akaashi snarked back

"Well whoever did." Bokuto said, putting a gun down at the table next to them "Tell them that you'll be mine from now on. So back off."

"Answer the question." Akaashi firmly said

"You aren't the one in power here." Bokuto said, tightening his grip on the others chin before letting go "But since you're cute. Fine." 

The shorter stayed silent as the other got up and spoke.

"As one of my men said before you killed him, you have quite the history Keiji. Enough for me to know how intelligent of an agent you are." Bokuto said, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed "You not only can read my people like an open book, you can calculate attacks and evaded us for months although being a first-timer." 

"Seems like you talk about me as well." Akaashi said

"I took a specific interest in you." Bokuto said, leaning down to his face "And I know you're probably a loyal one, but not to the other side."

Akaashi stayed silent.

Bokuto stared at him with a menacing smirk "You don't want to be in this business, but you had no money and no choice but to go along with it to keep yourself afloat."

The shorter looked up, meeting the taller's eyes as he continued "Now you have a choice. You can never simply leave the mafia once you're within it. The only way's to escape is shameful death by betrayal or failure, or successful death by long time prosperity as a leader."

"What are you offering me." Akaashi bluntly said

"I'm offering you protection. You  can leave the whole mafia business and have nothing to worry about for a lifetime." Bokuto said

"In exchange for what.." Akaashi said

Bokuto chuckled darkly and held the younger's cheek in his hand "You being by my side, as my lover."

Akaashi widened his eyes as he looked at the other, he had grown an obsession over him through studying him.

All of a sudden, Bokuto reached behind him and cut off his ties, leaving some rope burn before lending his hand out.

"Do we have a deal?"


Should I make a part 2?

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