Neighbours 1

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Pre Author Note

I'm abroad for a bit, so the amount of stuff I can put out is reduced. I'll still try to upload weekly.

Thank you!


As each day passed the blanket of snow that covered the land grew ever thicker and whiter and the noses and ears of the goblins grew a bit redder. The whistling of a flying arrow was abrupted by the sound of flesh being pierced, followed by a loud crunch of snow. The perfectly white blanket now had a growing stain of red on it.

"Ooh! That was a big elk!" A goblin laughed. "The chief's going to be happy with this one."

The goblin who got the kill shook his head. "Quit messing around, get that corpse on the sleigh before the blood runs out. Don't you want some elk sausage?"

A pair of hunters quickly ran over to the corpse and dragged it on a shabby wooden sleigh, pulled by one of the shiny goats. "Sausage with goat cheese and Supple Springers? Quit making me think of food, you're going to make me drool Rugum."

"Yeah, don't be a glutton Zotnik, we need to save food for the winter. The girls need the food too," Rugum said calmly.

"The girls?" Zotnik. "You want to impress someone with your hunt? Ha! What girl in the camp wouldn't lay with you?" The goblin joked, but Rugum's expression remained stoic. Before he could respond, Zotnik waved his hand dismissively. "I know, you care not for women. Only for the hunt!" He spoke in a poor impression of Rugum, comically imitating his deep voice. "Anyway, why didn't the chief show up today? He usually comes with us."

Rugum sighed. "He's been acting... odd ever since some of the girls gave birth. Then again, he's always been somewhat different... To say the least," Rugum spoke with great care. He did not want to insult his leader directly, but it was a consensus that their leader was not a normal goblin.

Zotnik snorted. "Yeah, you could say that again! What kind of guy only sleeps with one girl! Hahaha!" He chuckled heartily. "Well, at least he's not mad like Voglo!"

"Voglo's mad?" Rugum asked in disbelief. "I think he's rather intelligent."

"Oh yeah? Well, you're not the one he forced to scarf down a load of blue moss! I had the runs for days after that!" Zotnik protested.

Rugum was fed up with the chit-chat and gestured to Zotnik to remain silent. "Enough, get that arrow back, the smiths worked hard to make those iron arrowheads, we can't afford to lose them."

"Right right, I saw how those guys worked hard. They took a bunch of swords and melted them down into an unusable heap." Zotnik complained as he retrieved the arrow from the elk's neck.

Eventually, they returned to their camp with their quarry, the butchers happily took the elk carcass and began to process it on the spot. Some of the girls were carrying their babies, wrapped up in endless layers of blankets. Rugum waved at one of the babies and its smile brought out a gentle warmth in the air.

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