sixteen | Moments shared, moments cherished

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And yet, for the past millennia, his betrayal was endless and unjustifiable, causing her faith in him to fade into nothingness and her love wasted on as it was mocked by everyone else, including the mortals who think they are more knowledgeable than the gods themselves.

How was she to cherish something that should have occurred not in rare moments but in every second of what should be spent together for eternity?

It seemed life was more precious when there is an end to look out for.

Now, at a brief moment of weakness, the queen took advantage of their immobilized state. After all, the concerned look in his electric bluish-grey eyes seemed to lure her in once more. Her lips parted and whispered, hoping for the wind to drag her hushes into his ear, "I yearn for your touch, your embrace, your presence... in every second that passes each day, my King. And yet... When an opportunity comes, I withdraw from you. I withdraw from you as much as I want you by my side. I-" only want you to be mine. But every time I am greeted with your presence reminds me of your betrayal. Every betrayal is as painful as the first one. And yet, here I am, yearning for you despite all of it. My anger may appear to be directed towards you but they are solely consuming my being as it blames me for not being enough. She wanted to impart.

His hold on her tightened as he encouraged her to speak freely.

Her features instantly hardened and her walls returned. "It would please me dearly if you would set whatever transpired the night before aside for the time being. I behaved on behalf of my uncontrollable emotions as they were poorly acted upon, and once again, you handled the situation before it went out of hand.

And for that, I am extremely grateful."

Despite changing the course of her words, Zeus understood her clearly. He did not call her out for voicing out her true emotions and diverting them afterward. He was well familiar with the difficulty she constantly faces due to the debates within herself.

As she pondered on her thoughts and anxiously waited for her husband's response, she unconsciously noticed the beats on their chest moving in sync. The distraction caused her to jerk in response to the abrupt movement of the king as he fluidly brushed away strands of ginger red from her forehead and warmly pressed his lips on top of it. She let herself sink into his warmth once more, her fingers unknowingly caressing the exposed and striking curves carved onto his stomach.

Their attraction from one another was apparent. Even electrical charges emitting from their forms seemed to agree to their compatibility which is why it was painful for Zeus to withdraw from her touch and entangle their limbs as he sat up from the silky cotton-like sheets, his ruined top barely hanging from his shoulders.

With a sheepish glance towards Hera, he voiced out his concern, "It would be wise for us to change into more appropriate clothing."

Where a cold shower would suffice.


The evocative whiff of woodsy and earthly furniture would undoubtedly be noticed upon entering the Queen's main study together with the aromatic and freshly made herb tea resting on her desk. After hours of organizing the ballroom for tonight's event, she retired to her study to scan upon the remaining reports. Earlier that morning, the rainbow goddess was sent to deliver the Queen's message to the Lord of the Underworld. She gathered it was wise to speak to him regarding the matters that occurred the night before with him while hours are still flourishing and the sun chariot remain stagnant in the sky.

There was a sudden familiar unpleasant tingling sensation creeping onto her spine as her peacock, Matía, materialized on her shoulder, confirming her suspicions. Within seconds, the Queen vanished and emerged into the throne room, despite the presence of Zeus and his favorite child, Athena, who were silently conversing from their thrones. Their eyes widened in surprise at the presence of the Queen who was dressed in her golden robes.

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