Based on Sk8er Boi

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Ladybug stood hidden in a back ally, she was waiting for Chat Noir. If she had to guess like her he had just graduated high school. But unlike her, he was properly was going to leave Paris. Not that she blamed him, she'd gathered over the years that he did not have a good home life. College was likely his best chance at escape. She actually already had his replacement in mind, as the guardian, she couldn't risk not having a partner. Actually thanks to graduation and College she'd had to find replacements for most of the team. Thankfully she knew of a few people she could trust left in Pairs to form her new team that was staying here for college. 

"My Lady!" Chat Noir landed next to her. "Sorry it took me so long, I had to find a place to park and transform to get to you."

She giggled, "Don't worry Kitty. I knew you would come." 

"Glad to know you still believe in me." He sighed heavily. "I don't know how to tell you this." 

"You're leaving Paris?" She gave him a soft smile.

"How did you?"

"Everyone else on the team who I gave their Miraculous to full time did the same thing this week. I'm really the only one who really can't leave." That and she'd wanted to find a reason to get them back from her former friends. 

"Oh, I'm sorry My Lady, that must be hard." She placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. 

"Sadly it's probably the easiest part of my high school years." She thought back to switching schools in grade 8 to be with her now-boyfriend to get away from the liars, she used to call friends. Lila had got what she wanted, only she hadn't expected all of Kitty Section to follow Marinette to her new school. Marinette had asked Adrien to switch schools with her, telling him of her feelings and asking him out. To which he said no, he was in love with someone else. Then because of luck, her new school and old school were sent to the same high school. Luckily for her, Kitty Section becomes quite popular and her association with them as their designer saved her from Lila attempting to wreck her high school years too. But watching her former friends and crush move on without her hurt. It was made harder by having to fight with Alya and Nino as heroes. Yes, she could have taken the Miraculous' away but she'd learn from Chole she needed a reason as Ladybug not as Marinette to take them away and as hero's they really hadn't messed up. 

"I didn't know you were having a rough time LB." He gave her a smile. 

She shrugged, "Nothing worse than any other high schoolers' experiences. So How do you want to do this? Do you want me to know who you are or not?" 

"You're giving me a choice?" The way his face lit up made her heart light, yes he knew she had a boyfriend and he seemed to have an on-again-off-again girlfriend. 

"Yes Chat Noir, I am. But let's be clear, you can't know who I am, it's too risky. I had to learn how to ease one team member's memories because she got too close. And I couldn't risk it. I also can't promise to give you your Miraculous back, when you return. Unlike Reyna and Carapace, I can't just give some of the other temporary holders their Miraculous full time. I need someone with Plags power." She gave him a small smile. 

"I know, but I really want to get away. My cousin is going to school in America so I can board with my Aunt and finally get away from my father." He sat down leaning against the wall. 

"Maybe I'll be able to give you a different one when you get back."

"If I come back. I might stay away for a long time. But I would like you to know who I am. Even if I can't know you. I respect that." He slipped his ring off. "Hey LadyBug."He gave her a small wave. 

Her hand when to her month, "Adrien."She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry your about to lose your freedom." She held out her hand.

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