Chapter 9

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Azriel's wrapped his shadows around Arcane to hide her from plain sight. The darkness of Hybern was different from the darkness of Velaris. Nights in Velaris were slow and lazy like a mother's lullaby. As if the dark was caressing you to sleep. In Hybern, the dark was like a heavy stone sitting on your chest, refusing to move till it suffocated the life out of you.

If Arcane shone in Velaris, here her glow was glaring at anyone who saw it. Several layers of stolen dark clothes and his shadows were the only thing keeping her out of the eyes of the civilians.

"Why are we so far away from the palace?" She hissed.

"The palace is in shambles, I told you that. I don't know about how well the entrances are guarded anymore. I'm going to take us in through the one way that I know is the safest." He whispered and looked around before grabbing her wrist and pulling her behind a small house.

They shifted quietly and she spoke even quieter. "Where is that path?"

"Through the forest. There is a tunnel about four miles from here."

"Four miles?" She whisper-yelled. "Why didn't you winnow to the entrance then?"

"Because,-" he pulled her against his chest as a group of children ran by them. She stood frozen and hid her pale palms from those kids by placing them on his chest. "-the entrance is enchanted. No fae magic can be used near the entrance." He explained and she suddenly looked very concerned.

"I hate this." Arcane mumbled. "Where is the forest?"

They again began walking after the children were gone. Azriel said, "Only a few minutes more. This place is just at the edge of the forest."

"If I die-" she threaten him for the millionth time but he cut her off.

"-then nobody saves my home. I won't let you. Trust me."

Arcane saw the trees and her heartbeat relaxed. "Do you think there will be people in the forest?" She inquired.

"I don't think so. Even if there were, we won't encounter them."

Arcane jumped over a fence effortlessly and Azriel was almost impressed because of how bulky her skirt looked. "Tell Nyx I loved him." She mournfully said.

"You're going back with me." He sighed. Soft footsteps sounded nearby and Azriel pulled her in a small dark corner. His broad shoulders hid her small frame well and his shadows kept them out of sight. Her warm breath brushed against the hollow of his throat and he whispered, "Your heart is beating very fast, Arcane."

"I'm going to die here. Of course it's beating very fast. Your breaths are coming short."

"They are. You're too close. I'm getting suffocated." He said with no tone of complain in his voice.

"You pulled me here." She shot back. "I was well away from you."

"If I had let you stand in the open you would have been killed." He muttered. She glared at him from where she was pressed against him.

"I can kick you in the balls if I want to, you know? Keep your mouth shut if you want to fuck anyone ever again." She threatened and he shut up.

A group of people were talking loudly nearby so they didn't dare move. Arcane moved awkwardly in the non-existent space between them before saying, "My head is still spinning. This is your second time taking me somewhere I don't want to go. Don't make a habit out of that."

"I might."


"But I might." That earned him a smack on the chest.

A Court Of Moonlight And Shadows (An Azriel/ACOTAR Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now