Chapter 8

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"I just want to squeeze him. He is like a balloon." Mor sighed.

"So adorable." Arcane kissed Nyx's head. The toddler didn't even stir. "You know what Nyx? Soon enough, I'll be your only aunt."

Mor frowned, "What happens to me?"

"Nothing anybody can prove." Arcane smiled at the sleeping little boy who smiled in a dream.

Mor placed a hand on her heart, "I thought we were friends! You can not betray me like that!" She pouted.

"Anything for this cutelittle thing." Arcane shrugged.

"I can not believe you would say this to me, Arcane. Feyre, you and I could be the-"

"Arcane!" They both jumped at the loud voice of the spymaster.

"Is that Az? He's yelling?" Mor's mouth hung open. "If it isn't someone mimicking  him, I will just pass away."


"I'm going to pass away."

"If you don't spe- oh, hello Mor." The spymaster blinked. "I didn't know Nyx was sleeping here. Where are Rhys and Feyre?" He walked towards the two females.

They both exchanged equally shocked glances before Arcane answered, "Feyre is out in the city and Rhys had to go somewhere with Cassian." She explained.

Azriel bit his lip when he looked between Nyx and Arcane before saying to Mor. "Can you look after him? There is something I need to talk to Arcane about." She nodded and carefully held the baby when Arcane handed him over.

"What is it Spymaster? I just met my nephew. Why won't you let me spend some time with him?"  Arcane huffed.

"It will only take a moment." He promised and said, "Can you go wait in the balcony for a moment. I'll be there."

"Be quick. I have things to do." Arcane walked past him.

Azriel turned to Morrigan and hurriedly whispered, "I can't tell you where we are going, Mor. But if we're not back in a week, assume that we're both dead. Don't, under any circumstances, come looking for us. Don't let Rhys, Feyre or Cass come either."

Mor looked at him with an extremely alarmed expression. "What are you talking about? Is everything okay?"

"Yes. But don't worry about me or Arcane." He said as he walked backwards and towards the balcony where Arcane waited.

Morrigan looked torn between looking after Nyx and going after Azriel to make him tell her everything but she knew that even if she asked, he wouldn't tell. She watched him talk to Arcane carefully.

"I found it." He said to her.

"You did? Where?" Arcane gripped the railing till her knuckles turned white.

"You know where." He said. "It's in the palace."

"Where in the palace?" She grew agitated.

"I don't know that."

"What do you mean you don't know that?" Arcane snapped.

"When I made the last map of that palace, it was standing strong. Now, it has been torn apart. Most of the structure is gone because they can no longer manage to keep it. Who needs a palace when you don't have king?"

Arcane chewed on her lip, "Yes. Yes. How long do I have to wait?"

"As long as you delay it." He smiled.

"I'm not delaying it. You are!" Arcane shook her head in frustration. Then, it dawned on her. "No. Spymaster, it is your job."

"I said I'd give you what you ask for. I never said I wouldn't take you to it." He grabbed her wrist when she tried to back away.

Panic set deep into her chest as she twisted her arm to make him let go but his grip only tightened. "Let's go, moonshine." He smiled and they were both engulfed by darkness. A single "Azriel, no!" echoing in the air.

Morrigan jumped out of her seat as they winnowed away and debated whether to tell Feyre or not. She trusted Azriel to do the right thing and she trusted Arcane but something wasn't right. They were both hiding something and she didn't know what.

Where had they gone?

Azriel landed in a dark alley, his siphons the only source of light, and let go of Arcane's hand. Her eyes were squeezed shut but she pulled back and stumbled backwards, almost tripping over a rock.

When she opened her eyes, Arcane was with the spymaster and in a nightmare - Hybern.

She grabbed his collar and slammed his shoulders against a wall, "You've just killed us both. I hope you're happy!"

A Court Of Moonlight And Shadows (An Azriel/ACOTAR Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя