13 || FaceTime Calls

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It's been five days since my best friends left me. I miss them, but I'm not dying. I've only had two anxiety attacks, and I got through them. I'm pretty proud of myself.

Jack did end up texting me the day after we met at the beach. Charlotte and I fangirled a little too much when his message popped up on my screen. We got some strange looks from all of the customers in the store. We've talked a bit, and he's a really neat guy. But Mikey is really neat, too. But Mikey also hasn't tried to show any interest in me except for confessing his love to what he thought was a passed out Skye.

I can't wait around on him forever, especially with Jack trying to get in the picture. I've never been the patient kind, and Michael is really testing what little patience there is. And, if we're supposed to be together, fate will work it out, right?

The sound of my phone vibrating on my bedside table catches my attention, and brings me out of my concentration. I roll over onto my stomach, reaching for my phone that is impossibly far away. I almost let it go, but then I notice a familiar dimpled face on the screen. I practically jump for the small plastic rectangle, and answer just in time.

I lift the phone to my ear only to hear a bunch of exasperated voices asking why the screen is all dark. I pull the smooth glass away from the side of my head and see that it's a FaceTime call, not a regular phone call. My face lights up at the sight of my idiots in a dogpile on top of Ashton who is holding the device for all of them to see.

"Skye!" Four voices shout, startling me.

"Oh my goodness I miss you guys," I practically whine. Seeing them is now making me miss them even more. "Wait, you assholes. Why are you just now calling me? You've been gone for days!"

"Sorry babe, we were too busy being awesome," Luke says with a wink. Calum smacks him on behalf of the other boys and me.

"We miss you too Skye," the blue haired boy says with a pout that makes my stomach flutter. The rest chime in in agreement, making my heart ache.

"Please come back soon. I need you guys back in Sydney. Like now. Oh," I shout. "I almost forgot! I made a new friend."

"I knew you had social skills! What's her name? Is she single? I uh," Calum starts. "I'm asking for a friend. Yeah. I've got this friend who's looking to date. Her. If she's single. And hot."

I laugh as I start to tell the boys all about Charlotte. We carry on the conversation for over two hours as they tell me all the stuff they've been doing in London. They have to go much too soon, and I can't believe that they've become so important to me. Five days without most people I was close with back home wouldn't even phase me, but these past one hundred and twenty hours without my boys has nearly killed me.

I may be able to function like a normal human right now, but a piece of me is definitely missing.

I lay back down on my bed, and after several minutes of just lying here doing nothing, I decide a nap would be fantastic right now. I haven't had a really great nap in ages. I used to take naps all the time back home, but they usually weren't sleep deprivation related.

As I remember how I used to lay in bed doing nothing all the time, I realize how much better I'm doing now. I literally had nothing better to do than sleep when I lived in Virginia. At least, I never felt like I had anything better to do.

I'm not going to take a nap. I'm going on an adventure.


The wind is blowing through my hair as I drive with all of my windows down. Summer is definitely coming. I'm really excited because back home my birthday was always in the fall, but here in Australia, October is a spring season. The warmth washes over me as I drive in my borrowed car, courtesy of Lucas.

A billboard on the highway tells me that the art museum is a great destination, and I couldn't agree more. Time to act pretentious and like I care about art so I can take some artsy photos of people walking around. Good thing I brought my camera.

The radio stations here actually have a decent taste in music, and I'm having myself a little jam session as I drive into the city.

With traffic, it takes me almost ten minutes to locate the museum. I find parking a few block from the entrance and make sure I have everything before locking the car doors. With my camera around my neck I look like your average lame tourist, but my outfit definitely helps balance it out.

I inspect my clothes for any impurities. My light wash high waisted jeans are crisp, rolled at the ankles. Black heeled chelsea boots stop just under the cuffs of my pants. My men's button down shirt is perfectly tucked into my pants, looking lazy yet cute. The four necklaces cluttering my neck are layered perfectly, and my nine earrings are in perfect harmony; they actually go together and look cohesive. There's probably way too many rings on my fingers, but I don't care. The silver watch set in a black leather strap is ticking on my frail wrist. I look pretty good.

And I'm modest as well.

As I walk towards the museum, the sun practically blinds me. I stop to reach for my sunglasses that sit in my purse. While I'm digging in the deep abyss that is my crossbody bag, a hand latches onto my arm. Stunned, I look up with my pepper spray now in my hand.

"Whoa there Miss USA, it's just me," a boy in sunglasses says with a chuckle. I bring my hand up to my eyes, still blinded by the sun, and see that it's just Jack. He looks flawless today. Embarrassed, I put the pepper spray back into my bag while finding my raybans.

"Sorry," I whisper. "I'm not really used to strangers grabbing me."

"Well I'd hope that I'm not a stranger. Where are you headed? I'll walk you."

"Oh, I'm on my way to the museum." I point to the building that's a block away from us.

"Care if I join you? I haven't been since year ten." I look at the attractive young man standing next to me, and think of Michael. But Michael isn't here. And Michael isn't making an effort.

"Well, if you really want to stare at old paintings and occasionally take a picture of me then yes, you can join me."

"I promise to do my best and try to be as artsy and mysterious as possible," he says as he salutes me. I giggle as we begin to walk in the direction of the entrance.

Once we're inside, Jack takes the lead and shows me around. We talk about everything and laugh a little too loud at times. I take so many sneaky pictures of strangers just doing there thing, looking at art. And I beg Jack to take several pictures of me. He did, in fact, take some really artsy ones.

Somehow, three hours have passed, and we're walking to some bistro that Jack wants to go to. I'm looking at the pictures we took as we weave through the loads of people all visiting the city for the day. Jack's are actually incredible.

"How are your pictures so great? I'm really jealous right now," I huff.

"Well, I am a photography major at university, so it'd be a bit embarrassing if mine sucked," the tall brunette boy chuckles.

"Oh," is all I manage to utter before we arrive at where we're having a late lunch. The outside is cute, and I imagine that the inside is very hip. Like what you'd see tons of pictures of on Tumblr.

Jack walks up to the register and orders his food, paying for himself. Okay, it's not a date. But hopefully we can have one soon. I quickly tell the cashier what I want and hand her some cash before heading over to the table my tour guide has claimed for us.

This is nice. I like this. And I'm starting to like the possibility of us.



Late update due to my parents being buttheads... They're getting suspicious about how long this "project" is taking so only one update tonight. I'll get you all one by Saturday night. I promise!

Thank you so much to all of you lovely readers. I cannot believe I hit 13k reads. PLEASE comment comment comment and like like like. It makes me so happy and motivated when you give me feedback (:

Lots of love. Xx. Ash

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