04 || Road Signs

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The boys insisted on taking me to my hotel. I'm still in shock from what's occurred in just these past few hours. My favorite band in the entire world ran into me at the airport and now they've decided that we're friends? This doesn't happen to people, and it definitely does not happen to me. For fuck's sake it even seems like Michael already has a crush on me or something. That's probably just me being insane, though; wishful thinking.

Why would the most precious human being on this planet be attracted to me in any way. Sure, he and the rest of the boys said they'd found me hot, but that doesn't mean anything. That was over a year ago. They could have celebrities. They could have gorgeous girls from all over the world. Why would I be anywhere near significant enough for any one of them to like me? I'm not. But I can't really complain. Their friendship seems just as exciting to me.

We're driving down a highway and all of these road signs zoom past. It's hard to take everything in. I've left everything I know and everyone I love to come all the way across the world. I don't know how I'd be functioning right now if I hadn't found someone. I don't know how I ever thought that I could come here alone and survive, and half of me wants to get back on the plane I came on.

These boys will forget about me the minute they drop me off at my hotel, and I'll be the most alone I've ever been in my entire life. I need to make a game plan like I should have back before I left Virginia. Why did my parents let me go on this adventure alone? Sure, it's what I asked for, but they know me. They know I'm an anxious mess 24/7.

Ok. Just get sorted and have an idea. That's all you have to do. I'll get to my hotel and ask the front desk about where I can look for a more permanent living situation, maybe I can ask the boys where a good area is. And I'll buy several newspapers to look for job openings. There we go. Easy.

The boys helped me exchange my money and gave me some extra since it turns out I didn't come with very much. I'm okay for now, and that's enough to let me calm down. I can breathe.

"Have you got boyfriend?" Luke's question catches me off guard and suddenly all of the boys have their attention focused on me.

"I- I uh."

"Luke, of course she has one, she's dating me!" Calum throws in, saving me. I've never been too excited to tell people that I've never actually dated anyone, and not by choice. Boys have just never liked me. Calum seems like a quality first.

"No, but seriously." Michael says a little persistent.

"No not really..."

"Good," they all say at once. I look at all of them slightly amused and majorly confused.

"You're ours and nobody elses!" Ashton adds excitedly.

"I- I can't think of anyone better than you four gorgeous boys. I'll take it."

We all laugh as I notice the car is going slower and we're no longer on a highway. We're heading towards a more suburban area, and I know there's no way the huge hotel I'm supposed to be going to is in this neighborhood. I almost ask where we're going, but decide to just roll with it. It's time to live more adventurously, and become a new person. This is my chance.

We make several turns onto several roads and the boys are all chattering with excitement. I very quickly realize that as I was arriving today, they were returning. I had completely forgotten that they'd been in California for most of the summer while recording their third album. I'm intruding on their big return to Sydney, and I'm just kind of awkwardly here. I'm very out of place.

"Weeee have arriiiiived," Michael sings as we pull into the driveway of a house I'm guessing is one of theirs.

"Wait," I start, "arrived where?"

"Luke's, silly!" Oh no. Am I meeting their parents? Am I at some weird welcome home party? My life is slowly getting more and more complicated.

The boys all file out of the car and into the front door of the house. Calum and I are the last two outside.

"Wait. Calum. Am I interrupting something?"

"No! Nonono, not at all. Luke's mum was just watching his place while we were gone, and she's made us dinner for tonight!"

"Well don't you all want to be with your families tonight? I honestly could just get a cab to my hotel. I don't need to be in the way."

"Skye," the dark haired boy says as he places his hands on my shoulders. "you're not staying at a hotel. Don't be ridiculous! You're staying with my sister, Mali."


"You're not invading, you've been invited. I already called her and one of her roommates just moved out two weeks ago. Now come on you boob, let's eat." Calum puts an arm around my neck, and guides me into the house.

This gap year is going to be much, much more eventful than I had anticipated.



Ooooh things getting exciting. Honestly I'm living vicariously through Skye, and I would love to be her. Hope you enjoyed this section. It's taken me months to update and I apologize greatly. School is such a struggle.

Love my like 2 readers

Xx. Ash

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