28 || Pressure

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"Don't make fun of me..." I mumble, not sure if I want to say this out loud.

"Skye, come on jus-"

"I don't want Michael to break up with me."

Calum looks at me, trying to figure out what I'm hinting at.

I continue to explain and say, "he won't want to date me anymore, at least, not for much longer."

"Skye why? What are you even talking about?" the brown haired boy asks in concern.

"I DON'T WANT TO SLEEP WITH HIM. I don't know, maybe I'm ridiculously old fashioned, but I want to save myself. And guys don't like prudes," I spit with the last word filled with hatred.

"Guys never use that word in a good way. It's always 'oh she's a prude', as if to say she's not worth dating. Boys back home would talk about me and how hot I was, which is yet another word I hate, but then they'd say how I don't put out so I'm not worth it.

"I hardly ever gave guys any chances because even the ones that were okay with it eventually got bored of me. Michael's had sex and he's hooked up with girls. I don't want to feel pressured, but I don't want Michael to get bored with me..."

Calum looks at me in a way that confuses me. He probably thinks I'm so stupid.

"Michael isn't an asshole, Skye. Those other guys, they were assholes. Fucking assholes. Yeah, sex is great, but if a guy genuinely likes a girl, he won't dump her or get bored of her just because she wants to wait. Nice guys aren't like that."

"Well..." I start, not sure what to say in response.

"I can talk to Michael about this. I promise you he'll be okay with it," he says assuredly.

I let out a breath I didn't even realise I was holding in. It's okay, I tell myself. It's not that big of a deal.


Michael POV

"Calum just tell me what she said," I shout over the phone. The anxiety is killing me. Skye has been so distant this past week and now I find out that there's actually a reason for it.

"Michael, just chill. I'm coming over later. I think I should talk to you about it in person," he says in a calm manner; it pisses me off. Why can't he just tell me now?

"On a scale of one to ten, how bad is it?"

"I'll be over in a few hours," he states, ignoring my question and hanging up.

I let out a sound of frustration. He needs to get here soon.


Me: Can you come 'round?

Me: Or should I go to your place?

Me: Please

Loser Buttface: I can come over in a little

I jump up immediately and begin to clean like a madman even though the apartment is spotless. I want to impress her for some reason.

After Calum told me why Skye had been avoiding me, I was angry. I wasn't angry at her, but angry at all of the guys that literally scared her away from going out and meeting someone. I would never make her do anything she didn't want to, and I sure as hell wouldn't leave her just because she wasn't comfortable with going to certain places.

I begin to pace back and forth, trying to figure a way to show her that I truly mean what I'm about to say. I love her, and I'll wait as long as I have to. Even if that means it never happens.

A knock at the door startles me, making me jump. Running to the door, I almost trip over a rug, but recover quickly. As I rip the entrance open, I see a timid and scared looking Skye. I've never seen her like this and it kills me that it's me that has her so scared.

I wrap my arms around her, pulling her in for a hug. She's stiff and unresponsive, then slowly returns the gesture. We stand like this for a moment or two, not saying anything. Knowing that I need to do something soon, I release her and pull her towards the couch.

She sits down and up looks at me, and I can feel the discomfort. I don't know what to say or how to make sense of any of this. The main emotion that has a grip on me is anger, but I can't dump that on her. I just need to stay calm.

"We can wait," I finally blurt out.

Her head snaps up to me as she opens her mouth to speak. "Mikey I didn't mean for-"

I put my hands up and say, "I don't care how long it takes. We can wait until the night of our wedding; I won't make you'd anything you'll regret."

"Thank you," she says in a faint whisper. I can see so many emotions written on her face. I'm elated when I see a sign of relief appear.

"Can I- Can I ask why? Is it, like, because of church?" I ask, genuinely curious.

This earns a chuckle from her and she replies, "well that's what I was raised to think, but as I got older, I got in a discussion with some friends, and we were talking about virginity and our morals on losing it.

"In the middle of the conversation, a thought dawned on me: I don't want anything to compare him to. I don't want to think back to how great my first or second or third guys were in comparison to my husband. He doesn't have to have saved himself for me, but I think it's special and I want to save it for him."

"Wow..." I breathe.

I'm not sure how to respond. All that I care about from what Skye just said is that it's her own standard that she's set for herself. If she wants to wait, we will wait. And, hell, if we end up in a church saying those two, concrete words to each other, I'd be the happiest guy on the planet. And when we finally collide, it'll mean so much more to me because it means so much to her.

And I'm starting to think that maybe she's the one.



lansdlkfnoldsjbv I'm so Mye AF it hurts. They're so cuuuute

ONCE AGAIN, this is short, but it's continuing the last chapter!! So to anyone that was hoping for smut or whatever: sorry but I can't write that lol it'd just be awkward PLUS that doesn't really fit the character I've made her. If her being more reserved isn't your thing, then hey, what can ya do? But, just know my other stories I'm doing will all have different dynamics for the MC so don't pigeon hole my stories!!!

Song: Bed Space//Darwin Deez

Dedication: YO everybody, I just want you to know that @Jill_is_a_penguin is a babe. bless you for commenting, I just wanted you to know that I appreciate you

TIS ALL, Much love!!

Xx. Ash

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